Police to charge persons over civil service examinations fraud
An unknown number of persons from public examinations department to be arraigned over tampered civil service examinations.
A number of persons from the Examination Department are set to be charged in Court with fraud and falsification of results, education minister Evarist Bartolo said this morning.
Last month, MaltaToday revealed that an internal examination in the civil service for over 800 applicants was under police investigation after serious allegations of a scam to alter exam results.
The minister explained that following police investigations, it was confirmed that the results of at least two persons who sat for the exam was marked up.
In January 799 civil servants sat for an exam for promotions in key areas in the government civil service. Bartolo explained that 671 persons passed the exam however, the examiners were approached by their superiors to mark down everybody's result by five marks since too many persons had passed the exam.
Bartolo added that this was not enough and the examiners were ordered to reduce the benchmark by another 14 marks, which resulted in a total reduction of 19 marks.
However, police investigations show that at least two persons who sat for the exam had their result increased by 26 marks.
This had led to a number of whistleblowers raising the issue with the office of the Prime Minister.
Bartolo added that he has ordered a revision of the whole process of public examinations to guarantee transparency.
Last month the police had interrogated Alfred Zaffarese, the pensioner who was recruited in October 2012 by the Office of the Prime Minister to head the examination process in the civil service, and which is currently under investigation for fraud.
Zaffarese was recruited by Godwin Grima, the former Principal Permanent Secretary, in October of last year, with a temporary contract that expires this month.