John Rizzo refuses to give up his two detail officers
Former Police Commissioner John Rizzo wants to keep the car he used as a commissioner and his two detailed officers.
Former Police Commissioner John Rizzo
Former Police Commissioner John Rizzo has refused to return the car he used while he served his term as Commissioner of the Police and is also insisting on keeping the two police officers who were stationed with him.
According to Sunday newspaper Illum, Rizzo was "hurt" by the way he was asked to resign his post by the Labour government.
Despite being offered the post of head of the Civil Protection Department, police sources said Rizzo "failed to understand the Prime Minister's decision".
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has always insisted that persons who held crucial positions should be persons of trust.
Read the full story in Illum.

I cannot believe the cheek of JR, yes remember the Dallas arrogance played by JR Euwing. Seems that we are now living history. Is this the same man who for so long preached on discipline. What right has he to demand the continued use of car, and police as his drivers. I hope that neither the PM, Minister, nor Commissioner will not exceed to the demands. Demands,.. who on earth does he think he is!

Shame on you.Rizzo ghad ghandu dritt li jghamel uzu mill karozza ta servizz.Nahseb li ma ghandu xejn x jghomod hlief snin ta success.Beda minn kuntistabli u mexau ha il promotions ghax kien habriki u kapaci,u meta sar kummissarju l ewwel darba li ferhu bieh anki l oppozizzjoni ta dak iz zmien.GRAZZI SUR RIZZO.

....Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has always insisted that persons who held crucial positions should be persons of trust.....
What did Fenech Adami and Gonzi do between 1987 to 1986, 1988 to 2013 ??????
Yes Joseph don't you dare trust them. If you do you'll be played like Dr Sant.
Don't practice what you preach like Edward and Lawrence.

Renments of the old PN arrogance. John Rizzo should be shown the way out.

Perhaps we should call him Emeritus Police Commissioner to satisfy his ego. He will join the merry company of Emeriti bishops, presidents and prime ministers. However all emeriti should realize that the word simply means former and that now they join the ranks of us ordinary citizens and they cannot expect any more privileges than us ordinary but still fulfilled mortals.

Imaginaw kemm kien arroganti mal pulizija meta kien kap.Trid tammetti li int spiccajt min u ghalhekk trid taccetta.Haga ohra il ministru itih ordniu basta

hahaha!! what a funny Rizzo!! what next Rizzo ? why not come down to earth and start to realise you are nothing .you should at least thank joseph for giving you a top job.

Not a question of competency but one of trust and a need for change.
And we should stop acting like children and grow up.

"Former Police Commissioner John Rizzo" means that the man has been replaced. Former means past and Mr Rizzo is not the Commissioner of police anymore. He does not have the same rights as when he was commissioner. Ex Commissioner John Rizzo can ask but he lost his right to demand as Commissioner of police. John Rizzo, you have been replaced and when you have been replaced, so have your perks that went with the job. That is why I say be nice to the people on your way up because you will meet those same people on the way down. I think Ex Commissioner Rizzo should chew on that one for a while.