Nationalists worried about recent developments related to environment

Nationalist Party says recent developments in the environment sector ‘give rise to serious concern’.

The Nationalist Party said that recent developments related to environment have gave rise to serious concern: mainly proposals for land reclamation; the appointment of the new MEPA board; the process by which power station contract will be issued and hunting.

The PN said that if government approves land reclamation projects, these could pose big risks to marine life while also hindering diving.

The PN said the appointment of the new MEPA board was carried out without any form of consultation, contrasting with electoral pledge made by Labour during the March election.

The PN said the government clearly was more set in fast-tracking the process by which the Delimara power station would start running on gas.

"This project has a huge impact on the environment - a mistake in the tendering process or a mistake which would negatively affect the environment could have serious repercussions, including high penalties which this country would have to pay."

On hunting, the PN said that while the Labour Party pledged strict supervision and zero tolerance to whoever breaks the law during spring hunting season, yet BirdLife Malta was reporting regular breaches of law.

"Protected species are being shot, putting at risk Malta's chances of spring hunting."

Turning its attention to the resignation letters submitted by MEPA CEO Ian Stafrace and director of environment Petra Bianchi - both political appointees of the PN administration - the PN said this was a loss for those who had environment at heart.

Ma jistawx jkunu izjed ipokriti u oqbra imbajda daqshekk dawn ta' gonzipn. Ghamlu sfregju kullimkien , taw permessi sabiex jinbnew vilel lil tal-qalba anka fl-izjed postijiet pristini.Per ezempju dik il-villa fil-Bahrija fejn gew jitnellhu mill granc tal-ilma helu u flora u fawna endemika. Insewh il-kaz tal-Kalkara fejn kien hemm involut Galea Pace ? U issa imbierek Alla qed jilmentaw anka ghal-min appuntaw huma stess b'eluf kbar ta' euros f'pagi u perkacci meta dan il-gvern qed jahdem il-Mepa b'inqas spejjez. Ara biex jsemmu li qed jinqatlu speci protetta ta' tajr trid tkun vera malizzjuz. Qiesu fi zmienhom qatt ma inqatlet tajra wahda protetta. Mhux ta' b'xejn li se jdumu fl-oppozizjoni sa l-ahhar tas-seklu.
Ar hemm hej il-pampaluni tal-ambjent !! Min kien li biddel-il-parametri tal-emissjonijiet tal-impjanti li jhdmu fi fjuwil li jnigges biex nakkomodaw lill-BWSC ghad-detriment tal-ambjent u l-poplu ingenerali. Min dahhal art vergni biex tgig sfruttata ? Min wied li l-Maghtab jinalaq u ghadu jintefa skart ? Min heba l-operat tal-MOBC fil-Marsa? Min akkost ta'kollox immanipula l-Environment Impact Assesment tal-Impjant ta' Sant Antnin biex taddi tieghu ? u il-lista tkompli.... Nahseb Joseph Muscat kien, kibes ta' Lawrence Gonzi u qasam il-Kamra tad-Deputati.
Now the PN are worried,they had the chance to make the power station with gass better for the environment.We the people are very,very worried how we are going to pay all these debt that you left.The only person who had environment at heart was not Stafrace,but Joseph Falzon
Regarding hunting the PN should publish what it did and promised when it was in government. Since when has the PN started believing Birdlife or perhaps now the PN has ulterior motives mainly to try and put pressure elsewhere for Spring hunting to be abolished for the PL to be put in a bad light! Jekk ma nilghabx inhassar! or perhaps thats why the PN gov't never submitted the required reply to the EU regarding past derogations!
The PL had done its consultations BEFORE taking power and that is how it presented its electoral programme. The dynamic way in which it is working proves that it had done very good homework before the elections. It is, as promised, delivering. Let's all hope it keeps up the pace. That is why the majority chose them to run the country. Thumbs up!
PN Intkom bis serjeta?? She was the worst DoE so far. Please state her accomplishments as DoE that she had initiated herself and not inherited from Martin Seychelle or Godwin Cassar?! In her 2 years at EPD she never addressed the Directorate; at least Martin met his people once a year to thank them and inform them where the Directorate was going. Ask staff how long it took them to get the simplest of approvals. Ask staff where she was when they were suffering from smells at Hexagon House. Why don't you ask permit applicants who had to wait weeks for her just to sign (as in give a signature only and not review) a permit. Or better yet check her attendance at HH; she spent a good time at University teaching or else attending courses.
too bad!!!! The proposals the GONZIPN clique are worried about have been voted for by the absolute majority of the People. They simply cannot get it into their thick heads that they are no longer welcome on the stage. These are not new proposals but proposals that were debated throughout the whole electoral campaign and the people knew exactly what they were voting for. So the moribund PN needs to accept this and get on with organising their finanzi fis sod to at least pay the wages of their employees.
Somewhat late in waking up. Where were these complainers in the last 20 years? How can they hope to be credible with their kind of record!?
Oh I bet the PN are really worried, not because of the environment since they did nothing to really protect it. They should have spoken out when Pullicion played the dirty trick of rationalisation. PN are worried because they do not have people in high places who can do damage. PL has learned from 1996 - 1998. Keep up the good work PL and losers BE losers.