Suspended ARMS chief's financial package amounted to over €65,000
Water Services Corporation CEO Wilfred Borg’s financial package revealed.
The financial package of ARMS Ltd. CEO Wilfred J. Borg, who had refused to resign when asked by the Energy Minister to do so, amounts to in excess of €65,000.
Wilfred Borg, who was appointed to the post of ARMS Ltd. CEO by former Finance Minister Tonio Fenech, is paid around €65,000 each year for his services as CEO to the Enemalta billing entity.
Alongside his €65,000 per annum wage, which amounts to approximately €5,400 per month, Borg also receives an allowance of €4,500, a bonus of 25% on his salaries, and plenty of perks.
According to Sunday newspaper Illum. these include a mobile phone, a car, and medical care.
Moreover, before leaving his previous post Air Malta, Borg was granted €40,000 and promised €50,000 on the condition he retains his position at ARMS Ltd.
Borg has now been suspended by the newly-appointed ARMS Ltd board and may also face disciplinary measures soon after the board concludes an internal investigation on the operation of ARMS Ltd.
Since its inception, ARMS Ltd acquired a reputation for repeated billing delays, errors, and exceptionally poor customer care services.
However despite Borg's specific appointment to the billing agency to rectify these shortcomings, he was unable to make headway as the agency's problems persisted without any apparent respite for Maltese consumers.