Ray Fenech confirmed new Air Malta chairman

Businessman Ray Fenech confirmed new Air Malta chairman.

New Air Malta chairman Ray Fenech
New Air Malta chairman Ray Fenech

Tumas Group director Ray Fenech was today confirmed as the new air Malta chairman by the government.

In a statement issued this afternoon, the government said the new Air Malta board would be composed of persons "with experience in business, tourism and aviation to strengthen the national airline's following the difficult period it went through."

As revealed on MaltaToday on Friday, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat selected two prominent businessmen for the post of chairman and board member at Malta's national airline Air Malta.

The rest of the board members will be; businessman Joe Gasan, accountant Norman Spiteri, businessman Eric P. Fenech Pace, Karen Bugeja, Joseph Borg, Chris Grech and George Micallef.

The new Air Malta board will replace the old board headed by Louis Farrugia. whose term expires at the end of May.

can we know what capabilities/experience Ms Karen Bugeja has? By the way, she is the sister of Peter Borg (Managing director of Bortex)and hence Ramona Frendo's sister in-law!!!!!!!
@strega. Int jaqaw tghix fil-qamar jew? Jien Laburist, ghal grazzja t'Alla nitkellem sew erba lingwi, gradwat u bhali hawn ghexiren ohra ta' Laburisti, forsi ahjar minni ukoll, li huma nies kompetenti u kapaci jmexxu entitajiet. Nahseb huma ahjar minn dawk il-qatta nkompetenti li kien inqeda bihom il-gvern Nazzjonalisti u li fallew kumpaniji shah, bhal per ezempju l-Air Malta.
Joseph MELI
Bit of a poisoned chalice and bed of nails job for these people.They will need all the good luck in the world to turn Air Malta around into a profitable outfit.They will also have to review all the current contracts -especially the one with the MIA crooks-and lay-off even more staff,sad to say.
X'ahna sbieh min jaf jarana! Mela jekk il-gvern jahtar lil xi hadd b'tendenzi laburisti jaqlaghha, u jekk jahtar lil xi hadd b'tendenzi nazzjonalisti jaqlaghha wkoll.Imma, wara kollox, l-ghajta 'Malta taghna lkoll' ma tfissirx li ma nharsux lejn xaqlibiet imma lejn kapacitajiet? Sakemm il-persuna tkun integra ejja ha mmexxu. Jekk persuna tkun bla sustanza jew, aghar, zlejali daqqa fuq il-warrani u suq ghax sebah.
@strega. Donnok tigi mis-sahhara ta Malta xbin? Trid tkun veru fjakk biex tikteb kumment bhal bhal ma ktibt. Min qallek li dawk huma nazzjonalisti? Dawk huma nies kapaci Maltin bhal ma huma Valvo, Franco Debono, il-kummissarju Zammit, Piscopo tat-Transport malta, Cassar tal-Mepa u ohrajn. Dawn kollha nies kapaci imma qatt ma inghataw chance li jmexxu ghax darba kien hawn gvern, li l-poplu sfiducjah bil-kbir, ghax hlief jilghaq l-erba minn nies tal-qalba ma ghamilx. Issa la jghaddu 5 snin ohra nitkellmu.
This board is a living proof that Joseph Muscat has no one from the labor party camp who is capable and has to resort to nationalists to run his companies. Tis is a nationalist board through and through. A much worse message than Gonzi's admittance to the US Amabassdor of the lack of quality of his cabinet. Muscat does not have confidence in half of the whole country! Perhaps that is why he went for the Malta taghna lkoll slogan - because he knew he had very poor PL material to choose from. What a slap in the face for the Labourites after having elected hi to power.