Parliamentary secretary says ‘limited waiver’ is transitional

Nationalist MP insists Muscat’s limited waiver to minister-surgeon is ‘scandalous’

Parliamentary Secretary Franco Mercieca
Parliamentary Secretary Franco Mercieca

Parliamentary secretary Franco Mercieca has said a limited waiver from the Prime Minister for him to perform private operations in his specialised field of corneal surgery, will only be transitional and not long-term.

"With time, new specialists will graduate and migrate here with practice in corneal surgery, and I will be able to pass on my experience to them," the junior minister for the rights of the disabled and elderly care, said. "To me the most important thing is for patients to have the best care," Mercieca said on breakfast show TVAM.

"I won't take on new cases, unless they are within my limited expertise. I won't take patients who can be tended to by other specialists. But I do have a duty towards patients - I am a doctor first and foremost."

The limited waiver Joseph Muscat gave Mercieca was dubbed as 'scandalous' by Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi, also present on TVAM. "Muscat had no power, no authority to give such a waiver. The Code of Ethics does not permit any waiver. This betrays Muscat's own criticism of the salary increase for ministers which was guised as some form of pretence of good governance," Azzopardi said.

Lawrence Gonzi and his Cabinet increased ministerial salaries by €500 a week in May 2008 in a decision that went unpublicised. The public outrage led to ministers refunding €17,000 of their accumulated salaries in 2011, before the increase was officially retracted in January 2012 the day Gonzi announced a cabinet reshuffle.

The code of ethics for ministers prohibits them from taking on private work and they must take steps to divest themselves from their commercial interests.

The Nationalist MP said that former health minister Joe Cassar was denied permission by Lawrence Gonzi to perform his medical work at Mater Dei Hospital, and that way back in 1966, eye surgeon Censu Tabone (later President) was denied the same permit by George Borg Olivier.

Mercieca is allowed to carry out surgery at Mater Dei Hospital on Sundays, and perform limited surgeries related to his specialisation of corneal surgery within the private sector.

Mercieca claimed he was unable to "just switch off" from his private practice, and that he has been reducing his medical workload ever since he took the decision to run for Parliament two years ago.

While Mercieca claims his ophthalmological skills are in short supply, head of department Thomas Fenech has played down this claim: both men have previously been at loggerheads over a botched selection exercise for new surgeons at Mater Dei, which later was elevated into a short-lived tiff between the PN and the PL.

In the meantime, Mercieca has taken to task the previous government for ignoring his calls for an eye bank at Mater Dei. "The Lions' Club had to set us up with all the capital expenditure required for the eye bank and to train someone on eye retrieval and transfer," Mercieca said.

Taf x inhu 'scandalous'Jason. li taghti garage fil-belt Valletta lill Ernest Tonna taht l -iskuza li hu disabeled, meta fill fatt mahuhiex.Mela li Franco jaghati servizz lill min ghandu bzonnu, minn jaf li il- pazjent kien xi hadd mill genituri tieghek kontx tiehdu ghal kura ghandu. ippokrita.
Jason azzopardi should explain how he took a decision to close down the Siggiewi Labour Party club but then took a different decision about the Paola Nationalist party club!Both clubs government property! That is scandalous ex Minister azzopardi!
Albert Zammit
This is the tip of the iceberg , when it comes to PN doctors versus PL ! This is the smokescreen , which the PN are making to cover the real reason they want certain PL doctors out of the way ......Money in private practice , may have something to do with it ? Mr Dalli was going in the right direction ,maybe , but stepped on the doctors toes , and look at what happened to him ! History and the PN , seems to repeat its tactics , shoot down the opposition , with any mudslinging , using the many sources available ...PN never change . Thank you Mr Mercieca for my eyesight ...Keep up the good work ...You are KING .
If a minister lectures at University? Does it break the code of ethics? This one is for Jason Azzopardi. Denying the Diabitics Society of a place of their choice and giving then hobson's choice just to give the place they chose to the notorious Austin Gatt bodyguard who had back trouble (poor soul). Now that is ethical Jason dear. Still if the PN continues on the line of action Joseph Muscat trust rating will reach unheard off hights in the following months.
The attack on Dr Franco Mercieca by Jason Azzopardi is absolutely SCANDALOUS coming from the person who scandalously gave a garage, belonging to the public, to the bodyguard of one of his colleagues. It is scandalous that he wants to deprive the sick, especially those with impaired sight, of the cure they so much deserve. It is Jason Azzopardi who is the SCANDAL. It is better that he goes into hibernation to find the real cause of his, and his party's downfall.
Jason Azzopardi should get a dictionary and learn the real meaning of 'scandalous.' Then he can easily equate it with the previous GonziPN government of which he formed part for 5 long years!
‘scandalous’. This is scandalous, an ex-minister asking the new minister about halothane which has been out of stock for 15 years!!!!
Rita Pizzuto
L-ewwelnett Jason Azzopardi imissu jaf li kull Prim Ministru jista' jibdilli l-hekk imsejkna etika ghaliex din mhix ligijiet imma hi l-prerogative tal-PM jekk irid jaghmel xi tibdil. Jekk Jason jitlob lill-eks kandidat tal-PN Frank Portelli jghidu kif tahdem din jispjegalu sew. It-tieni, mhux veru li Censu Tabobe ma kienx jara nies meta kien Ministru u ma thallix jipprattika. Missieru kien wiehed minn Dawk li grazzi ghal Censu Tabone ma tilifx id-Idawl. Censu Tabone l-Bambin itih il-Genna kien unmanned ukoll u fejn kien melting, anke jekk Ministru thin Lin-nies li gew tassel bzonn. Dan anke Borg Olivier kien jafu u jaf uh ukoll u dejjem Tawha hajr ohrajn li gawdew mis-servizz tieghu. Alla hares Taliban ghal kollox il-hila tieghu ghax lahhar Ministru. Hadd ma ikkritikaw, Anzi father. Ghaliex allura Issa ghandha nitilfuh s-servizz I excellent I ta' Franco li jinsab fl-istess pozizzjoni. Imbaghad Thomas Fenech jigi jikkritikaw lil Franco, u zgur mhux ghax qalbu tahraqhom ghall-pazjenti. Naf min dam hames snin jistenna biex jaghmel l-operazzjoni tal-katerretti, u naf ukoll kif Fenech lil min jafu sew, f'sitt xhur ghamillu l-operazzjoni, bejn meta nvistah u bejn l-operazzjoni, fil-Mater Dei. Ma nafx ghaliex din l-ghira!
Rita Pizzuto
L-ewwelnett Jason Azzopardi imissu jaf li kull Prim Ministru jista' jibdilli l-hekk imsejkna etika ghaliex din mhix ligijiet imma hi l-prerogative tal-PM jekk irid jaghmel xi tibdil. Jekk Jason jitlob lill-eks kandidat tal-PN Frank Portelli jghidu kif tahdem din jispjegalu sew. It-tieni, mhux veru li Censu Tabobe ma kienx jara nies meta kien Ministru u ma thallix jipprattika. Missieru kien wiehed minn Dawk li grazzi ghal Censu Tabone ma tilifx id-Idawl. Censu Tabone l-Bambin itih il-Genna kien unmanned ukoll u fejn kien melting, anke jekk Ministru thin Lin-nies li gew tassel bzonn. Dan anke Borg Olivier kien jafu u jaf uh ukoll u dejjem Tawha hajr ohrajn li gawdew mis-servizz tieghu. Alla hares Taliban ghal kollox il-hila tieghu ghax lahhar Ministru. Hadd ma ikkritikaw, Anzi father. Ghaliex allura Issa ghandha nitilfuh s-servizz I excellent I ta' Franco li jinsab fl-istess pozizzjoni. Imbaghad Thomas Fenech jigi jikkritikaw lil Franco, u zgur mhux ghax qalbu tahraqhom ghall-pazjenti. Naf min dam hames snin jistenna biex jaghmel l-operazzjoni tal-katerretti, u naf ukoll kif Fenech lil min jafu sew, f'sitt xhur ghamillu l-operazzjoni, bejn meta nvistah u bejn l-operazzjoni, fil-Mater Dei. Ma nafx ghaliex din l-ghira!