Update 2 | Muscat defends ‘limited waiver’ for Mercieca’s practice, PN on the attack

Waiver is in breach of ministerial code of ethics, but Muscat says Mercieca is specialist in his field.

Parliamentary Secretary Franco Mercieca has been given permission to continue with his surgery in breach of the ministerial code of ethics. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
Parliamentary Secretary Franco Mercieca has been given permission to continue with his surgery in breach of the ministerial code of ethics. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has defended his decision to allow parliamentary secretary Franco Mercica a 'limited waiver' to perform specialized eye surgery.

Muscat told MaltaToday that Mercieca's profession as a specialist ophthalmic surgeon was very limited in Malta.

"Patients shouldn't suffer because of his new appointment, especially when his profession is very limited on the island. With all due respect, Mercieca is not a lawyer or an architect of which there are in abundance," Muscat said, insisting that he was not ignoring the code of ethics for ministers.

"I have asked for a revision if the Code of Ethics to update it to today's realities," Muscat said.

The code states that a government minister must make the necessary arrangements immediately, to ensure that he does not continue to participate in the payments or profits due for work done after his appointment as minister. Ministers are expected not to continue with private work and devote their whole time to official duties. The prohibition covers consultancies, attendance at offices and clinics to give professional advice, even if the work is not remunerated.

Mercieca, parliamentary secretary for the elderly and disabled peoples' rights, has admitted that he was still seeing patients after being appointed to Cabinet, defending his actions because he is the only ophthalmic surgeon specialising in cornea and anterior segment surgery.

"I was given a very limited waiver by the Office of the Prime Minister to follow up cases where I am the sole medical practitioner in the field and dedicate a few hours a week to safeguard the interests of these patients," Mercieca told The Times.

Mercieca said he is not being paid for medical services rendered in the public hospital, but he is still being paid for private practice.

The Nationalist Opposition took the occasion to declare "the end of transparency and governance", saying Muscat's decision breach the code of ethics.

"The code is not there to be quoted only when it suits someone, or hidden when a decision like this is taken behind the back of the Maltese people and without valid reason," the PN said in a statement.

"The code is there to guide politicians to be of service to the country when accepting an executive role. Who accepts this role is tied to this responsibility, and knows upon taking their oath of service that they must dedicate themselves absolutely to public service."

The PN said that anybody who is appointed to the country's executive must leave their private practice and dedicate time and energy exclusively to public service.

"Only in this manner can any perception of conflict of interest be avoided... the Prime Minister has created a scandalous situation by allowing Mercieca to breach the code and focus less on his primary responsibility, that of parliamentary secretary. This creates a dangerous precedent."

In a reaction to the news, Opposition MP Jason Azzopardi stated on his Facebook wall that the "secret" move to give Mercieca a waiver had put paid to Muscat's own criticism of the secret raise in ministerial salaries by the Gonzi administration.

"Mercieca is widely respected and capable in his profession. Every cent in his private profession is his by right... but not at the expense of his official role," Azzopardi said, who also benefited from the salary increase in 2008 as parliamentary secretary. "Not even Mintoff would allow something like this. The solution is not to accept an official role, and not to bend the rules, especially after presenting yourself as the champion of good governance."

@accountability ... What is it with your continuous "oqbra imbajjda" insult to pn supporters ... Didn't Jm brief you it's malta Taghna ilkoll. You must really be the old school labour we knew and which is definitely resurfacing !! Whose payroll are you on my friend !! No one is indispensable.
@Mylawn: you did not complain when Dr Gwido De Marco, Minister of Interior and Justice, was appointed lecturer at University. You did not complain when he was appointed Professor there when at the same time holding the two Ministerial Portfolios. You did not complain when Dr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici was appointed lecturer, nor when Prof Josef Bonnici, while Minister, was also lecturing at University. I do not see anything wrong since these people were experts in their fields. So what is wrong with Dr Mercieca, an expert in his field, THAT HE should continue to practice ophthalmic surgery? I am sorry. You and your GONZIPN are all OQBRA IMBAJJDA.
If Dr. Mercieca wanted to continue practising his profession he shouldn`t have run for office. The way it is its conflict of interest. Thats a scandal and he should resign.
As for the code of ethics, the PN seem to have just discovered it. There was no code of ethics whetn they took 500 euros behind out backs and from our pockets; when Tonio Fenech went on a free ride in a private jet with people who were depending on him for an important tender; or when he had his house refurbished for free and a lovely clock to adorn his walls; or when Austin Gatt forgot to include his Swiss account in his financials. Hypocrisy at its best for Gonzi and his merry men who are intent on being spoil sports and bad losers.
Frankly, Mercieca should have never been given a PS job. He is a first timer and still young. He had his satisfaction of being elected and he should have bee a n MP and kept his profession intact. But it is also obscene to get Profs Thomas Fenech- an ophthalmologist himself and competitor of Mercieca and Ann Fenech's husband -( the Anne Fenech who wrote an article in one of the papers saying how proud she is to be a nationalist and is now one of the analyst of the PN defeat ) to speak about the non-necessity at Mater Dei of Mercieca. Sour grapes at its very best Profs Fenech ! Still Mercieca should have stuck to his profession this time round. A minus point for this appointment for Joseph Muscat.
This only shows one main thing. The salary of a minister is not sufficient. There is one honourable thing for Franco Mercieca. He knows what it is and he will do it. I do not need to spell it out. There are several others who can do his job as half Parliamentary Secretary. There are not many who could do his job as specialized eye surgeon.
I find the statement of the PN unbelievably naive as they continue shooting themselves politically in the foot. Does one think that they will win any brownie points with the majority of citizens by attacking a surgeon offering his continued service to patients in a medical speciality where there is a long waiting list for treatment. Whether rigid ethics are involved or not if you cannot win the approval of the public then politically you have cocked up. This seems more like the tired work of the old PN and its clique rather than a new remodeled popular PN approach which Mario Demarco wants to create
So now the PN expect the Maltese to go blind for the code of ethics.Change the law even for Profs Fenech.We the people need these two professionals.
Forget the politics of the situation ....why , if Dr Mercieca is so specialised , in his line of medicine , did he think that he could be of better service to the public as a politician only he can answer that question
A medical doctor takes an oath of his profession, and no other appointment, not even that of a Minister, stops him from attending to his patients. Why all this fuss? Is it now that the PN is quoting from the ethics books?
Forget the politics of the situation ....why , if Dr Mercieca is so specialised , in his line of medicine , did he think that he could be of better service to the public as a politician only he can answer that question
I do not like this. Whilst hailing from Gozo and I know Franco personally. Infact he is my ophthalmic consultant and also for my family. I still do not like somebody in such a position to still be doing other work. He is either 100 per cent in government or attending the masses using his profession to gather votes.
The usual hypocrisy from the PN. How can it talk about ethics when it managed to eradicate it, together with morality, during the past 15 years! ? What would they have said if the persons needing the operations that only Dr. Mercieca can do we're left 'in air?' That would have been, yes, very unethical and inhumane for Dr. Mercieca'. There is the Medical Council to watch such cases. When is the PN going to learn that priorities change and that it's the exception that makes the rule? Change your tactics PN and stop your evil ways. Be more constructive and accept the mammoth loss which no political party has ever suffered. Try and be, at least, more humane and think of the sick as suffering persons, and not as tools for your own needs.!
Hearing GonziPN crying about ethics is the worst kind of humour. The good doctor has been given a very very limited waiver, only related to cases where he is the only specialist surgeon. Why should a choice be forced between the country benefiting from his service, and these very specialised patients being served? Good call Joseph.
May I remind the PN that "the end of transparency and governance" should have been put in focus when Richard Cachia Caruana was removed from his EU post by a vote in Parliament, when he was retained by Lawrence Gonzi as an advisor on the claim that he would be an "unpaid advisor" and then RCC ends up receiving half a million euros. And what has the PN to say about Rita Schembri ... and Tancred Tabone ... and Frank Sammut ... and receiving gift clocks? It is really astounding to reconcile what the PN is SAYING now as opposed to what they were DOING in power. Surely, they would be better off at this stage in shutting up rather than vomiting all this puerile nit-picking? ALBERT FENECH
Now I know what it means to make a mountain out of a mole hill. !
What Cheek!! How can the PN state such an argument when they broke every code of ethics on several occasions. At least Franco Mercieca is serving patients that otherwise would have to wait for their treatment and is not doing it for personal gain as was the case in many instances with the PN members!! I think that he should be commended for offering to carry out these interventions as he is still serving the country without any remuneration
Now if it was a free flight in a private jet to see a game of football with people want to make financial gain from Mercieca' profession. That would be all right. Since when has the PN has become a stickler for rules. Quoting the Maltese plebe: "IL-QAHBA MILLI JKOLLA TTIK!!!" Jason Azzopardi you are a kettle morally you cannot call any pot black. Was it not you who gave a poor lame disabled and lame body guard of Austin Gatt a garage next door. Finally, please do not mention Mintoff. During his time you were in nappies or either a toddler so you would not know what he had done. Certainly he would not have people without the service of a medical professional.
Parliamentary Secretary Dr Franco Mercieca is mature and smart enough to know that he cannot fulfill his practice and the political ambition too. Dr Muscat was not the one to make that decision, but it was entirely the responsibility of Dr Franco Mercieca. He chose Parliament and he knew he had to give up one of them. If he is allowed to do both then this will create a new precedent for the whole Parliament. Dr Muscat is the newly elected PM but he has to be very careful about what he does. Everybody expected the changing of the guard and everybody or most everybody expected changes whether they were justified or not. This sort of thing happens after every general election, except in this case I think they are going overboard with their new obtained power. I think Dr Mercieca made a decision and he should stick by it, sometimes you cannot have the cake and eat it too. Not even Dr Joseph Muscat is above the law. The PM should be concentrating in following through on the OIL SCANDAl the correcting of some of our biased and archaic laws and eradicate the corruption in the Government and the courts. Dr Muscat has to follow up on certain crime investigations such of those murders that happened on New Years Eve and that of Ms Grech, etc. Dr Mercieca made his decision all by himself and cannot be spoon fed. Let us get this country back on it's wheels like you promised. You did the talk, now do the walk.A bit of good advice,: DON'T STEP ON TOO MANY FEET ON THE WAY UP, BECAUSE THEY WILL BE SURE TO MEET YOU ON THE WAY DOWN."
Dawn ta' gonzipn lanqas ruh m'ghandom. Dik id-damdima li hadu flok gabithom f'sensihom izjed saru arroganti. Tiskanta . Mela jafu u jammettu li Mercieca ghandu kwalifiki unici u allura dawn ta' gonzipn jippretendu li dan ghandu jitlaq kollox hesrem Veru li id-dover lejn il-kariga tieghu ghanda tigi l-ewwel. Izda trid thun prattiku u l-pazjenti ma tabbandunhomx hesrem. Dawn ta' gonzupn minghalihom qed jintogbu , Izda wisq nibza li bl-attegjamenti taghhom, se jibqghu fl-oppozizzjoni sa l-ahhar tas-seklu.
MP Jason Azzopardi is so hypocritical! Why has he not criticised his fellow ministers when they were in Government for still continuing with their lectureship duties, being promoted Professors when still Ministers, and receiving exorbitant sums of money from PUBLIC FUNDS for doing so. I so happen to know how specialized is Dr Mercieca in his field - in certain fields he is the only one with such specialization. Are we to deprive the Maltese patients who stand to lose their sight, imagine losing your sight, and not allow him to help them. Where is the Christianity in the PN attitude who profess to be holier than thou. OQBRA IMBAJDA!!
Tal-PN jedew biss bic-cucati u hmerijiet. Din opposizzjoni tal- habbagozz, bla sustanza. Jekk ikomplu hekk ghandhom ghexiren ta' snin x'jedew fl-opposizzjoni!
Jason insejtu lil sihbek Fenech ta larloge meta mar fuq lajruplan u Gonzi qallu li kollox sew ma ghamel xejn hazen.
Z Zmien jinbidel Jason,Fanco mhu qed juehu xejn li mhux tieghu bhal meta int ridt taghti garage il belt ,mela insejt jew.
I am pretty sure that Professor Josef Bonnici, the current Governor of the CBM, was still lecturing at the University of Malta while serving as Minister for Economic Services. Mr. Mercieca is the only person on the island who can provide the surgical services required by some people in order for their eyesight not to deteriorate beyond repair or even go blind, even at a (relatively) young age.
I am the first to cry foul when MP's (not just ministers) work while being paid to be MP's also. But I think JM's arguments are sensible in this case.
The only reason i was not 100% happy that this gentleman was elected was that he is too much of a loss to his patients. I can assure you from a family experience that money is NOT his first motivation, but curing and caring for the patient IS. Common sense should prevail and he must be allowed to continue to take care of the unique special caseS where his expertise is needed. Thanks Franco Mercieca for your genuine and honest service all along. Bonnici family. ps: i meant special cases (in plural)
The only reason i was not 100% happy that this gentleman was elected was that he is too much of a loss to his patients. I can assure you from a family experience that money is NOT his first motivation, but curing and caring for the patient IS. Common sense should prevail and he must be allowed to continue to take care of the unique special case where his expertise is needed. Thanks Franco Mercieca for your genuine and honest service all along. Bonnici family.
We do not have the luxury to choose from a great ammount of Ophthalmic surgeons specialising in cornea and anterior segment surgery.So why waste his professional capacities to the detriment of the Maltese patients?I could have made this exception also to Profs Fenech the most respected cardiologist we have in Malta,if the PN was in office.Something must be done,not to loose these respected professionals.
You can tell that Jason Azzopardi is a lawyer by his ability to mix-up issues and drive the issue towards an intended direction. Giving one Parliamentary Secretary a limited waiver is not equivalent to the "really and truly secret" rise in ministerial salaries by the Cabinet of which HE was a member. If he thinks that the public feels that he and his colleagues have been absolved of their sins he must be deluded. And it is heartening to see that he holds Mintoff in high regard, unless this is nothing but a hypocritical attempt to gain political mileage. But perhaps Jason Azzopardi should visit an amnesia specialist since apparently he has forgotten how many of his legal colleagues in the Cabinet continued to receive their share from their former legal offices and various fringe benefits - such as free flights to football matches - from business acquaintances. More importantly I am very happy that Mercieca got this waiver because he is not only a specialist but there are a number of treatments which so far he is the only person trained to perform. I know I am one of his patients. This waiver has removed the stress from my shoulders. As for lawyers the like of Jason Azzopardi there are thousands and more on the way after June.
Are we now trying to amend the Maltese Constitution according to Joseph Muscat? There is no defense for the indefensible whether the PM tries to put one over the Maltese people using Franco Mercieca as a precedent to start warping the Maltese Constitution to self serve the PM as he sees fit. There is only one answer to this dilemma. If Mr. Mercieca is that important in his ophthalmic field of expertise that the country cannot do without then everyone is convinced that the PM’s cabinet can find a suitable replacement for him as Parliamentary Secretary. The most important question remains. If this PM decision is allowed to start abusing the framework of the Maltese Constitution, what will be the next excuse to grant permission to breach the ministerial code of ethics? Everyone knows how badly written the Maltese Constitution is, in regards its electorate act and amendments. Surely everyone also agrees that the PM must do his utmost to start parliamentary talks to commence re-writing and amending such a fiasco. But this does not give the PM the right to establish his own interpretations using the political jargon of special permission……Hogwash! Within a month of being elected, it seems that Joseph Muscat has already forgotten the agenda that gave his election mandate to govern for all Maltese and not abuse and disrespect the ministerial code of ethics to appease his inner circle like his predecessor?
Good idea. It will be a pity to waste such talent just because of an obsolete code of ethics. Good sense prevailed.
Quite simple: Are there enough people to cover the requirements of people with such skills? If not, is the health of a person more important? It really is that simple.