Former transport minister appointed chairman of logistics company
Austin Gatt joins Hili Group as chairman of Hili Company Ltd.
Former infrastructure and transport minister Austin Gatt has been appointed chairman of Hili Company Ltd.
The Hili Group, of which Hili Company Ltd is a susbsidiary, enjoys extensive experience in the logistics business.
The Company is an internationally-based group focusing on maritime-based logistics handling, within a wider portofolio including as a developmental licensee of McDonald's corporation, property development and engineering.
The Group has a key presence in the Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Sea regions and are expanding into Asia by forging strategic partnerships.
One of the services the Hili Group provides - through the Carmelo Caruana Company Limited - is the provision of port and transit services, crew changes, off-harbour services, bunker brokerage, ship-to-ship transfer of oil products, container transhipment, freight forwarding, airfreight, ship agency and warehousing.