Energy minister ‘keen’ to list BWSC plant faults
‘I would relish the moment to speak at length about the BWSC plant faults’ – Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi.
Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi would be too happy to spend "15 or 30 minutes" addressing parliament to list all the faults of the Delimara power station BWSC plant he faced since his appointment.
Mizzi was replying to a question raised by Opposition MP Anthony Bezzina on whether the diesel machines of the plant were being switched on due to maintenance being carried out on fuel oil strainer of the power station.
Mizzi confirmed that the machines were being temporarily switched to gasoil from fuel oil until the fouled strainers are removed and replaced.
Further quizzing by Bezzina on whether the minister would then table the list of faults, Mizzi went on to add that it was shameful that a new "state-of-the-art" plant would be plagued by persistent faults.
"I would relish the moment to speak at length about its faults," Mizzi added.