Censu Galea disagrees with parliamentary privilege

Nationalist MP Censu Galea suggests MPs should renounce to their parliamentary privilege.

Nationalist MP Censu Galea disagrees with the parliamentary privilege which members of parliament enjoy.

Galea was addressing parliament as the House discusses the bill to amend the criminal code. The amendment allows includes the removal of criminal prescription on political cases.

This privilege allows MPs to say whatever they like without facing any repercussions such as libel.

According to Galea, this leads to members of parliament to say whatever they like without the fear of facing consequences. He added, that this could lead to mud being thrown at individuals without them being given the opportunity to defend themselves.

He also argued that it wasn't fair to remove prescription on cases which involved politicians.

"What happens if people start alleging cases which would have been carried out by persons who are today dead? How will their reputation be defended? How will we defend them?" Galea said.

Censinu, your party was in power for 25years!!! You never opened up your mouth then about the removal of prescriptions or previleges...... because Gonzi made sure you kept your mouth shut. So please dont start acting as though you care now!!
prosit hej,bil barka tal parlament nghidu u nghamlu li rridu u ma nghatux rendikont quddiem il poplu!!!x demokrazija!!!!
Actions agains dead people cannot be taken because what ever they did died with them but at least we the people in the street will know what and who had done wrong. Yes I agree 100% that prescription on cases which involved politicians should be removed.
Dear Mr Galea,if all of you politicians got noting to hide it is very good amendment for your reputation.
Censu Galea should know who came up with phrases like "Vote XYZ you get Lorry" obviously refering to a particular politician who is today dead and his name has been abused by the nationalists for the last 25 years, No, prescription should be removed especially in the light of evidence that is sprouting on a daily basis of things were being run for the last 8 years. As a citizen I also would like to know how an Lm80 million hospital ended costing overa billion euros. How and who spent the money? Where did it go? We have allegations from former PN MPs about how crooked things were in the building of MaterDei. The other scandal is the BWSC paower station, we would like to know why the emission laws were changed, who had a share of the €4 million in commissions.No Cens, times have changed and people want to know the truth. In 1987, with all the allegations of corruption a PN government found Lm470 million in the countries coffers, in 2013 there are over 6 billion euros in debts.