Two top businessmen expected to be appointed on new Air Malta board

Air Malta is set to have new appointments which include two prominent Maltese businessmen.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has selected two top businessmen for the post of chairman and board member at Malta's national airline Air Malta.

The two appointments are expected within the next 48 hours.  The two prominent businessmen are expected to bring not only expertise and knowledge but are expected to put the profitability of the airline as their top priority.

It is not known whether the board will keep the present management structure, but the two businessmen come from successful local companies with a varied portfolio in Malta and abroad.

The two appointments are expected to transcend political allegiances and will surprise most observers.  The appointments will coincide with other surprising appointments in security forces and also government related companies.

The new Air Malta board with Louis Farrugia as Chairman is expected to replace the old board. The term for the old board expires at the end of May.

But even though the board is to replaced at the end of April, tenders related to marketing decision and promotions have been timed to be decided before the end of April and before the new board is appointed. 

I hope one of them will be MR Chalmers to be kickd out!!
@ ecarots - Agreed with you 100%. Please download - Arrigo-cricital-of-Air-Malta-s-leadership-20130409- and refer to comment by Jonas Cord Jr.
Bailing out the failing airline, our National Air Malta, was necessary because the Klikka of GONZIPN caused so much corruption in the purchases of aircraft and manouvering of shares that they bankrupted the airline. Now Malta Suppost Taghna Lkoll wants to justify this corruption and maintain the status quo. He and others like him cannot fathom that the absolute majority of the people have decided to have enough. Yes Enough is enough and those who deceived the people must make way for others who have to try and sort out the mess GONZIPN and his clique have left behind. Those who deceived must be brought before the Courts and prosecuted for every penny they extracted from the People.
It was evident that PN/gonzipn ran airmalta into the ground on purpose so they could sell to their "hbieb u hbieb tal-hbieb" at next to nothing like they did with Mid-Med, except that Mid-Med was a profitable concern which no government in his right mind would sell off. If gonzipn did win the last elections airmalta would have been once more ran into the ground and would have eventually been privitized.
These are all political maneuvers and nothing more. These type of promotions are to be expected after every general election and the PL is doing what every other political party did before them. We will have to wait for the end results. Could it be that the government is trying to get the FREEBEE Passes for the politicians and their families back? If so huge mistake. It took a man with a lot of guts and stamina to take away those perks and I hope they stay that way. Before that the Air Malta Planes had more Freebee Passengers than regular paying passengers and most of them filled the Business Class Section. Been there done that. In all fairness I hope that the two new businessmen appointees are well experienced in the Airline Business. Promoting people just for show is bad business. I wish the whole board lots of luck and hopefully they will see it in their hearth as TRULY MALTESE CITIZENS to return the Historical Selmun Palace back to the Maltese People, after all the Maltese People did unwillingly fund Air Malta with an almost 200,000,000 Million Euros to help Bail out the failing airline.
It-tifel tieghi hu high flyer. Applika kemm il-darba ghal post mall- Foreign Office, u baqa b'xejn waqt li haddiehor -with the right connections- mhux biss intaghzel imma mar fejn ried taht il-klikka ta GonziPN Ghallura Malta ghandha - minn issa l'quddiem tkomplu tkun taghhom biss( taghhom) tal- klikka u l-ohrajn li kellhom il- qualifications imma mhux tfal tal- klikka- baqghu l-art?
@ Jonas Cord Jr. - well Airmalta did prosper when Albert Mizzi was Chairman but it also made considerable profit when the Honourable Deputy Leader, Mr. Louis Grech was at the helm. @ Malta supppost taghna Lkoll: can you mention one appointment that was given to a Labour leaning person during the last 25 years under a PN government.....we voted for CHANGE and change we expect
@suppost malta taghna ilkoll Malta taghna ilkoll ma ifissirx li jitla il labour b 35000 maggoranza U tibqghu tiggvernaw intom bin nies taghkhom u tghamlu il bsaten Fir roti bhall fi zmien il gvern ta sant, it tghalima hadniha. U ma tisthix Titkellem fuq l airmalta meta intom dahhaltuha go hajt? Issa hu Pacenzja u stenna 30 sena ohra fl oppozizzjoni.
I have a gut feeling that Peter Borg of Bortex is one of the businessmen. It's payback time.
Very well and proper. But one hopes that these "top businessmen" are of the same fibre of Air Malta's first chairman vis. Mr Albert Mizzi. Mr Mizzi placed the success of Air Malta before those of his business organization.