Former ‘freebie’ minister Fenech takes government to task over ethics

Former minister criticised for breaching code of ethics in freebie Arsenal football flight takes issue with Prime Minister’s limited waiver to parliamentary secretary.

Former finance minister Tonio Fenech
Former finance minister Tonio Fenech

Former finance minister Tonio Fenech has lambasted government for flouting the terms of the ministerial code of ethics - the same code that he himself had been roundly criticised for disregarding on numerous occasion throughout his 2004-2008 stint as Cabinet minister.

In a contribution to the Sunday Times, the 43-year-old Nationalist MP from Birkirkara argued that the Prime Minister's decision to waive the code of ethics in the case of ophthalmologist Franco Mercieca amount to a 'downgrade' of the same code.

"The code of ethics and adherence to it say a lot about a government's values and principles and about the sort and level of conduct a Cabinet member is committed to," Fenech wrote.

"Muscat has downgraded the present code of ethics to merely a set of inconvenient rules that one should try and bypass under some excuse or another rather than understand the high moral ground it represents and ensure that every member would seek to apply consistently."

Ironically, much the same criticism was levelled at the former Finance Minister himself on at least three occasions.

The first and most emblematic of these remains his decision to accept an invitation by casino operator George Fenech and leading entrepreneur Joe Gasan to watch his favourite football team Arsenal play in the Champion's League in Spain (at a time when Fenech had just presented a series of amendments to the Lotteries and Gamings Act, and the tender for the Dragonara Casino was being adjudicated).

Later, allegations emerged that Fenech had accepted free renovation work on his private home by Montebello Brothers - a construction and development firm more associated with large-scale projects - as a "favour".

Montebello Brothers were at the time trying to sell the newly acquired Jerma Palace hotel to George Fenech and Joe Gasan: the same entrepreneurs from whom Fenech had already accepted 'gifts' in direct violation of the code of ethics.

Lastly, during the election it emerged that Fenech had accepted a traditional Maltese clock as a gift, from the sister-in-law of George Farrugia - the man at the heart of the oil procurement corruption scandal that had erupted a few days earlier.

Fenech argued that the clock was homemade and worthless, and was given to him only as a token of 'admiration'.

For the record, the code specifies that: "no Minister should accept gifts or services such as might be deemed to create an obligation, real or imaginary. The same rule applies to the spouse of a Minister and to his minor children." (Section 58)

"Ministers occupy a position that makes them more than ordinarily open to undue pressures from persons who would like the Minister to use his position to gain some undue advantage for themselves. Ministers are duty bound to totally and immediately reject any attempt of this kind, but when the attempt is accompanied by the offer of some gift, whatever its value, the Minister should also report this to the Prime Minister without delay." (Section 59).

The same code also specifies that when travelling, Ministers should inform the Prime Minister in writing beforehand, and submit a report of their trip upon their return.

Ethics? What Ethics? The code of presumed ethics was created by the PN, never followed by the PN, abused by the PN, broken by the PN and now they want to impose their worthless code on the PL? It is not worth the paper it is written on, unless seriously altered to ensure that future PN Governments do not thwart it again and again. A code of ethics need to be efficient, just and then respected by all. The PN code of ethics was not even respected by them!!!
L-ispizjar milli jkolli jbeghlek, anke jekk il-medicina tkun velenu!
Do two wrongs make a right, Mr Vassallo ? J. Ellis.
One really has to be an arrogant bigot to start bragging about the code of ethics when he was a prime suspect for breaking it in the first place. This person's arrogant manner goes beyond belief.
I expected more for TF, he has no insight into his own problems, he has no insight and that is the worst kind of ignorance.
When Fenech made these comments was he wearing his carnival mask or his I do not care for the code of ethics (which he displayed so many times when minister) mask?
Why not cut all the bullshit and let us get back to running this country, maybe get it going on the right tracks. This government has a lot of problems to solve and they had better start going if they want to accomplish all this within the next five years. There is a matter of finding out who was exactly responsible for the Oil Scandal and bring those responsible to justice and that includes Mr Farrugia who received a very beneficial Presidential Pardon by the ex PM. I wonder what that was all about since not much was uncovered since he was given the Presidential Pardon. Who are all the people that accepted bribes and what is happening to them? A Presidential Ppardon is rare to come by, was this a waste? Is this government intent on finding out who these people are and is the government ready to prosecute and name names? Secondly what is this government going to do about the illegal immigration invasion? Sit by and let it happen like the late administration did, in other words are they going to run the show or are they just all talk and act like the past government and put their heads down and act just like the last administration and do what the EU and the profitable NGO's tell them to do? Number three: What is the government going to do to fix the injustice and the incompetence in our courts and what are they going to do to overhaul our archaic Judicial System? Are there going to be some changes or we will go on business as usual? Number four,and very important: What is this new Parliament going to do to wipe out some of the crime that has taken over our country in the last six or eight years, simply said, since we vowed to be obedient to the EU rules. If you are going to heed to the EU Rules then observe all EU rules not just those convenient for you. Talk is cheap so if you cannot do the walk don't do the talk.. So start walking new Parliament and new Administration, Malta needs the change you promised to deliver.
Hasn't Tonio Fenech been lecturing at University when he was a Minister? Was it not a major break of the code of conduct when he received gifts from a person who was abusing so heavily in the oil scandal over so many years and whose file sent by the Secret Service to him was found to have missing documents? If the arlogg tal-Lira was such a worthless object why did he not show it to the public for them to decide? Was it not Tonio Fenech's secretary who gave evidence in Court about large sums of contributions from the Montebello's to Fenech's election campaign to help them sell the Hotel? Why should people, with a heavy guilty conscience towards the way they treated the People of these Islands be the first to accuse innocent people when the People of these Islands should have already started a process of arraignments in our Courts of Law to address all the abuses made by the previous Government.
Tkellem l-Amerikan vergni u pur. Kemm kien hafif iroxx l-eluf minn flus il-poplu f'pagi u bonuses lil shabu fl-entitajiet pubblici meta kien ministru. Qed jitkaza issa ghax Franco Mercieca irid jghin lic-cittadin komuni fil-bzonnijiet ta sahhtu. Mur inheba Tonio.
One have to be a huge hypocrite to talk about the code of ethics after he used it as toilet paper when he was minister ... And the two issues can never be compared as what this nice individual did over and over was in the verg of criminal conduct as for Mr Mercieca issue one must argue that it was in the best interest of his patients not for his own gain... And let's remember that the go ahead to go watch the Arsenal game was given by the PM of the time. So to go on a private trip with businessmen that the minister was about to come out with a law that will effect their business is ok, but for Mr Mercieca to help his patients is not?? The PN are really in denial and they need to snap out of it asap!!
.... minkejja li tonio fenech qala' damdima ma' gonzipn xahar u nofs ilu ..... minkejja li jmissu jmur jistahba u ma jidhirx quddiem il-poplu malti ... minkejja li ghabba l-pajjiz b'HAMES BILJUN EWRO DEJN ....minkejja li issa qed jghajjar fil-parlament lil dawk tal-NSO, tal-Bank Centrali u tal-Ministeru tal-Finanzi li hadem maghhom .... minkejja li issa qed jerga'(miskin) jattendi l-laqghat tac-Cenakolo wara tant zmien nieqes ghax ried jiggerra ghall-voti .... JIEN NIXTIEQ NURI LI XORTA WAHDA GHADNI NAMMIRAH .... U NGHIR JEKK IKUN HEMM XI MARA OHRA LI TAMMIRAH MINFLOKI .... U BIEX NURIH KEMM GHADNI (U NIBQA') NAMMIRAH ..... nixtieq nibghatlu vaz tad-deheb .... jimporta jekk nibghat lill-mara ta' hija biex twassalulu fil-villa ta' hal balzan ... sakemm ma jridx nibaghtu ma' xi kuntrattur ......
Ara veru irid ikollok wiccek bla zejt biex titkellem hekk. Int trid titkellem? Kull ma irid jaghmel dan il-Gvern huwa li jara naqra kif imxew id-dipartimenti tahtek hon TF, kif ukoll in-nies li kellek il-ministru. Jien naf x'jiegifieri ghaliex hdimt fil dipartimenti tal finanzi ghal 24 sena shah ghaliex l-ahhar sena u ftit baghtuni ingorr il-kaxxi. Jien il-whistle blower's Act qed nistenna halli il-poplu Malti ikun jaf x;hawn fid-dipartimenti, fosthom theddid minDirecturri Generali fuq haddiema biex ma jifthux halqhom.
Ara vera lanqas jaf xi tfisser il kelma misthija dan il-bniedem