Government to introduce Children’s Act and Child Policy
Children’s Act and Child Policy in the pipeline, to protect the rights and interests of children, family minister Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca says.
Unlike the previous administration, the Labour government would seriously address children's' needs in a timely fashion, family minister Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca said.
The minister was addressing a conference entitled 'The Rights of the Child in Foster Care' organised by the National Foster Care Association Malta (NFCAM).
She said the government will introduce the Children's Act and Child Policy to safeguard children's interests and rights. Coleiro Preca said these would be introduced following a wide consultation process, which would also involve children.
"The government is committed to give a voice to all children," she said, adding that Malta's legal and structural development in the field stalled.
"Children are not only our future but they are also our present, therefore it is necessary to have long term strategies in place to guarantee a better environment for our children."
She added that the Foster Care act also required amendments to protect the rights of foster children and foster parents.