For Gonzi, Muscat is like an ‘emperor running roughshod over everyone'

Lawrence Gonzi ‘negatively impressed’ by certain decisions taken by his successor; describes Code of Ethics waiver as a ‘scandalous decision’.

Opposition leader Lawrence Gonzi
Opposition leader Lawrence Gonzi

Opposition leader Lawrence Gonzi is "negatively impressed" by certain decisions taken by Joseph Muscat during his first 42 days as Prime Minister.

"I am negatively impressed by his decision to go down a route that is more controversial than necessary," Gonzi said, adding that he "hoped" the ninth seat majority wasn't making Muscat believe he was now "an emperor with the right to steamroll over everybody".

"As time goes by I keep getting a strange impression... and now he has decided to ignore the Code of Ethics, a scandalous decision," a somewhat incredulous Gonzi said.

Soon after Anglu Farrugia was appointed Speaker of the House of Representatives, Gonzi - who has hinted he plans to resign his seat in parliament - and the Nationalist Party criticised the decision because they had not been consulted on the matter.

Referring to Muscat's decision allowing parliamentary secretary Franco Mercieca to continue practicising his profession, the former prime minister said this contradicted with what Muscat used to say before.

"In opposition he used to say that MPs who do not attend parliamentary sittings should have their salary deducted. He used to talk about fulltime MPs and now he's allowing a part-time minister," Gonzi said.

Despite the Prime Minister's commissioning of a review of the Code of Ethics, Gonzi said the current code did not allow a prime minister to grant a waiver.

"Has the emperor now decided that because he has a nine-seat majority then he has some God-given right to waiver a code of ethics? And how does the emperor [Muscat] decide he wants to change a code that has been regulating us for 20 years?"

Gonzi said upon appointment, ministers and parliamentary secretaries had a clear choice between accepting their appointment and relinquishing their private interests or else refuse the appointment and continue with their work.

"If you are a minister or a parliamentary secretary, than you have to give it your fulltime commitment. If patients were that important to him [Mercieca] than he should have given them his preference," Gonzi said.

"But the Prime Minister now wants to introduce a new concept: have the cake and eat it."


Emmanuel Mallia
Look who is talking ! Gonzi, have you not yet made an examination of your conscience yet ? Do you think that we forget how you managed a government without a clear majority ! And a better word word would be a Dictator !
Look who's talkin !!!! Hallina Gonz trid .
Firstly dictators rule without a majority in Parlament. Secondly dictators enrich themselves behind the back of their followers Thirdly dictators divide their population to rule (paint faces and treat differently, feels ashamed of part of his subjects) I would rather be a loved emperor than a hated dictator. and finally is the Code of Ethics The Holy Bible because even the Bible is open to interpretation. and the Code is a bit out of Date after 20 years like the previous PM.
U l-IMPERATUR baqa izied il fiducja tal Poplu . Aqra ftiet il Malta To-Day u tkun taf , issa ghandek zmien biex taqra.
Mr.Gonzi the people voted you and the way you ran the government out,now its Joseph Muscat's turn so sit there in the opposition for the next 5 years and then the people will decide.
Antoine Mifsud Bonnici, a medical doctor who occupied the position of Parliamentary Secretary for the Elderly and was a Cabinet Member of the Nationalist Government between 1992 and 1996 had consistently worked as a general practitioner against payment throughout his tenure, in breach of the Code of Ethics. This situation however had still remained uncontrolled by the Nationalist Government of that time although by Gonzipn’s measures it was unacceptable. The one and only difference between Dr Antoine Mifsud Bonnici’s case and the present one concerning Dr Franco Mercieca is that while the former’s work could have easily been taken over by many other general practitioners, the work carried out by Dr Franco Mercieca of Ophthalmic Surgeon with particular areas of specialisation can only be performed by very few doctors. Therefore in the lack of the necessary time being given to Dr Mercieca to give a proper handing over, the health of a number of patients would be seriously jeopardized. In these circumstances it would be most unfair to deny Dr Mercieca of the appointment of parliamentary secretary, as Gonzipn is demanding, as this would amount to penalizing him simply because of his experience and great capabilities as an ophthalmic surgeon.
Look who's talking of all people! He who ruled this country like a fiefdom together with his dukes and barons! Hallina !
As far as I am concerned Joeseph is Ben Hur and Gonzi like Messala. After his fall Messala never got on his feet again. May I ask what did you do Dr Gonzi when your your cousin (Dr S. Spiteri MD) didn't attend parliament and he still took his salary /remuneration? did you stop him from doing private wrok? Isn't it the same when we say whats good for the goose is good for the gander? Dr Gonzi take my advice and do as you intend to do leave politics behind you and start living, talk to those people whom you allowed to be crushed under your political interference, pay whatever you didn't because I am sure that not only you did that but all of you. If a simple worker doesn't declared anything then the tax collectors hammer him/her to death and those who didn't pay their vat were also sent to prison. How come these things never happen to you (the political class). Profs Scicluna you will do a great job if you look into the finance department that fall under you. I am sure there's a lot to uncover. Have you seen the VAT books lately, some of the books are in a mess, even other people's vat number appear on your books> I have photo copies which I intend to show you.I honestly hope we move forward and do away with these scandals and mess some departments are in. You have also to check how the dept's money is spend because I have seen private photographs being printed with the taxpayers money. When is Justice for one and all coming about?
Emperatur ? u ejja Gonz ! izjed kollu zejed !
Dear Gonzi,You forgot that you've been running this country scandalously over 10years with debts that can never be paid.Why don't you call it a day and stop talking.
Kont min ghalija li Gonzi Avukat u mhux spizjar! Dan irrid jigbed is-simpatija lejh d'dawn l'istqarrijiet anki issa li wasal fl-ahhar u HU "IRRELEVANTI" .... Hu li gab, hu u l-klikka li dawwar lillu innifsu biha li ghamlu Malta TAGHHOM ghad-dizpozizzjoni TAGHHOM u TAGHHOM BISS!
The people of Malta has passed judgement by a very vast majority on who played GOD (not just emperor) with his people. The absolute arrogance, absolute lies and absolute unilateral distribution of wealth in the days of his Governing the Island were despotic and Imperialist to say the very least. It seems that Gonzi is now seeing a reflection in the mirror of truth and is trying to pass the buck before he graciously or not so graciously bows out. May God forgive him for the sins his Government committed against the People of Malta.