Majority of PN employees remain unpaid

Despite reports that PN employees have received their March salaries, only a few have received money, fostering further resentment among workers.

The majority of Nationalist Party employees who were informed by outgoing secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier that they would receive their March wages by the end of April have not yet received their salaries.

The anger towards Borg Olivier grew when in recent days a few select employees were paid their salaries in cash, creating resentment between workers who were paid and those who are still waiting for their dues.

Sunday newspaper Illum is informed that the salaries were paid to workers chosen by Borg Olivier and the party's financial officer Antoine Borg.

Moreover, employees who spoke to Illum said that the salaries paid did not include the overtime accumulated in the run up to the 9 March election. The payments were made in cash as banks could withhold payments due to the PN's dire financial situation. 

Two weeks ago, MaltaToday revealed that crass mismanagement and a lack of forward planning has left the Nationalist Party and its commercial companies in very serious financial difficulties, rumoured to run into €8 million.

The situation has led to inevitable redundancies, with the party planning to restructure its media organisations in summer, following the election of the party's new leader, deputy leader and secretary general.

The massive debt accumulated by the party and commercial entities has been piling up over the past 10 years.

Read more in today's edition of Illum

Jidher li fost l-annimali kollha hemm annimali li huma preferuti fuq l-annimali l-oħra.Jekk ikollok l-annimali kollha bil-ġuħ,min ikun ġust x'jagħmel? Mhux jagħti ftit lill kull annimal. Imma milli jidher dawn temgħu biss lill-dawk ippreferuti. Sur JCV,li tkun fuq three day jew four day week tista tkun aħjar min daqqa ta'sieq u jitfgħuk il-barra. Dejjem jibqgħalek naqra ċans li terġa tiġi normali. X'taħseb?
Emmanuel Mallia
Was the money coming in only from donation campaigns and PN investments ? Why this all happened to happen just after loosing government ? Coincidence ?
Ara dawn ta'Gonzipn lanqas ma shabhom ma jzommu kelmthom ahseb u ara kemm tista tafdhom li jzommu kelmthom mal-poplu.
Ma tawx kaz lil dawk li kienu impjegati maghhom ahseb u ara lili u lilek. Haddiema qumu fuq taghkom jekk ma tridux tibqghu b'xiber imnieher!
Paul Borg Olivier....ghamel bhal ma ghamiltu lit-Tarzna, itfahha ghal offerti. Hasra li hemm hafna haddiema involut, avolja ghall-haddiema tat-Tarzna hlief hdura u oddju ma hargux min certu Nazzjonalisti. Kemm instemmett il-kelma "GHALAQILHOM". Illum il-pn hadha r-risposta, u wahda milli telfitlu hafna voti kienet l-gheluq tat-Tarzna. MHUX GHAX MA KIENX HEMM BZONN, IMMA GHAL MOGHOD TA' HDURA LI SARET. Il-PN qieghed jipprova jwarraba it-Tarzna mit-telfa elettorali, imma l-mijiet ta' haddiema Nazjonalisti u l-familji taghhom li tilef il-PN, zgur mhux se jerga jafdawhom, specjalment meta dawn kienu traduti min ittra ffirmata minn Lawrence Gonzi u suggerita min Simon Busutill, qabel l-elezzjoni.
Dan il-Futur fis-SOD li suppost gejna imweghda. Lanqas erba haddiema taghkom stess ma kellhom FUTUR fis-SOD ahseb u ara il-poplu malti u Ghawdxi. Halluna nghixu fil-PACI. Hallsuh il-Haddiem ghaliex dawk ghandhom familja.
Ma dawn l'impjegati u l'familji taghhom IMISSU jghamel apologija il-PN, kieku jaf jisthi ghax lanqas misthija ma ghandha l'amministrazzjoni tal-P.N.!
Finanzi fis-sod,kienu jgħidulna l-għorrief tal-PN.Lanqas il-finanzi ta' darhom stess ma kienu kapaċi jzommu fis-sod aħseb u ara ta' pajjizna.Jien onestament,jiddispjċini għall dawk il-ħaddiema,għax huma se jbatu il-konsegwenzi ta' dan kollu. Ara l-għarrief mhu ħa jbatu xejn min dan kollu,għax huma ħasbu għar-rashom tajjeb ħafna. Tgħid Aust/AG jew xi ras oħra min dawk li kienu jerdgħu min fuq il-poplu Malti se jħossu xi ftit remors ta dan kollu? Ma tant naħseb li ser iħossu ta' għax wiċċhom u sor.hom xorta.
Suggest they join GWU, which would in turn negotiate a four or three day week, which they are accustomed to do under Labour Governments.