‘I had no say in choice of car’ – Franco Debono

Law Commissioner Franco Debono asks why PN has not yet ‘apologised’ for the ‘injustices’ he suffered during the previous legislature.

Law Commissioner Franco Debono
Law Commissioner Franco Debono

Former Nationalist MP Franco Debono has denied having known that the government vehicle he was granted following his appointment as Law Commissioner had once been used by former minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici - the same minister forced to resign after Debono voted against him in a motion of no-confidence.

"This is pure coincidence," Debono told MaltaToday when contacted. "I had no idea the car had been the same one which Mifsud Bonnici used. I only got to know now."

In a report published today, The Times reported that Debono was now making use of a Volkswagen Passat previously used to chauffeur Mifsud Bonnici.

"I had no say in the choice of car since... had I known, I would have opted for a different one," Debono said. "The public is not interested in these 'petty' issues, anyway," Debono said.

The former MP, whose vote against the 2013 budget prompted earlier elections for the Nationalist government, said he still expected his former party to "apologise" for the "cruelty" he endured when his proposed reforms to the justice and home affairs portfolio found no favour with the government.

His opposition to minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici soon became a bone of contention. "I was condemned for his [Mifsud Bonnici] shortcomings when all along I was right. What is being reported by the new minister shows that my criticism was correct," he said, referring to a recent surprise visit at the Corradino prisons that revealed eight warders were away without leave on a regular basis.

Taking umbrage at The Times's report, Debono argued that he was being unfairly singled out by the newspaper. "Because of this continuous incitement which has been going on for years, I still have police officers stationed outside my door," he said, adding that the "character assassination" had been ongoing since the 2008 elections.

Debono, now Commissioner for Laws and entrusted to coordinate a forthcoming constitutional convention, said the country "needs a national reconciliation and to focus on the work that must be carried out in the country's interest."



@chikku - no you were right the first time - 20 pieces should be enough for that one - definitely not worth 30.
Give Dr Debono a chance. I am sure that given the chance he will deliver what he always wanted to deliver. Proper reforms in line with the current times. Delivery is done irrespective of the car offered. Perhaps he could request the former police commissioner car, ah yes he hasn't returned it yet has he??
My bible studies need brushing up. It was 30 pieces of silver. Apologies to Judas.
Citroen C3 li kellu l ahhar Carm fejn qieghda ghal li jista ikun mhux ghand Kate Gonzi?Ahna aktar jinteresana fejn spiccat C3
Rita Pizzuto
Lanqas tibna w ahna ma fadal ilhom ma' xiex jaqbdu. Ara l-pubbliku x'jimprtah jekk il-karozzi kinetex ta' Tizju Jew Sempronju. L-aqwa li jsir xi-xoghol u Franco jahdem u jaghmel dak li gie mqabbad jaghmel. Nahseb anke b'karettun kien jaghmlu. Imbaghad jghidu li dawn huma d-doyens tal-gurnalizmu. Spicca dak iz-zmien li tat-Times kienu l-factotum. Il-verita'' certament li m'ghadiex il-prerogative taghhom u n-nies saret taf taghzel u tixtarr!
FrancoI thought you were smarter than this. I think they played you Dr Franco Debono and you fell for it, hook, line and sinker. Franco Debono I thought you were slick and you let nothing pass by you. This is a minor thing, after all you did get a chauffeured car.(chuckle chuckle).. Soon as I start believing in you, you go and spoil it all by saying this was not a set up by the opposition or do you have an opposition? I am starting to wonder. You should have kept your own car like the New PM did and make money on the deal. Well you should make enough money on the OIL Deal Bribe Case to last you a lifetime but that is what you do as an excellent defense lawyer. By the way make sure the chauffeur maintains the car because I am sure the Government expects this car to last you at least the next five years. Also FYI: Don't forget when you are on the way up you might see us all again on the way down. "No not a St Aloysius credential."My take."
The car should be called "20 silver coins".
ahna ma jimputaniex min ha il karrozza ta min ......ahna xoghol u gid irridu , hallukhom mill hmerijiet. toqghodux minghalikhom tnessu lil poplu linkwiet li ghandkom go d-dar centrali tal pn , djun kbar , glied bejnietkom , grupp jappoggja lill certu persuna u grupp jappoggja lill xi hadd iehor .insomma babilonja shiha . imbghad tridu tnessu dal hmieg kollu bdawn ic cucati . HALLUNA NAHDMU HA NAGHMLU DAK LI 25 SENA MGHAMILTUX INTOM .
Minn sejjer jiblaha issoltu tieghu bla bla bla.... L-aqwa li jghamel is show li drajnieh jghamel bla bla bla ....
He's right, we are not interested in these petty non-issues. And with regards to being unfairly singled out by the Times, what does he expect from the mouthpiece of de Marco family?