Police raid Rita Schembri's private residence, discover original OLAF report

Original OLAF report found at the private residence of Rita Schembri following a raid carried out by the Police.

Rita Schembri
Rita Schembri

The original OLAF report of the John Dalli investigation has been found at Rita Schembri's private residence following a raid carried out this evening by the police, MaltaToday has learnt.
Schembri, 47 from Wardija, is the head of the OPM's internal audit and investigations department.

The original OLAF report has been confiscated by the police on the premise that the report was government property.

It is not known whether other sensitive documents pertaining to the sensitive work carried by the IAID was in Schembri's possession.

At this stage, it is also unknown whether Rita Schembri will be prosecuted over any charges.

However in a separate report coordinated by the National Audit Office after her suspension, it was made amply clear that important documents were removed from reports by IAID staff on Schembri's orders.
It appears these reports dealt primarily with audits of EU funded projects.
Schembri had suspended herself and abandoned her senior post in November after MaltaToday revealed her direct involvement in undeclared private work related to the sale of the Casino dI Venezia of Birgu.

Later it was discovered that Rita Schembri had used her government office to hold meetings for her lucrative private work.  A close associate of former permanent representative to the EU for Malta Richard Cachia Caruana and former principal permanent secretary Godwin Grima, Schembri assisted the OLAF investigations into former EU Commissioner John Dalli coordinated by Giovanni Kessler, the OLAF director general.

MaltaToday has reported that Schembri told her superiors that she was acting on third party orders in the case of the John Dalli investigation coordinated by Giovanni Kessler, the head of the EU's anti-fraud office OLAF.
The OLAF report was published by MaltaToday last Sunday.

L unika inizzjativa li rajna s'issa kienet mill-pulizija , il - gvern prezenti daqs ta qablu jidher li ma tantx jixtieq idardar lilma , ghax min jaf x jista johrog jekk veru jindaga fil fond ....... u ghadna inhallsu il-paga taghha
L unika inizzjativa li rajna s'issa kienet mill-pulizija , il - gvern prezenti daqs ta qablu jidher li ma tantx jixtieq idardar lilma , ghax min jaf x jista johrog jekk veru jindaga fil fond ....... u ghadna inhallsu il-paga taghha
Meta kien hemm GonziPN fil-gvern,rapport tal-EU kien qal li 88 fil-mija tal-poplu Malti jemmen li il-korruzzjoni hi rampanti u f'kull dipartiment governattiv. L-oraklu Nazzjonalista kien qal li din hija perċezzjoni għax fil-verita' ma kienx hekk. Min dak li qed joħroġ ma tantx naħseb li baqa' dubju jekk din kienitx perċezzjoni jew le. Aktar ma jagħddi iz-zmien ,aktar joħroġ kemm kellna ħmieġ taħt il-gvern ta' GonziPN. Sewwa jgħidu li xi darba iz-zejt jitla f'wiċċ l-ilma. U milli jidher tant tiela zejt fil-wiċċ,li se jkollna bizzejjed biex inħaddmu il-power station għall ħafna zmien.
Meta kien hemm GonziPN fil-gvern,rapport tal-EU kien qal li 88 fil-mija tal-poplu Malti jemmen li il-korruzzjoni hi rampanti u f'kull dipartiment governattiv. L-oraklu Nazzjonalista kien qal li din hija perċezzjoni għax fil-verita' ma kienx hekk. Min dak li qed joħroġ ma tantx naħseb li baqa' dubju jekk din kienitx perċezzjoni jew le. Aktar ma jagħddi iz-zmien ,aktar joħroġ kemm kellne ħmieġ taħt il-gvern ta' GonziPN. Sewwa jgħidu li xi darba iz-zejt jitla f'wiċċ l-ilma. U milli jidher tant tiela zejt fil-wiċċ,li se jkollna bizzejjed biex inħaddmu il-power station għall ħafna zmien.
u it-tifrik li baqa ta GonziPN jinkwieta fuq Jason Micallef! Ara fuq Rita u l-hmieg li hiereg ma tantx jinwitawhom!
MUGUH Dak li hsibt jien gara! Rita, mara minghajr skrupli ta' xejn. Kemm ilha tahdem mal-gvern hlief kif timmanuvra biex takwista lira minn taht m'ghamlitx. Hajjieta ghamlita kif taqliba l-dak u l-dik-anke nies bl-inkwiet bghatet il-dinja l-ohra. U it-transfers li tat ghax kienet tibza' li xi hadd minnhom jista' jirrapurtah. Jiena naf bejn tajjeb li l-permanent secretary ta' qabel kien ukoll indahhal fil-manuvri taghha- minn jaf x'fiha l-borma ??. Allura l-pulizija meta se tiehdu passi kriminali kontriha.
The plot is getting thicker. Possession of the original OLAF report is strange because only Commission President Barroso had a copy, which he sent to the Maltese Attorney General. It was kept under wraps and not even the accused former EU Commissioner Dalli, or members of the European Parliament knew about its contents. After OLAF finalised their investigations they sent the report to the Commission President. How did Rita Schembri manage to get a copy? Who is/are her friends at OLAF? Commission spokespersons have repeatedly stated that they do not even wish to refer to the report contents, let alone divulge what it contains. So what interests did Rita Schembri has to possess an original copy of the report? Is it normal practice for OLAF classified reports to find their way to members of OLAF supervisory committee?
Lil min jghid li dan l gvern ghadu maghmel xejn nghidlu,li nehha min nofs dan il hmieg ta korruzzjoni ukoll kien bizzejjed
The PN has nothing to say about this, it seems. It is not shameful or degrading presumably.
"A close associate of former permanent representative to the EU for Malta Richard Cachia Caruana and former principal permanent secretary Godwin Grima, Schembri assisted the OLAF investigations into former EU Commissioner John Dalli. " Has this association been investigated by the police in the Dalligate affair? On whose instructions was she acting?
Further proof of GONZIPN involvement in the SECOND frame up of John Dalli - as if there was any shred of doubt that it was not so right from the very beginning. Her involvement with OLAF and the manipulation of evidence by Kessler sealed the deed. Barroso did the rest. The Police should take immediate action to arraign her in Court, and arraign those that appointed her to top positions when she was clearly not competent, nor honest to head the OPM's internal audit office.
U Dr. Gon qalilna li din bniedma tal-affari taghha u serja fix-xoghol taghha. Ma hemx bzonn aktar kummenti. Araw x kelna fil-pajjiz. Grazzi ghal bidla
Can Simone tell us if this is a typical neshinalist face?