Police to charge persons over civil service examinations fraud

An unknown number of persons from public examinations department to be arraigned over tampered civil service examinations.

Evarist Bartolo
Evarist Bartolo

A number of persons from the Examination Department are set to be charged in Court with fraud and falsification of results, education minister Evarist Bartolo said this morning.

Last month, MaltaToday revealed that an internal examination in the civil service for over 800 applicants was under police investigation after serious allegations of a scam to alter exam results.

The minister explained that following police investigations, it was confirmed that the results of at least two persons who sat for the exam was marked up.

In January 799 civil servants sat for an exam for promotions in key areas in the government civil service. Bartolo explained that 671 persons passed the exam however, the examiners were approached by their superiors to mark down everybody's result by five marks since too many persons had passed the exam.

Bartolo added that this was not enough and the examiners were ordered to reduce the benchmark by another 14 marks, which resulted in a total reduction of 19 marks.

However, police investigations show that at least two persons who sat for the exam had their result increased by 26 marks.

This had led to a number of whistleblowers raising the issue with the office of the Prime Minister.

Bartolo added that he has ordered a revision of the whole process of public examinations to guarantee transparency.

Last month the police had interrogated Alfred Zaffarese, the pensioner who was recruited in October 2012 by the Office of the Prime Minister to head the examination process in the civil service, and which is currently under investigation for fraud.  

Zaffarese was recruited by Godwin Grima, the former Principal Permanent Secretary, in October of last year, with a temporary contract that expires this month.

Nixtieq kieku xi hadd jaqra l kumment tieghi u jwegibni !! Minjaf xkien gara fl ahhar rizultat tal ezamijiet tal Clerk li sar 3 snin ilu !! Kien ammont ta 7 jew 10 persuni li ghaddew mill ewwel ezami - l ezami tal kitba u ma kienu ghaddew mill interview ghal 7 jew 3 marki !! Minjaf xkien gara hemmhekk !! 7 jew 10 BISS ma kienux ghaddew mill interview ghal cucata ta marki u certa li min dawn is 7 persuni kien hemm min li haqqu jghaddi u fir written kien mar verament tajjeb !!
Next in line should be the health sector.
Is this the same Godwin Grima who tried to deflect Rita Schembri's alleged irregularities by asking the NAO rather than the PSC to investigate her?
Under Godwin Grima as PPS great pains were inflicted on many honest and dedicated workers who were denied well-merited promotions. This gentleman certainly owes an explanation for the large number of top positions in the civil administration that were given on a purely partisan basis. These include the granting of promotions at headship level to persons from outside the service, which was an unprecedented move from which individuals who were close allies of a minister have benefitted. There were even particular instances where persons in a lower scale than that required for one to apply for a Director’s position had been given the opportunity to apply just the same. As a result the nephew of the Minister’s Personal Secretary could apply for the position and even get it. Prof Godfrey Laferla and particular others were consistently appointed on selection boards of the Department of Health according to the ex Health Minister’s wishes and it was a board under his chairmanship that gave the appointment of Medical Consultants to four individuals who were not even qualified to apply for this post. One of these four happened to be the husband of the ex-Education Minister’s daughter. This was certainly not a one-off case. In fact, under Ex Minister Cassar the Health Department consistently appointed nationalist diehards on selection boards who in turn would give top placings to applicants who sympathized with the Nationalist Party even when these were the least experienced and qualified. A glaring example is that concerning two promotions given over a span of year’s time to a particular health official who contested the last European Parliamentary Elections with the Nationalist Party, to the detriment of very much more qualified and experienced candidates. Here one rightly expects a full and impartial investigation to be carried out into such flagrant abuse of power with resultant grave injustices in promotions given in the public service.
I believe the police should seriously investigate Godwin Grima for any culpability in the whole process. Orders must have been given right from above and he was the head and person responsible for the Civil Service.
The theme thickens a little more with corruption. Where does it stop. This is only the tip of the iceberg because if the Government really takes these irregularities in all Government Departments more seriously, only God knows what they would discover and that is starting from the top down. That is why it is of the utmost of urgency that the Parliament enacts the "WHISTLE BLOWER LAW". The government has an obligation to find out who is behind these scandals in this country, and believe me there are a lot of them, some not even thought of yet.. We need the Whistle Blower Act in place so nobody has the fear of reprisal anything to worry about. I wonder very suspiciously why it is taking the Government and the Parliament so long to put this law in place. Malta needs to clean out the the corruption and the crime and start keeping a clean slate and not protect the guilty. Start with our incompetent corrupt Justice System. We need transparency and that has to start from the top. We have to change some of our archaic laws and stop using politics in everything we do. Yes it will be a big change, but it can be done. The Maltese citizens are calling for such a change that is why they voted PL in the last election. We are asking for help, so please help us rid of this corrupt system we got so accustomed too.
..... issa qed johrog kollox dwar x'kien qed jigri f'kastilja fl-era ta' gonzipn taht il-famuz Principal Permanent Secretary li kellna qabel ... u mbaghad issib lil gonzipn u l-klikka mahmuga li kellu madwaru flimkien mat-times jitghajjru, jitpaztzu u jitkesshu dwar min lahaq minfloku .... missna zammejnih fejn kien lis-sur grima wkoll ..... daqs kemm graw bravuri u ghegubijiet kbar tahtu ....