Greens: Spring hunting season must stop now

Reaffirming its position against spring hunting, Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party voiced its concerns on the widespread bird slaughter occurring in the last days.

Green party Alternattiva Demokratika has called for an end to the spring hunting season that has seen widespread illegalities reported by conservation monitors from BirdLife and the Campaign Against Bird Slaughter.

Simon Galea, spokesperson for agriculture and animal welfare, insisted that the EU's Birds Directive, which bans spring hunting, is not being observed.

Malta has derogated from the EU law with a limit of 11,000 turtle doves and 5,000 quails that can be hunted, but conservationists believe the shots being recorded in the Maltese countryside show that hunters are catching birds of prey and protected species.

"Irresponsible hunters are being provided with an excuse to shoot at anything. Although it is a known fact that illegal hunting is rampant in Malta, the government still implements a derogation because of a supposed 'guarantee' that these same hunters will abide by the law," Galea said.

"Adding insult to injury is the fact that the fee of €50 and the compulsory wearing of an armband have been removed, making it easier for poachers to break the law. The end result is a widespread massacre of protected bird species including birds of prey as well as hunting in Natura 2000 sites by hooded individuals," Galea said.

Galea accused the government of ignoring the writing on the wall with Parliamentary Secretary Roderick Galdes "refusing to acknowledge this sad reality."

Galea urged the government to immediately close the spring hunting season and to stop the farce of spring hunting. "We also call for much stronger enforcement as from the autumn hunting season."

On its part, the Federation for Hunting & Conservation - Malta (FKNK) has ancelled the membership of Christian Gauci, of Mellieha, who earlier this week was convicted in court of having been in possession of a shotgun and cartridges in a protected zone, other hunting related illegalities and relapsing. 

A person cannot have a hunting licence renewed unless they are a member of the FKNK or the St Hubert Hunters.

The Commissioner of Police is being informed accordingly.

The FKNK however said it won't suspend Edwin Vella, a district committee member, who was caught in the same Foresta 2000 sanctuary carrying a shotgun. The FKNK claim he was not hunting but entered the zone to collect a bird he had shot.

Jekk tridu tkunu kredibli FKNK imxu ma kullhadd l-istess . Kelli izjed fidugja fikohm.
There is no other option but to ban hunting altogether. Readers are invited to sign this ongoing petition:
There is no other option but to ban hunting altogether. Readers are invited to sign this ongoing petition:
There is no other option but to ban hunting altogether. Readers are invited to sign this ongoing petition:
There is no other option but to ban hunting altogether. Readers are invited to sign this ongoing petition:
While banning hunting in Malta may be debated, banning spring hunting should not even be an issue for discussion - just do it. It is common sense that you should not be allowed to shoot birds migrating north in spring to lay their eggs in summer (unless your goal is extinction).
Emmanuel Mallia
The Greens are hypocats ! Lots of fuss on Maltese Hunting, but they approve bull torture in Spain, with the excuse that that is tourism Hypocrats, that is what you are . I am no hunter, but I respect my intelligence !
If Christian Gauci, of Mellieha hunts illegally while holding a license, there will be nothing at all to stop him carrying on without a license. If anyone thinks otherwise they are dumber than the animals being shot.
Kollox gideb u esagerazjonijiet! How many birds of prey have been reported shot? Numbers please not imagination!3 individuals were caught hunting in Natura 2000 sites and none in Buskett and other protected sites out of over 9000 licensed hunters. Not a shot is heard after 3pm. Well done to all law abiding hunters. Well done to the ALE for its constant monitoring and patrols and prompt action.
Jien miniex kaccatur, imma nghid, jekk xi hadd irresponsabbli jsuq karozza minghajr harsien tal-ligi u joqtol persuna ohra,inzommu l-licenzja tas-sewwieqa kollha?
I have now started to believe that the FKNK has no credibility with what is happening right across the board, with members of its monitoring commission actually being convicted of the crimes they were supposed to prevent. This killing spree of innocent birds, God's creations, must stop and the Government and the Police should bear hard on these criminals who abuse the law with such apparent disgust to the laws and wishes of the majority of our People.
The AD green party,is the most clean decent party.Malta without the green party ,eventually will became a place with nothing but empty houses full of rats , spiders web ,and ghosts.Lets make the AD party stronger and support them at all costs.
The AD green party,is the most clean decent party.Malta without the green party ,eventually will became a place with nothing but empty houses full of rats , spiders web ,and ghosts.Lets make the AD party stronger and support them at all costs.