Energy minister demands resignation of ARMS chief executive

Government seeks resignation of Enemalta billing company's CEO over energy benefit fiasco.

Energy minister Konrad Mizzi has called for the resignation of Wilfred J. Borg, chief executive of the Automated Revenue Management Services, the billing company owned by Enemalta and the Water Services Corporation.

MaltaToday has learnt that over 3,000 energy benefits paid to customers were incorrect due to a number of IT system errors, resulting in far less 'rebates' being paid to Enemalta clients.

The setting-up of ARMS by the Nationalist administration was a major source of controversy for consumers, who found an ineffective customer service and irregular computations of their bills.

"The situation at ARMS was problematic since its creation. Families and businesses have suffered from shortcomings that were the result of bad management," Mizzi said in a statement, revealing that certain "abuses" had led to an investigation by the police.

"Today the government was informed that ARMS passed on wrong misinformation to the Department of Social Security, resulting in the issuing of 3,119 energy benefits, from a total of 3,897, with drastically reduced amounts. This is just one of a series of grave and unacceptable shortcomings that consumers and taxpayers were paying for," Mizzi said.

"The government assures families that they will be receiving their rightful benefits in the shortest time possible."

Of course he should resign. He should also be investigated for a series of major scandals at ARMS Limited which have accumulated ever since it was conceived. Being oblivious of one error is one thing but denying accountability for all the rest of the mess ups at ARMS is another. The Minister must insist on his resignation whether he wants it or not, and certainly not being compensated for doing so when he was ultimately responsible for ensuring that the horrid episodes did not occur. The Maltese Public are fed up with exorbitant handouts to people who have abused their positions of power.
Emmanuel Mallia
These people will not find it hard to resign ! They probably have a very good retirement perks pack ! Lifetime exemption from paying utility bills, private pension schemes, to name just a few !!!
We cannot award incompetence and neglect. Good riddance.
Joseph kien qal kemm il-darba li min lest jahdem maghna ahna naccettawh. U jien nghid li min jrid jaghmel il-bsaten fir-roti Joseph ghandu jizbarazzah.
Way to Go Mr Mizzi, shake and rattle these authorities. These people, under the PN, thought they were Malta's white elephants and are above the law! To be honest, seeing how the PN ran it's internal businesses, it had no chance of managing authorities as big as ARMS! Keep it up!!!!
Dejjem b xi storja gdida. Ara taghmlux lill xi wiehed mill-antiki tergaw. Nhar il-gimgha bdew jghidu blata l-bajda li sejjer ikun hemm kunsulent gdid. Nisperaw li ikun gdid mhux dak li semmew li kien hemm xi tlett snin ilu. Dak kien tajjeb gha jibda jajrek biex thallas u jibad lill haddiem jaraw x'karozza ghandek. Jafu x'martirju ghadejjin minnu s-self emplyed hadd ma kien ikollu dawn il-kontijiet.Nisperaw li l-ewwel jaghlmu lill kbarat kif tittratta lin nies bizejjed ninsabu imsalbin. Dr.Konrad ara lill minn taghmelma ikunx bla qalb.
Dear Energy Minister. please stop Arms Ltd from taking people for a ride. Today I got a bill after a year running and ringing for a bill. A letter attached to the bill says that it was because my meters were changed. This is all bullshit since after my old meters were changed I continued to receive and paying bills regularly. As a meter of fact I was given until 23 April to pay this bill for nearly 400 euros which means more than half my pension. I also suggested to Arms Ltd that people are given the option to pay on account but I was told I can't since I have to have a bill to pay. I hope this won't fall on deaf early. We already had a Government that was deaf. I hope the new government will listen to its people.
"Wrong misinformation" ! What's that ? J. Ellis.