‘No reason for government to hide power station proposal documentation’
Nationalist MP Ryan Callus keeps up pressure on Labour government to publish reports behind PL's power station proposal
Nationalist MP Ryan Callus has kept up pressure on the Labour government to publish the reports, technical studies, and other documentation related to its energy proposals.
Callus was speaking in parliament on Monday evening.
Callus had first called on the government to publish the documentation during his maiden speech in parliament last week. However, he said, since then the government has not been forthcoming with the information.
"In my first speech I had called on Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi to present the studies that led him to the conclusion that the interconnector project will cost 26 million more than was originally envisaged," Callus said.
"I had also called on him to present the studies, reports, and technical reports that motivated him to opt for the development of the new power station. Now that the election is over, Mizzi and the government of the day have no need or reason to keep them hidden."
Callus also touched upon the way the Labour Party had adopted the PN's budget, which he said not only confirmed the PN's efforts and approach towards the country's financial prosperity, and that the budget fashioned by the PN government was one that suited the country.
He also said that the PN had been consistent in its support for the budget. However, he said, the PL had been inconsistent when it voted against a budget it would later present itself, accusing it of putting the party interest before the national interest.