Tonio Fenech to chair Public Accounts Committee
Former finance minister Tonio Fenech to chair the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee.
Tonio Fenech will be chairing the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee, the Nationalist Party said in a statement this afternoon.
The former finance minister will be replacing former Labour MP Charles Mangion who chaired the committee, which scrutinises the government's expenditure and accounts of state authorities, in the previous legislature.
The Nationalist Party also said that newly-elected MPs Kristy Debono and Claudio Grech will be sitting on the committee. The government will be appointing the other four members of the committee.
The Opposition's representative on the social assistance board will be its deputy whip Frederick Azzopardi.
My oh my. Aghar minn dawn it-tnejn zgur li m'hawnx. Wiehed miskin meta kien zghir ta' 20 sena inqabbad jiffalsifika identity card, li mhiex cajta. U l-iehor , tal-arlogg tal-lira, iddum tghid s'ghada kemm hawwad hu u in-nies li kellu fil-ministeru tieghu. Tinsewx li gonzi pn dejjem qabez ghal ta' l-ahhar u ta' l-ewwel ghax dixxiplu ta AG Aust, gonzi pn ma seta jaghmel xejn u kellu jaccetah. Insomma fuq kollox sewwa kien qal gonzipn lil Ambaxxatrici Amerikana li ma kellux biex jahdem u naqbel mieghu li ma hemmx minn fejn taghzel.
Was it not Tonio Fenech and Austin Gatt(now we his trusted friend Claudio Grech) who, from within the PAC ‘ATTACKED’ the Auditor General :
And even wanted to ‘INVESTIGATE’ the Auditor General in connection with the inquiry he made into the Voice of the Mediterranean. The radio station that was badly administered and more than Lm 1 million were squandered. Instead of the government asking the public for an apology for the way its taxes were mishandled, we witnessed a vile attack on the Auditor General:
So not much change from the PN side.
maria aquilina •
So we now have 2 members of the PAC carrying shady past - one receiving gifts, enjoy pleasure trips and with a secretary getting unsolicited funds in his favour while the other tampering with a police or CID ID card. Some PAC!!!
Was it not Tonio Fenech and Austin Gatt(now we his trusted friend Claudio Grech) who, from within the PAC ‘ATTACKED’ the Auditor General :
And even wanted to ‘INVESTIGATE’ the Auditor General in connection with the inquiry he made into the Voice of the Mediterranean. The radio station was badly administered and more than Lm 1 million were squandered. Instead of the government asking the public for an apology for the way its taxes were mishandled, we witnessed a vile attack on the Auditor General:
So not much change from the PN side.
When the Prime Minister averred that he wanted to involve the members of the opposition, did I miss out on him saying that so many posts will in fact be occupied by the now opposition! I wonder if his good deeds will ever be reciprocated when Labour would be in opposition! Ah well sry labour supporters, you spent two decades waiting for your turn to fill in a few seats but it seems that your wait is going to be further extanded by your party!
Ghama jmexxi l-Ghama it-tnejn jaqghu fil-hofra. Dak li mexxa il-finanzi (mhux fis-sod) sa xaghar ilu u li tahtu saru dawk il-kazijiet kollha ta' korruzzjoni irid imexxi l-iscrutinju tal-Finanzi issa? Finanzi li lanqas f' darhom ma kienu fis-sod!!!! Mela veru li GONZIPN u l-klikka tieghu ghadhom ma taghllmux!!!! Min naha l-ohra l-Inglizi jghidu li "it takes a thief to catch a thief"!! - b' kull rispett lejn l-integrita tal-persuni involuti.