Group against Marsaskala recycling plant calls for inquiry into plant development
The front against the Sant’ Antnin recycling plant says independent inquiry should analyse the process that led to the development of the WasteServ plant.
The front against the Sant' Antnin recycling plant has urged Environment Minister Leo Brincat to commission an independent inquiry into the process that led to the demolition and subsequent development of the WasteServ plant in Marsaskala.
In a statement, the group said it hadn't been surprised to hear workers lament of rats infesting the plant, given that the residents themselves have complained of an increased number in rats around the area.
The front said it had already complained that a number of studies had never been carried out, including a study on the contamination of the area, baseline studies and environmental health studies.
"Someone should explain why all those risks which had been identified had been discarded just because some studies said there would not be any problems," the front said.
It added that the company engaged by WasteServ had failed to seriously address the risks brought about by waste. The study, it said, had only reported that such risks did not exist because they would be controlled.
"Such arguments can never be accepted, especially when this is a plant that threats 71,000 tonnes of waste every years and is situated so close to residential areas," the front said.
It added that the development of the Family Park next to the plant did not bode well, given that in summer the area would be full of mosquitoes and flies.