Joe Gasan appointed on Air Malta board

Businessman Joe Gasan to be appointed on Air Malta board together with Tumas Group director Ray Fenech.

Joe Gasan
Joe Gasan

Gasan Group director Joe Gasan is set to be appointed on the Air Malta board by the government, alongside Tumas Group director Ray Fenech who is expected to be named chairman.

As revealed on MaltaToday on Friday, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has selected the two prominent businessmen for the post of chairman and board member at Malta's national airline Air Malta.

The real surprise package is Joe Gasan, best known for his automotive and property businesses, who never had any ties with the Labour Party.

Fenech confirmed that he had "informal talks" with Tourism Minister Karmenu Vella, who is responsible for the national airline.

Both Gasan and Fenech are involved in the tourism sector and own multiple companies abroad.

The two prominent businessmen are expected to bring not only expertise and knowledge but are expected to put the profitability of the airline as their top priority.

It is not known whether the board will keep the present management structure, but the two businessmen come from successful local companies with a varied portfolio in Malta and abroad.

The appointments transcend political allegiances and come as a surprise to most observers.  The appointments will coincide with other surprising appointments in security forces and also government related companies.

The new Air Malta board is expected to replace the old board headed by Louis Farrugia. The term for the old board expires at the end of May.

But even though the board is to replaced at the end of April, tenders related to marketing decision and promotions have been timed to be decided before the end of April and before the new board is appointed.

As I have stated many times, I am for the private sector, and I agree that Government boards should include members from this sector. That would be the only way of improving the performance of these entities, i.e. by injecting fresh ideas and unbureaucratic actions within their operations. Having said this, I am also of the opinion that all actions taken by "independent" Government boards, should be transparent and regulated, if not actually scrutinised by the relevant Ministry's technical boys.
Rita Pizzuto
The PN said they would be honest opposition. I take it that also includes thei remaining supporters. So how come that all Joseph Muscat does is highly criticised by the same people whose arrogance resulted in the people giving them their worst ever political defeat. Labour has only been in power for a month. It has already done more than five years of Gonzi PN, it is also following on its proposals of not looking at colours. But it seems that when it comes to anybody agreeing with the PL and accepts to give Malta a lift they are branded as traitors by the Nuts. That is the same old story. When Mintoff tried he people such as Bertu Mizzi, and even our first President Sir Anthony Mamo they were branded as traitors. So just ignore PN altogether. They don' t know anything else but destruction. When it comes to Airmalta that the PN always tried to erase from the Malta map as it was founded by Labour, they destroyed it. By the way, one name I would propose to be a member of the board is that of Franz Camilleri, the former marketing manager. I am sure that if asked he would gladly be a help
Excuse me but many of these comments are at best ludicrous at worst pathetic. Now our new PM is in a situation of damned if you do and damned if you don't. He pledged to work with anyone willing to cooperate. On the one side his is taken to task for his labour leaning appointments. Now he is being flogged for appointing two top businessmen one of them notoriously PN . For God's sake decide. One thing is sure though such things did not occur under the previous government for to be appointed on something you had to be blue with a pedigree. For all you Labour supporters see where it got Gonzi. Please think with your minds not your hearts. The latter made wait 25 long years to see the Party in Government. Would your way of thinking had given us a 36,000 majority which equal a 9 seat majority. MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL a Joe Muscat means it.
Meta Mintoff ghamel lil Albert Mizzi li ma nahsibx li kien laburist, bhala chairman ta l-Airmalta hadd ma qal xejn. Ir-rizultat gie. Joseph dejjem qal li tista ma tkunx maghna imma tista tahdem maghna. Konna niehdu ghalina li kieku Joseph qal li ma jridx jaghmel xi cuc Malti imexxi l-Airmalta. Ahna lkoll Maltin.
Joe Gasan tal-Melita Cable?
Muscat is showing, with his appointments that he does not believe that there are capable persons in the PL camp fit to fill important posts. He is sending this message loud and clear. The man in the street is saying that Muscat is kissing ass of anyone PN so that he will get no flack , at the cost of those who helped him get to Castille. It seems that Muscat has already forgotten that his fantastic win was not due to him alone, but to the many who worked so hard. He has used these people and is now throwing them out like a squeezed lemon. He is forgetting his mantra of fixing injustices without creating new ones. Sideling capable persons who have worked hard for the PL and who have been sidelined for many years for their political allegiance is doing just that – creating injustices- but this time for his own supporters.. Yes, anyone appointed should be capable for the job, but is seems that meritocracy includes being a PN defector or a PN supporter. Being PN carries points with Muscat. Fenech and Gasan are Tonio Fenech’s buddies. They know how to work the political class very well. They might both be very capable business men, but is there nobody in the PL camp who is also capable? And where is the feminist govt which Muscat promised? Where are the women in important appointments ? Does the PL have any of these women at all? May I suggest Muscat employs RCC as his chief of protocol, DCG as the chief of PR and ABC as his speech writer? And you know what, at the rate he is going, we will not be surprised!
Ta'Kafkaf,għax probabbli jdaħħalhom gol-ħajt.
Top positions are still going to blue-eyed boys!!! What happened to all those that have been emarginated over the last 25 years or so.? What future can they ever hope for when every time there is a PL Government, blue-eyed boys still get the top jobs. What chance have our boys have to ever move up and be recognised? I am sorry but it seems that we are still going towards Malta TAGHHOM ilkoll.
It is not fair for the new board,, that tenders related to marketing decision, have been timed to be decided before the new board is appointed.
Peppi's comment below implies two things..firstly that the opposition should just shut up and accept everything, which of course is nonsense in a democracy, and secondly that Mr. Gasan's appointment dispels the notion that only Labourites or those that backed the Labour Party in the elections are being appointed. First of all it is entirely up to Mr.Gasan who he votes for and who he backs, but it is well known that major businessmen financially back both major parties. Secondly, Mr. Gasan has tremendous experience that should be useful to any government. The appointment would surprise no-one.
Dawn mhux l-istess tnejn li hadu lil Tonio Fenech fuq il-flight biex jara l-Arsenal ? Mela bla dubju ghandhom certu esperjenza fl-aviation business! Ghaliex ma jqabdux lil Tonio Fench bhala pilota, halli ikunu l-istess trio qed imexxu lil Air Malta?
Igor P. Shuvalov
Meanwhile the Nationalist speakers and media will continue with their claims that the Labour Government is dishing out all appointments to staunch Labour supporters. Their aim is not just to try to discredit the Government, but to try to stop the Government from appointing deserving and very well qualified Labourites to important posts.