Women’s Study Group dismayed by court sentence on rape case
Women’s Study Group concerned at how three young men were simply placed under probation after admitting to holding a 14-year-old girl against her will and raping her.
The Maltese University's Women's Study Group expressed its "overwhelming disappointment" after the Maltese courts granted three young men probation after having found them guilty of having raped a 14-year-old girl and holding her against her will.
Aged 17 when the crime took place in March last year, two of them were placed under probation for three years while the third was placed under probation for years on admission of participating in the crime by performing sexual acts with the girl.
"We understand that they were minors at the time of committing the crime, since they were 17, and it is not the resultant lenient sentencing which causes us most dismay," the group said.
"The most shocking part is that the court observed that the prosecution and the defence agreed that this was just an act of foolishness by three young men who thought their deed to be some achievement."
Quoting the court sentence, in Maltese it said: "att ta' bluha ta' tlett guvintur minorenni li ħasbu li qed jagħmlu xi bravata".
The women's study group insisted that with such a sentence, the Maltese courts suggested "this was just a bit of mischief that the boys got up to and it was nothing serious... All that was left for them to do was give them a pat on the back".
The group argued that such attitudes continue to ensure that violence against women and girls remains alive.
"It is bad enough when men in the street spouts such misogyny, but when we hear it from the learned judiciary, the prosecuting police officer, and the defense attorney then the damage done is much greater."