Newly-elected PN MEP to sit on four committees
One of the newly elected Maltese MEPs, Roberta Metsola, has been appointed to four committees of the European Parliament.
Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola, a lawyer specialising in European law, has taken the place of former MEP Simon Busuttil as a full member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, the Special Committee on Organised Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering, the Committee on Petitions, and a substitute member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection.
Metsola was elected to the European Parliament together with Claudette Abela Baldacchino and Marlene Mizzi in a casual election held on 24 April. This followed the election of Simon Busuttil, Louis Grech and Edward Scicluna to the national parliament in the 9 March election.
"KIBRITILHA RASHA MALL-EWWEL!" -- what kind of *stupid* comment is that? It seems to me that Roberta Metsola was appointed on these committees to replace Simon Busuttil -- probably because, as a lawyer specialising in European Law, she has background similar to him. What does that have to do with her becoming 'big-headed'?
And the rest of what you said is just the usual incoherent Labour gibberish!
What I *do* wonder is how many committees, and which, the labour MEPs were appointed to -- since the didn't even know what 'Objective One' was, and don't seem to have very much in the way of expertise or qualifications. Seems to me they will just be having a good time in Brussels at the taxpayer's expense without actually contributing very much to anything.
@ Accountability
"KIBRITILHA RASHA MALL-EWWEL!" -- what kind of *stupid* comment is that? It seems to me that Roberta Metsola was appointed on these committees to replace Simon Busuttil -- porbably because, as a lawyer specialising in European Law, she has background similar to him. What does that have to do with her becoming 'big-headed'?
And the rest of what you said is just the usual incoherent Labour gibberish!
@ Accountability
"KIBRITILHA RASHA MALL-EWWEL!" -- what kind of *stupid* comment is that? It seems to me that Roberta Metsola was appointed on these committees to replace Simon Busuttil -- porbably because, as a lawyer specialising in European Law, she has background similar to him. What does that have to do with her becoming 'big-headed'?
And the rest of what you said is just the usual incoherent Labour gibberish!
Mela din issa ghanda il-possibalitajiet kollha biex tinvestiga l-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima;Kif tlitt certifikati medici foloz uzawhom biex jintbghat Monta Carmelis ghal ghomru; kif l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoippardi kixfet kollox; kif Dr. EFA l-ewwel ghamilha fuq instigazzjoni tieghi u x'hin kixfet kollox hbija bla ma qal lil hadd; kif halla lil Dr. A. Sant jisraqha fil-1996-Ara mist. parl 14066;kif l-Ombudsman ma jridx jinvestiga l-ghajbien ta' din l-Inkjetsa minn Sant u kif l-ebda avukat ma jrid jiccappas mal-kas u l-ahhar wahda kienet Comodini Cachia li telqithu wara seba xhur.
KIBRITILHA RASHA MALL-EWWEL! As a member of the Committee on Civil Liberties she should start investigating the way Barroso and Kessler and members of the party she supports were involved in Dalli's frame up. As a member of the Special Committee on organised crime corruption and money laundering she should start investigating all the money laundering that went by top officials of Boards appointed by GONZIPN especially in the Oil Scandal, the BWSC fiasco, the Mater Dei / Scanska projects, the Piano City Gate project and so many others. Or did she assume these posts in order that all such issues are pushed under the carpet? Time will tell.