City Gate project extended on Piano’s insistence
Famed Italian architect Renzo Piano extended €80 million City Gate project beyond Royal Opera House. ?
Italian architect Renzo Piano was originally briefed to draw up €80 million project for Royal Opera House site, however he had insisted with the previous PN government that he could extend project with same budget.
Sunday newspaper Illum, reveals that Piano had informed the Nationalist administration that he could extend the project to the site adjacent to the old theatre.
This emerged during the meeting Piano had with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat last week in Paris.
Read more in today's edition of Illum
Ghaliex l-ghaziz u gharef Dr.Gonzi ma qalilniex b'dan il-ftiehim? Kien tant anzjuz li jaghmel serata pompuza meta tnieda l-progett, ghalhekk kont nistenna li jghid dwar il-pakkett shieh, bil-proposti kollha. Imma miskin jien, Gahan malti, mhux forsi qed nipretendi hafna!
Dan il-progett hu rimanixxenza tal-kummiedja li Gvernijiet precidenti Nazzjonalisti wettqu ghal Bieb il-Belt, pero flok nessew u hassru dawk l-izbalji serji billi wettqu progett li jaghmel sens estetiku u funzjunali li jkun ta' portata mal-importanza ta' Belt Kapitali, ghazlu li jimbarkaw fuq progett iehor bla sens u dekor. Min jaf kemm ghad nisimghu aktar dwar dan l-att farsesk?!!
• are you claiming that Gonzi has/is pocketing money from this project? I'll be keeping a copy of your original comment...
City Gate Project - qassata ohra ta Aust.
Was it not enough for a suitable theatre, not a roofless one?
And why choose Piano, when there are so many Maltese architects; as far as I know all Piano's projects have brought controversies!
What a waste of money!
@whateverwillwedo.....kulhadd jahseb b'mohhu.
ow yes Piano!! even with a quarter of that amount you could have extended the project. why not tell us how much you and Gonzi are putting in your pockets. A project Malta could have done without, during a time of so many people suffering.80 million????