Gozo minister appoints cousin on Gozo Channel board

Gozo minister Anton Refalo appoints his cousin as secretary of Gozo Channel board.

Renata Formosa
Renata Formosa

Renata Formosa, the Gozo minister Anton Refalo's cousin has been appointed as secretary on the Gozxo Channel board.

Speaking to MaltaToday, the minister confirmed that Formosa, a lawyer by profession, will be the secretary of the Gozo Channel board which is led by former Labour financial controller and Xaghra mayor Joe Cordina.

Cordina is the director of fiduciary services company Intershore, which served as a director of oil trader George Farrugia's company Aikon Ltd, before resigning from its directorship when Farrugia's family filed court proceedings against him over embezzlement of oil profits from family business Powerplan.

Cordina had withdrawn his candidature on the thirteenth (Gozo) district during the last elections.

Gozo Channel now falls within the remit of the Gozo ministry. It previously was the responsibility of either the finance or the transport ministry.

Refalo has also come underfire from some quarters for employing his wife, Michelina, in the ministry's customer care department.  

If that is the case of Toni ta' Giovanna, yes, his wife and Toni were absolutely wrong. Fair enough Renata is a trustworthy lawyer but if I were Refalo I would have given her a different role and not Board Secretary of Gozo Chanel. Personally I wanted a change to get rid of the Klikka and it scares me to think that this will be happening in this Movement another klikka.
'Two wrongs do not make a right Fufa.' You are right Cara. But you never said that Toni ta Giovanna was doing anything wrong when he was the point of reference in Gozo for over 10 years. So maybe minister Refalo was taking a leaf from his book and copied what Toni used to do. He surely assumed that doing like Toni ta Giovanna would be an excellent idea. What do you think Cara?
Kugina, neputija u tkun xi tkun m'ghandiex dritt!! B'dan irridu jghattu xturhom!!!!Insew x'ghamlu huma?
Two wrongs do not make a right Fufa.
Ghal l`inqas ghandha kwalifiki. Taht il-gvern ta Gonzi PN (li kollox hu possibli) kien hemm min ghaddieni fl`interview fejn jien kelli il-kwalifiki u min hadli il-job lanqas jaf jikteb u jaqra. Fl`interview gabuni li miniex kapaci nalaq katnazz. Jekk hawn xi hadd li jrid jamilli libel ta dan il-kumment jista jamlu. 100% able u ha hdimtx, ahseb u ara li kont minajr idejn !!!!!!. B`hekk Gonzi irid jirbah l`elezzjoni ??????. Fuq l`ingustizzji li qlajt, qatt u qatt ma huma ha jarawh il-vot tieghi in-nozzjonalisti. shame on you
SO WHAT??? Kull min hu pur joghlli idejh.
Naqbel perfettament ma fufa. Keep it going, man.
Gvern ta klikka
Darba Ghawdex kien hemm ministru jisimha Giovanna Debono. Xi hadd jista jghidilna r-ragel taghha fejn kien jahdem. Mhux segretarju, mhux haddiem mal-gvern imma l-hakkiem ta Ghawdex. Kull min kellu bzonn xi haga f'Ghawdex ried ikellem lil Toni ta Giovanna. Allura biex qed titkazaw inton t'hawn taht, ja qatta ikopriti.
At least Dr Refalo had the good sense to appoint some one he can trust.////////.
Ergajna Malta tal-Klikka lkoll. Hsibt li dan il-gvern gdid huwa iktar sensittiv ghal haddiema li baghtew ingustizzji. Fl-oppozizzjoni kulhadd taharqu qalbu u jweghdek imma meta jkun fil-power jara lil dawn il-haddiema cockroaches. Malta dejjem hekk konna u hekk nibqghu.
Where were you who oppose appointments of relations when Dolores Cristina's family members were employed with Govt and later on found to be corrupt which led to the stopping of Erasmus to the detriment of all students?
Gonzi = Flimkien Kollox Possibli Muscat = Taghna ilkoll. In-Nazzjonalisti ghadhom jahsbu li ghadhom fil-Gvern. Mhux kollox inthom kontu hadtu, issa imiss lil haddiehor. Jew il-Gvern taghna u tmexxu inthom, bhal ma kient il-gvern taghkom u tmexxu inthom. Halluna. Ghadkom zejt f'wicckom?
Everybody in Gozo is either a cousin, or an aunt, or an uncle, brother, sister, grandson, etc. And after all, why should the cousin of Hon Refalo be penalised by being at a disadvantage in being chosen for the position?
So what is so wrong in employing family members? EVERYTHING! But we are Maltese and we do as we please. This new Government is on a runaway course to see how they can piss of the Maltese people and it seems to be working. Employing family members in your department goes against the Rule of Ethics. Or maybe some prefer to say conflict of interest, some call it nepotism, politics and a few other things. Maybe he likes to keep thing s well in the family. It seems that this government is daring the people right out. I remember another Labour Party Leader in the sixties and seventies that did the same thing. I hope this new leader does not stop the importing of chocolate, matches, toothpaste etc. Like I said many times in politics there are obligations to be paid back and as Gozitans and Maltese we do as we please, especially when it comes to politics and politicians. On the other hand it is hard to hire somebody that is not a relation in Malta. Well let us use that as an excuse. So a live-in girlfriend offers her free services to the Health Minister and he and she are greatly criticized but then I forget, after all this is Gozo. Getting better by the minute. Where is her Royal Majesty now?
Oh dear, just when we thought we had got rid of the "jobs for clique" syndrome. Some things never change.
Malta tal-Labour biss. Issa waqajna ghan nepotizmu wkoll. It's all in the family.