Gonzi meets PN employees, says new administration will see to their problems

PN leader Lawrence Gonzi assures Dar Centrali workers that the ‘new administration will see to their problems’.

PN leader Lawrence Gonzi
PN leader Lawrence Gonzi

Outgoing PN leader Lawrence Gonzi plucked up courage and decided to meet PN staff to thank them for the hard work carried out, especially during the election period.

The meeting took place this morning at the Stamperija in Hamrun where he asked workers to be patient and await the new party administration that will see to the financial crisis.

The workers include both full-timers and part-timers, some of whom have not even yet been paid their March salaries.

The former Prime Minister asked them not to lose heart or to fear not being paid as the party "owns many properties and especially the Stamperija whose market value runs into millions of euros".

Talking to MaltaToday a number of staff members said they left the meeting disappointed at the uncertainty on when their outstanding salaries will be paid.

Emmanuel Mallia
No wonder PN always chooses a lawyer as a leader. He always has a way out, by distorting the truth !
Emmanuel Mallia
The new PN administration is being run by an anointed leader, nothing new, just old rhetoric, conservative, lawyer's diplomatic, distorted, talk talk !
Emmanuel Mallia
PN is about to choose another lawyer, whose prime job will be to distort the facts to obtain his objectives.
The new administration will solve the problems he caused
Morru hallsu lill-haddiema, fqajtuh bid-dejn lil-Partit Nazzjonalista. Anqas il-partit ma kienu kapaci jsalvaw mid-dejn ahseb u ara kemm tafdalhom il-finanzi tal-pajjiz.
Tajjeb. Hasel idejh! wikka l problema lil haddiehor
Spiccaw bix-xoghol PREKARJU il-haddiema tad-Dar Centrali bi skemi WORK NOW P.(ay don't know whe)N.! U dan Gonzi jipretenti li kapaci jmexxi finanzi ta' Pajjiz b'ghajnunu ta' "TAENT LIMITAT" bhal ta' Toni ta' L'Arloggi! Halluna! Issa ani I-haddiema tal_P.N. saru jafu , ghas-spejjes taghhom xi jsarraf Lawrence Gonzi !
Spiccaw bix-xoghol PREKARJU il-haddiema tad-Dar Centrali bi skemi WORK NOW P.(ay don't know whe)N.! U dan Gonzi jipretenti li kapaci jmexxi finanzi ta' Pajjiz b'ghajnunu ta' "TAENT LIMITAT" bhal ta' Toni ta' L'Arloggi! Halluna!
Priscilla Darmenia
The PN in government sold Malta’s assets to make good for the debt they put the country in and now Gonzi is proposing to sell the PN’s assets to make good for the debt he put the PN in. – Veru par idejn sodi!
Trust Gonzi to unshoulder his responsabilities, it is shameful that the leader of the party comes up with these kind of statements. It is OK for him, he will soon retire on a very good pension and monies saved over the years. For sure he won't starve.
Some"par idejn sodi"LOL
Ara dan gonzipn qatt ma kien hawn bhalu. L-aqwa li kiel hu u shabu u jigi jaqa u jqum minn kulhadd. X'jitmejjel li dawn il-haddiema ghandom il-familji x'jitimaw. L-istess haga ghamel mal-poplu u l-poplu tah risposta li jmissu jmur jistahba u mhux jidher fil-pubbliku. Issa mhux hekk biss ghax bhal Pilatu hasel idejh u dak ta' warajh fir-ritratt cioe Pawlu paprati jidher ferhan. L-aqwa li mhux il-familji taghhom li baqu b'xejn.
Iz-zaqq il-mimlija tigi titmellagh miz-zaqq il-vojta.Imma umbghad x tistenna minn persuna bhal Dr Gonzi li ghal-haddiema ma kellux hlief isikkar ghac-cintorin u sagrifficji(Staqsi lill-haddiema tat-Tarznari) u ghal kabinett tieghu b'talent limitat, money no problem u l flus kienu qishom bir bla qiegh.
Emmanuel Mallia
FINANZI FIS-SOD bla bla bla... who is going to be the next PN leader lawyer to feed us with diplomatic, cunning policies ? Diplomacy, playing with words and lies are for diplomats and politicians, not for the citizens !
Gonzi meets PN employees, says new administration will see to their problems .............. what an idiot why didn't he see to his employees' problems. He would do well as a house maid dusting all responsability off his shoulder. The worst PM and PN leader ever.
So much for il PAR IDEJN SODI! GonziPN ran the country and the PN into the ground! At least the PN can sell its property but what can Malta sell? All the country's assets were sold for a pittance while the national debt mushroomed into billions!
GONE-zi is unbelievable! We are all used to him making all the promises which he has no intention of keeping! ... And as if he can predict now what his successor will be doing, much less make promises on his behalf?!? ... If the financial problems were so easy to solve, why didn't he solve them himself, or not let them happen in the first place. ... The shamelessness of this man and his acolytes knows no bounds. Borg Olivier, Busuttil and GONE-zi remind me of the 3 monkeys: see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing. Thank God the Maltese came to their senses and booted them out!
This former Prime Minister together with his right hand man Galea Curmi ruined the lives of so many families. Shame on them.
Biex jigi f'tieghu l-PN se jkollu jbiegh kollox. Kienet verament tmexxija bil-ghaqal u b'nies kapacissimi fl-amministrazzjoni. Ghandkom biex tgergru ghan nies li qed jappunta fil-bordijiet dan il-gvern. B'halqkom maghluq tidhru ahjar.
Oh thank heavens for that. I shall have a good night sleep tonight knowing that money due will come in .....eventually. In the mean time i shall tell this to the supermarket, the chemist, the butcher, and perhaps we can have a credit note to give to Arms... unless of course they would have already disconnected the supply by then and who knows i shall take up residence at Pieta.
@Jigsaw. Biex qed tiskanta?. Dawn kemm damu fil-gvern bieghu il-gojjelli kollha ta' Malta,l-maggoranza taghhom saru fi zminijiet ta' Gvern Laburista, hekk bhala vendikazzjoni!. Sa d-deheb sehtu !. Fejn hemm fejn tasal aktar ?.
Dak li hemm wara Dr. Gonzi imharbat aktar minnu
as the party "owns many properties and especially the Stamperija whose market value runs into millions of euros"..... what do you mean?? that the PN will need to sell his fixed assets to make up for the accumulated debts....wasn't this supposed to be a cashflow problem?
Priscilla Darmenia
Prosit to Dr Gonzi. He left the country’s problems to Joseph Muscat and now he is leaving the party’s problems to Mario De Marco or Simon Busuttil. Kisser u falla pajjiz u kisser u falla partit.
More empty Gonzi blah, blah. At least his rhetoric is consistant.
Daqs kemm il darba serhilna mohhna meta kien prim ministru. Jiddispjacini ghal haddiema imma tantx temmnuh.