Muscat ‘seriously considering’ not moving parliament into Renzo Piano building

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat discusses with architect possibility of opening up the use of the Renzo Piano building in City Gate.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had always expressed his opposition to the building of the new parliament.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had always expressed his opposition to the building of the new parliament.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is "seriously considering" not moving the Maltese Parliament into the Renzo Piano building at City Gate, after it turned out that the new building was not big enough to accommodate the needs of "a modern Parliament".

Muscat is reported to have in mind a different idea as to the use of the €82-€85 million project, commisiong by the Lawrence Gonzi governmnet to Renzo Piano, whose architectural marvels include Seoul's Landmark Tower.

Sources from the Office of the Prime Minister said that during his meeting with the Italian architect in Paris, while on an official visit to President Francois Hollande, Joseph Muscat said he wasn't "happy" that the new building would be restricted to parliament use only.

"There were open discussions on how the building could be used differently," sources said, adding that Muscat's idea is for the Renzo Piano building to be enjoyed by the Maltese and not restricted to MPs.

A plan being considered is to keep the parliament where it is today - at the Palace - but renovate it while the building in front of St George's Square - the Main Guard - could be turned into offices for the members of parliament.

Emmanuel Mallia
Imagine a Shakespeare play is being performed, and a helicopter hovers on top of the open air theater, or a car blows its horn ! !!
Emmanuel Mallia
Jornic, have you ever been to London ? Have you not seen a mixture of old architecture with the new monster buildings ? You must be living in another world, or not having traveled enough, out of this rock !! Mixed architecture is very acceptable these days ! As for Renzo Piano, its the people that raised him on the pedestal and the people that makes him step down. We Maltese tend to praise and honor celebrities, as if they are gods. Once you got a name, you are a genius and your work becomes a world class work of arts.Even, if it is rubbish !
For whatever reason this building will be used for, it will still remain an eyesore. My question is why was the Opposition at that time not vociferous enough to halt this madness (called "genius work by some")?
To NCE. The architectural style of the opera house had nothing to do with the baroque architecture of the city. It is clear you either never stepped out of this rock to visit the developments of other cities or you do not have the slightest idea of what architecture and design are about.
To NCE. The architectural style of the opera house had nothing to do with the baroque architecture of the city. It is clear you either never stepped out of this rock to visit the developments of other cities or you do not have the slightest idea of what architecture and design are about.
I thought for a moment I was reading l-Orizzont but anyway it is funny how many there are in Malta who believe they are better in design than one of the world's leading architects who is sought after to create landmarks by many countries. As a cost saving exercise Muscat should reduce the number of ministers and and P.S's to a more contained number. Well this is Malta after all full of experts in every subject under the sun.
As one who wrote at the time that this project STINK and it was only a form of a kick back of some kind that we saw a lot of during the last administration. I rather keep it as a parliament in honor of the disgraceful management of the past. In fact we should have like the EU two parliaments six months in Salisbury and six months in Brussels in our case six months in this new monster of a place and six months were it is at present. This way we always remain remembering the shame of the last PN administration.
Emmanuel Mallia
The German government should help us rebuild that theater to its original state !! The Greeks are claiming German compensation for what they did during the war !!
Emmanuel Mallia
Joseph, please cover that theater !
Nehhuh minn hemm xi kruha qiesu xi habs f'nofs il-belt. Ahjar sar monument kbir tal-bronze tal-Gran Mastru La Valette ghax konna nohorgu b'irhas u kien ikun isbah. Tibqa pjazza ghall poplu u mhux binja li tfakkar il-korruzzjoni li ghadda minnha l-poplu. Progett bla sens.
If the designs are so wrong then one could try and rectify them but I fail to see how this can be considered as cost cutting. Surely the Palace and the Main Guard are worth well over 85 million.
Well I pray that something could be done to cure the festering carbuncle, it is just like an unwanted corn or bunion. Mr Muscat needs to bring in a chiropodist to cut it down from the roots.
I would say, dismantle the Vanity Cube and re-build it somewhere else. In its stead, build a landscaped sculpture garden with a bandstand, thus providing a pleasing entrance to our great city. The bland slit that replaced City Gate needs to be reconsidered, too.
Id-decizjoni li l-Parlament ma jigix trasferit fil-binja ta' Piano, jekk tittiehed, tkun decizjoni ghaqlija. Issa l-froga lahqet saret, avolja lil GonziPN bosta fethulhom ghajnejhom dwar ir-riperkussjonijiet ovvji ta' dan il-progett li meta tinkiteb l-istorja fattwali tieghu, ghandu jkun fost l-aqwa 'best-sellers'! Id-differenza mill-frejjeg li l-PN fil-Gvern ghamel b'rabta mad-dahla tal-Belt hi li meta wettqu l-progett b'ispirazjoni Faxxista fis-snin 60 dan issa sparixxa ghaliex kien nofs lehja u mahsub hazin, filwaqt li l-binja ta' Piano, jekk wiehed jehodha fuq il-merti taghha (u mhux f'kuntess urbanistiku), hi monument validu li dahhal il-Belt Kapitali fis-seklu XXI.
As I said before the building should be leased to a major multinational corporation or a internatianal organisation of the EU or the UN as a regional centre. That way it will generate value as it has the cachet of a being a Piano building which does count in image value in international circles. It is aesthetically challenging but in time will become a recognized landmark in the portfolio of Piano world buildings. It might also generate jobs for us rather than being considered as a folly for which the taxpayer will be forking out money for the next generation.
Abdullah alhrbi
Lets hope it's not turned into a one stop shop museum pastiche. That would be unwise! Its a building with a lot of limitations as much as possibilities. God forbid it be earmarked as a contemporary art space it doesn't have that potential for that adaptation. Why not house archives and a proper library and research centre?
Thinking outside the box where will it get us
The new building could be pulled down, the Opera House rebuilt together with the old City Gate. The project would be pleasing to everybody and in line with the classical style of Valletta.
If the 'new parliament' is not going to be used as such, which I agree, I suggest that it will be used as a 'General Government CASH OFFICE'. It can house the following Cash Offices; Income Tax/ Social Security/ Lands Dept: [Rents Etc]/ Tourist Board / MEPA / Water & electricity/ Business Licences/ and any other Govt paying stations. These Cash Offices will be under one roof, with one Entry Door, and One Exit Door, thus the Security will be easily handled.
Joseph Muscat is right to keep Parliament where it is. The Peanut Cage which is the hallmark of Renzo Piano's concept of our Parliament is not only a steel cage but an abomination which has replaced City Gate. If the Maltese People have forked out more than € 80 million for this abomination, from which God knows how much handouts have gone under the table, then the People must as well try and get some money's worth back by using it to generate business to pay it back.