Prime Minister stops Sliema residential parking zone

Commuter complaints over Sliema residential parking system lead to immediate suspension

The Office of the Prime Minister has intervened to suspend the Sliema local council's residential parking zone, which only started in recent weeks.

The suspension followed the industrial action ordered by the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) which ordered teachers working in Sliema to report for work an hour late. This morning the union said that the action was "successful," with the Forum Unions Maltin backing the action ordered by MUT.

In a statement, the OPM said it was suspending the residential parking system with immediate effect, claiming it was "introduced unilaterally without a trial period" and that it was causing problems for commuters.

The OPM said transport minister Joe Mizzi and local councils parliamentary secretary José Herrera will be meeting the Sliema local council and other business organisations to discuss the matter.

"A comprehensive plan for various parking areas across the island is in the offing as part of government's work to facilitate traffic and transport issues, to aid residents and the commercial community in various towns," the government said.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Alternattiva Demokratika's councillor, Michael Briguglio said that the parking scheme in Sliema was no different from other localities.

"The parking scheme in Sliema is not different to other schemes found in other localities, therefore if the government is consistent it should suspend the scheme in other localities too."

While admitting that he understands that the scheme could create problems for teachers and students, Briguglio said that the scheme was in line with other similar schemes found elsewhere.

Moreover, the experienced AD councillor said that the scheme had been approved years ago and was enforced recently.

"The scheme has been discussed by the council since 2003 and there has always been a cross-party agreement on the scheme, with councillors from all three parties unanimously agreeing on the scheme."

Through the scheme, half the parking bays in Sliema have become timed between 8am and 9pm and non-residents will not be able to occupy the same bay for more than two hours. Once the two hours were over, non-residents would have to move their car and would not be able to return to the same spot before another hour would have passed.

If you are against residents reserved parking please go and sign this petition
If you are against reserved residents parking please go and sign this petition. Thanks.
Jiena niskanta kif min daqs dawk avukati li hemm fil-Parlament ħadd minnhom ma jindenja ruħu biex jagħti daqqa t'għajn lejn il-Kostituzzjoni u jara x'jgħid Artiklu 45 sub artiklu 1 u sub artiklu 2 ta' l-istess Artiklu. Jekk jien għandi zball meta qed nikkwota dawn l-Artikli,jista xi avukat minnhom jgħidli li jien zbaljat. Sakemm dan ma jsirx,jien ser nibqa ninvoka dawn l-Artikli u nuri li dawn l-iskemi jiksru id-drittijiet tal-kumplament taċ-ċittadini l-oħra Maltin.
These residents’ parking schemes are ridiculous. It is obvious that if they are allowed to exist, then they should be allowed in all localities without discrimination (since, unlike other countries, parking has become a problem EVERYWHERE in Malta!). And if they are allowed in all localities, then all we will be able to do is park our cars in front of our houses and go everywhere by bus – or not at all. SCRAP THEM ALL!
Onorevoli Prim Ministru,dawn l-iskemi għandhom jitneħħew min kullimkien għax dawn huwm diskriminatorji mall-kumplament taċ-ċittadini l-oħra li ma humiex min dik il-lokalita' partikolari fejn hemm dawn l-iskemi. Kieku kull belt u raħal jagħmlu dawn l-iskemi,kieku ħadd ma jkun jista jmur imkien.Għallhekk dawn għandhom jitneħħew minnufiħ għax jiksru id-dritt ta' ċittadini oħra li kollha jħallsu l-istess ammont ta' flus f'liċenzji biex juzaw it-toroq ta'Malta.
Skuzi ta Island fairy ; jekk jogbok mhux dan il Gvern dahhal din is-sistema qabel l-elezjoni , jew issa ga insejtu li kontu fil Gvern .
I work in a place in Hamrun where it is literally impossible to park anywhere close. Hence I've started to commute by bus or use a combination of walk and bus, or even drive to a car park and then bus, and sometimes even cycle. I don't think it has crossed anyone's mind to resort to industrial action of this sort. On this island we are so addicted to using cars to go everywhere that we cannot conceive of alternative approaches, social innovation they call it? In most cities on the continent it is near madness to commute downtown by car.
L-immanigjar tat-traffiku fil-gzejjer Maltin ghandu jkun f’ idejn il-gvern centrali u mhux suggett ghal decizjonijiet arbitrarji mehuda minn nies b’ mentalita’ parrokkjali u egoista ghas-spejjez tal-hafna. F’ pajjiz daqs naqra ma jistax ikun kulhadd jigbed lejh izda jrid ikun hemm pjan holistiku dwar l-immanigjar tat-traffiku. Il-problemi biex tipparkja jezistu f’ hafna lokalitajiet.Biex dawn jittaffew l-ewwel ma jrid isir hu li s-servizz tal-Arriva jitjieb bil-kbir. Imbaghad ghandu jibda programm ta’ bini , fejn hu possibbli taht l-art, ghall-parking. Il-kunsilli jibdew jiehdu hsieb ta’ dawn il-postijiet u jiccargjaw hlas moderat li jkun jifilhu kulhadd. Prosit Prim Ministru ghad-decizjoni prattika li hadt!
Well done Joseph. Now please abolish ALL parking schemes except, perhaps Valletta. By the way, I do not live in Valletta.
Our freedom to park is restricted when we drive to Valletta, Floriana, Pieta', San Gwann, Swieqi Tal-Qroqq and half of Malta. I don't remember such a fuss. Is the PM going to let himself get bullied again and be told what to do? Either wide-spread residential parking or none at all. Why should Sliema residents suffer a day more? Solutions: reliable public transport, reduced rates for private car parks, park-n-ride from Manoel Island, subsidised parking for residents in car parks.....
WELL DONE, "Sliema TAHNA WKOLL" as is the rest of Malta for Sliema residents when they venture out of Sliema! Stop discrimination between drivers!
''"The parking scheme in Sliema is not different to other schemes found in other localities, therefore if the government is consistent it should suspend the scheme in other localities too." Most Maltese will agree with that. WHY the preferential treatment for Sliema? Just because Sliema was overbuilt by speculators to the sorry state it is in now does not entitle its residents to privileges over the rights of other Maltese. We all pay for Car use so kindly don't shacle our free movement. It's just not right. Hopefully the new administration will go by that all-important reasoning.
Prosit Prim. The most sensible thing to do. And what about Valletta? The majority of all parking lots are either in yellow, green or blue with very little white spaces left. How can this promote business in Valletta? These schemes are discriminatory and the whole scheme should be re-considered.
Why all the fuss? In Floriana, this system has been in place for ages now, and traffic wardens happily indulge in handing out tickets on a daily basis. Such schemes should be scrapped all over the island and not in Sliema only. Malta taghna lkoll.
Well done Mr. Prime Minister for your quick action. Normally I do not comment on any News Papers but your speedy action on the matter impressed me. I too have a problem two of my children are living with me because they are doing up their homes, they are not Sliema residence any more. They have been parking in the garage which is most inconvenient for us. Also do we want another problem like Valletta? We only have one public car park here. Anyway I will not be going into any correspondence about this matter if your good readers differ with my opinion. Just a big well done again.
Apparenttly there is only one traffic policy which works in Malta: maintain the status quo. Public transport non-existant, total chaos on the roads.
Prosit Sur Ministru. Issa jmiss li jitneħħew minn kullimkien għaliex huma illegali għax jiksru l-Kostituzzjoni. Artikolu 45(1) jgħid illi "Bla ħsara għad-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikoli (4), (5) u (7) ta’ dan l-artikolu, ebda liġi ma għandha tagħmel xi disposizzjoni li tkun diskriminatorja sew fiha nnifisha jew fl-effett tagħha." Artikolu 45(2) jgħid ukoll li "(2) Bla ħsara għad-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikoli (6), (7) u (8) t a ’ dan l-artikolu , ħadd ma għandu jiġ i t rattat b’mod diskriminatorju minn xi persuna li taġixxi bis-saħħa ta’ xi liġi miktuba jew fil-qadi tal-funzjonijiet ta’ xi kariga pubblika jew xi awtorità pubblika." Is-subartikoli msemmija mhux relevanti. Il-Malta Today kienet irrapurtat ukoll li residenti ta' triq żgħira ġewwa Ħ'Attard li fiha hemm skola kienu talbu biex għal sagħtejn biss it-triq issir residents only parking imma Trasport Malta kienet qaltilhom li ma tistax issir għaliex hija diskriminatorja. Kien hemm il-każ tas-sinjuri Borg kontra l-Kunsill Lokali ta' Tal-Pietà li rebhuha kemm fil-prim'istanza kif ukoll fl-Appell li kien għamel il-Kunsill Lokali mis-sentenza u għalhekk suppost li dawn is-sistemi ta' parkeġġ riservat tneħħew. Fil-Belt Valletta iktar agħar għax jekk ma tkunx toqgħod hemm trid tħallas barra li ma ristax tipparkja fil-postijiet riservati għar-residenti. Onro Mizzi, neħħi l-parkeġġi riservati kollha għax dawn kollha diskriminatorji.
Well done PM. This scheme was started a couple of weeks before the General Election. The mayor was often seen going around with a prominent gonzipn candidate. It was an eleventh hour desperate try to win some votes from this gonzipn fortress. This was being done irrespective of the hundreds of commuters that come daily to Sliema. I dare say that the gonzipn mayor had better stick to keep Sliema clean as since the result of the General Election the situation has deteriorated, especially near the Sliema Police Station and the nearby streets. Last year When the new Sliema Coumcil was elected the mayor together with Silvio Zammit and others launched a keep Sliema tidy campaign. Whatever happened to this only the mayor knows.
oh so first we implement without a trial, then we suspend because people quite rightly so complain ... very professional ... not ... hello government you there or not !!
u mela suffara sur kappillan!! Jew bis-sewwa jew bis-sens komun!
u mela suffara sur kappillan!! Jew bis-sewwa jew bis-sens komun!
Mela tas-sliema biss? Skuzi sur PM jiena PL ivvotajt imma issa jekk ghandek il-guts din ghamilha ma Malta kolla inkluz il Belt. Jew ser tibda tidiskrimina kontra is slimizi kif kien ghamel Mintoff u Lorry Sant. Ghandkhom principji jew le?
Emmanuel Mallia
WE ALL PAY OUR LICENSE !!! Lets boycott Sliema for shopping and leisure !!