Masked hunters to be arraigned in Court

Two masked hunters caught hunting illegally in Mellieha to be arraigned in Court in coming hours, parliamentary secretary for animal rights says.

Two masked hunters will be arraigned in Court were they will be charged with illegal hunting at the Foresta 2000 nature reserve in Mellieha.

The parliamentary secretary for agriculture and animal rights said the two men were arrested by the Administrative Law Enforcement (ALE) police section.

"While hunters have the opportunity to hunt regularly according to the rules laid down by the spring hunting derogation, no law-breaking will be tolerated," the statement said.

"This shows the severity the government is applying in ensuring that no illegal hunting takes place and all laws and rules are observed."

It added that on the initiative of the Parliamentary Secretariat, a board has been set up to draw up a strategy for monitoring and law enforcement during the spring hunting season.

The members include representatives of the government, the police, the AFM, the hunters' federation and BirdLide. The chairman is Louis F. Cassar.

The statement also pointed out that the ALE has been reinforced by other police officers for the spring hunting period. People can report illegal activities by calling 119.

Joseph MELI
Cant be Lone Rangers as there are 2 of them!By how many officers has the ALE been reinforced and what is the total complement of this division?