Meat supplier disputes undeclared discovery of horsemeat in product

Chef Choice not excluding suing the Environment Health Directorate for damages after it warned that undeclared horsemeat and pork was found in beef sausages.

Meat supplier and food manufacturer Chef Choice has disputed a report by the Environment Health Directorate that its product contained undeclared horsemeat and pork.

Earler today, the directorate said undeclared horse meat and pork was found in Chef Choice beef sausages frozen-packed in 1000g plastic bags. Undeclared pork was also found in frozen British Premium Sausages packed in 454g plastic black trays (lot B114-08), beef burgers by The Food House packed in white trays, (use-by date of 28/02/14), and fresh beef  burgers by Scott's Supermarket (packed on April 3 and carrying a use-by date on April 9) packed in black trays.

According to the directorate, they have a misleading product description since some ingredients were not declared.

These cases are still under investigation by the competent authorities to identify the source of the undeclared meats involved.

But Chef Choice, who did not exclude suing for damages, said that its manufacturing processes are frequently subjected to EU inspections and its product perfectly fit for human consumption.

"A sample of the product was taken last February by the Health Authorities and the company asked for further tests when the same Authorities communicated their findings, stating that the product contains traces of undeclared horsemeat," the company said. 

"The Authorities have responded that no further tests on this product could be made since no further samples were taken."

The Companies involved were instructed to withdraw the products in question from the market. However since some of these products may have already been purchased by the consumers this Directorate is thus informing the public accordingly.

For further information the public is kindly requested to contact the Health Inspectorate Services between 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on telephone number 21337333, or by calling personally at its offices at Continental Business Centre, Cutrico Buildings, Old Railway Track, Santa Venera or by email [email protected]

The public is also being invited to access the Directorate's Facebook page at or our official website at for similar information.

ChefChoice is trying to blindfold its clients with misleading threats. The Environmental Health Directorate has never said that the ChefChoice product was not fit for human consumption but that it contained undeclared horsemeat in their products. The EU has said all along that horsemeat is fit for human consumption but its undeclared use was ILLEGAL. ChefChoice is trying to hide behind the definition of "fit for human consumption" to hide the illegality of wrongly labelling food products. It is the Government, on behalf of the People of Malta, who should sue ChefChoice for false labelling.