Italian MEP tells Brussels to stop Malta’s ‘Wild West’ hunting season

Andrea Zanoni MEP says European Commission must stop derogation from Birds Directive and take Malta to the European Court of Justice.

Italian MEP Andrea Zanoni
Italian MEP Andrea Zanoni

An island for cowboy-hunters - that's what Italian liberal MP Andrea Zanoni (ALDE) said about Malta, after calling on the European Commission to block the government's derogation from the EU's Birds Directive, which bans spring hunting.

"Thousands of quail and turtle dove are at risk," Zanoni said in a statement. "The authorities' controls on hunters are ridiculous. The EU should block this absurdity and fine Malta for its violation of the Birds Directive."

Zanoni, who has previously witnessed indiscriminate hunting of raptors and birds of prey in Malta through the CABS (Campaign Against Bird Slaughters) monitoring campaigns, denounced the approval of the derogation by the Maltese government.

MORE Out in the field with BirdLife Malta

"Malta risks becoming the Wild West of Europe when it comes to hunting. It is unacceptable that a European member state violates community law by opening fire on thousands of migratory species," Zanoni said.

"This season only serves as a cover for the killing of over species," Zanoni added. "I ask the EC to urgently intervene and react to this new infraction by taking the matter to the European Court of Justice and immediately stop the derogation from the law."

Malta's hunting season will continue until the 30 April, with a quota of 11,000 turtle dove and 5,000 quails as a limit for 9,487 hunters to catch. The new Labour government has removed a €50 licence fee and a yellow armband that previously distinguished legal hunters from poachers. Hunters have to submit an SMS to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority each time they catch a bird.

"These limits are simple formalities when one considers that the lax controls will make any form of reconciliation of catch limits impossible," Zanoni said, who also pointed out that there are just seven enforcement officers for every 1,000 hunters. "The Administrative Law Enforcement police unit only has 18 officers, with other district police officers bringing up the total number to 66 officers."

I'm not in favour of indiscrimate hunting, but i cannot tolerate an Italian leading a crusade against Maltese hunters while Italian hunters are having the time of their lives shooting anything that flies. Shut up Zanoni and move your crusade nearer at home.
Emmanuel Mallia
Wild West is the torture of bulls in Spain !
Can this "learned" Italian MEP let us know how many birds in Malta are hunted down by Italian made guns please? Can he also tell us how masny Italian police are there monitoring Italian hunters in the whole of Italy, as well as the number of registered and unregistered hunters in his own country. Only then can we heed to what he said.
Dan l-MEP Taljan ghandu ragun jitkaza b'dawn l-affarijiet li qed jigru f'Malta. Dan fejn qatt sema' b'xi haga illegali f'pajjizu? Vergognati Sig Zanoni.
I think the proper translation is "wild West".
My goodness me, you (Italy), talking about hunting in Malta...we don't make guns, go and fix your tie.
Why does our Government fail to act responsibly? The damage to wildlife is well documented, yet we continue to pander to the few neanderthals who insist it is they're right to hunt as many migratory birds as possible, all for a few lousy votes? I normally don't appreciate other member states getting into our affairs, but I applaude Zanoni's actions. Pity our newly elected government chooses not to do what's right.
Can this gentleman kindly inform us how many enforcement officers there are in italy for the 1.5million registered hunters? Is it true Legal shooting of songbirds is allowed in Italy!!
The comment comming from this Italian MEP is not worth it's words when you know that in his country,some trappers and hunters(not all)do the most atrocious things.In Italian restaurants you can have a song bird pie and many other dishes.This Italian MEP described the Maltese hunters as Cowboy Hunters.Pity how he forgot to mention the Mafia mob he has in his country.
I think this Italian busy body would better worry about the death of people at the hands of organised crime like the Mafia and Indragetta instead of worrying about the lives of birds. Or are birds are more worthy of protection than human beings. And talking about the sanctity of life, how about this Mr Zanoni start worrying about the amount of abortions carried out in Catholic Italy. All these foreign do gooders should get a life and let us maltese solve our own problems.
The way I hear it most maltese hunters travel abroad to africa and in some instances south america and blast everything out of the sky. We need to work to change the hunters mentality not just have 'quotas'
Lost in translation: I think what Mr Zanoni meant was "Wild West". If so, the brave, intrepid hunters shooting tiny quail that would fit in the palm of their hands with powerful shotguns, would be chuckling with pride and accept the badge of "Wild West cowboys" as a compliment. Mr Zanoni is right however. In this case, to push the analogy, the hunting sheriff wears a black hat and gave a wink and a nudge to the bad guys.
Dal mafioso ma jarahx STRICCA fuq canale5 qabel jibda jikkumenta fuq Malta.
I am no great fan of hunting myself. Still The guy should mind is own busniness. In fact he should worry about the mess his country is in and leave us in peace. With regard to comparing us to the wild west because we should birds. What should be call parts of his country where the kill people like flies. Amico badi ai fatti suoi. Non avete le credenziali di fare il moralista e bacchettarci.
Better Andrea Zanoni looks at the disaster of his country which is now governing with a "Non Governo". L'Italia e' diventata la barzelletta dell' Europa e zanoni non deve ficcarsi il naso in politica altrua. Zanoni should concentrate on the problems of his country and leave us alone!!!!!!!