Gonzi hands over party to Busuttil: ‘Simon needs a strong team around him’

Outgoing PN leader Lawrence Gonzi says he is convinced that the future of the Nationalist Party ‘is going to be a good one’.

Outgoing PN leader Lawrence Gonzi
Outgoing PN leader Lawrence Gonzi

Addressing the Nationalist Party for the last time of its leader, an emotional Lawrence Gonzi said the Nationalists should be proud because during its term in government, the PN gave everything to the Maltese families without asking for anything in return.

"We gave them everything: our health, our energy, our loyalty and our determination to see this country grow and prosper," Gonzi said.

As his eyes glistened with emotion, the outgoing leader said the most important thing was to never give up: "When one falls, it's important to get back on your feet and continue fighting on."

Gonzi said he was convinced that the future of the Nationalist Party was going to be "a good one".

"Simon will have a lot of his plate and the burden he has to carry is not an easy one. He needs a united and loyal team ready to sacrifice themselves to see that Simon leads the party for new successes, so that once again the PN regains the trust of the Maltese and Gozitans," he said.


Emmanuel Mallia
Which team ? The PN has two teams. One team are the puppets, the visible ones. and the other one are the real manipulators, working for the benefit of some brotherhood, secret, obscure society ! !
Emmanuel Mallia
PN has never been transparent, and it is very obscure. Diplomacy and tricks are for politicians, not the general public !
Emmanuel Mallia
Boy, what a picture, all with a forced, frustrating smile !
Emmanuel Mallia
Yes, he is probably referring to RCC-AG team !!
Emmanuel Mallia
Remember the words of Gonzi - JUDGE ME BY WHAT I DO ! The biggest oil scandal of all times, secret salary increases, manipulation of PN behind everybodies back, PN employees begging for their monthly salary, non existent dialogue within PN itself, and finally, an all time record, landslide defeat !
Innutajtu xi ħaġa komuni fiz-zewġ hand overs li għamel Dr Lawrence Gonzi? Le? Mela halli ngħidilkhom jien. Meta Dr Gonzi ta' hand over lill-Dr Joseph Muscat taħ pajjiz mimli bid-dejn u lill-Simon Busuttil għamillu l-istess billi taħ Partit fallut u mimli bid-dejn.
Il-A.G., il-RCC, il-JS, il-DCG, il-Bocc tal-WE? u forsi anki il - Dr. Lawrence Gonzi (undercover)inifsu la jirrezenja mill-Parlament ! Ara x'team ha jkollhu Simon Busuttil!
Il-A.G., il-RCC, il-JS, il-DCG, il-Bocc tal-WE? u forsi anki il - Dr. Lawrence Gonzi inifsu la jirrezenja mill-Parlament ! Ara x'team ha jkollhu Simon Busuttil!
"We gave them everything:" And that you did. You also gave us a sense of being let down, a sense of being left out and a sense of being treated like second class citizens and that is why among a lot of other things you are on the way out. One thing the PN gave the people for sure is the lack of trust in the people, the arrogance in which you ruled and the lack of respect shortchanged by a few of your Ministers, one in particular. You almost witnessed the end of Air Malta, our national Airline. You left a fiasco in our Public Transportation System, thanks to a Certain Minister and the incompetency of Transport Malta. Don't forget that you left us with a Court System that turned out to be the laughing stock of Europe, still is, and you left a prison system full of holes which have yet to be filled. You left this country full of shame with an Oil Bribery Scandal which is going to hang over the Maltese Islands for quite some time and you also managed to give one George Farrugia a Presidential Pardon which seems very unnecessary so far. You left the people without a budget for 2012 and you let a lot of PN supporters loose faith in the PN Party. You also left an open roof Opera House that resembles a Farmers Market and according to the newly elected PM a useless new Parliament. So Dr Lawrence Gonzi like leaders before you, you did some good but a lot of bad. So GO and leave the PN to younger people that think young and hopefully they will have the know how on how to fix the mistakes you and your elves left behind. Yes Simon Busuttil has his work cut out for him and I hope he does not repeat the same mistakes you did. He has some fierce competition in Joseph Muscat et al and he has a very short five years to prove himself. In the meantime good luck.
As his eyes glistened with emotion, the outgoing leader said the most important thing was to never give up: "When one falls, it's important to get back on your feet and continue fighting on." How Sweet,Now that broke my heart! Hey Dr.Gonzi, please wait, 8 YEARS ago YOU PROMISED me that you'll were to address the wrongs that were made in my regard! Ehmm shall I keep on waiting or was I ment not to take your word seriously. The petty man is eager to make boasts, yet desires that others should believe in him. He enthusiastically engages in deception, yet wants others to have affection for him. He conducts himself like an animal, yet wants others to think well of him. Xun Zi
As his eyes glistened with emotion, the outgoing leader said the most important thing was to never give up: "When one falls, it's important to get back on your feet and continue fighting on." How Sweet,Now that broke my heart! Hey Dr.Gonzi, please wait, 8 YEARS ago YOU PROMISED me that you'll were to address the wrongs that were made in my regard! Ehmm shall I keep on waiting or was I ment not to take your word seriously. The petty man is eager to make boasts, yet desires that others should believe in him. He enthusiastically engages in deception, yet wants others to have affection for him. He conducts himself like an animal, yet wants others to think well of him. Xun Zi
Nice empty rhetoric. Truth is unfortunately way different than these emotional empty words ... If you had indeed given everything and asked nothing in return then you would not have lost the trust of the Maltese people which you now claim you need to regain. ... Think of the corruption, the arrogance, the broken promises - and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Emmanuel Mallia
Perhaps the same obscure, back helm team. After all, he was anointed by the old team, which lead to the landslide defeat !
Emmanuel Mallia
Unconvincing election and speeches, stuck in the past !
Yes indeed you gave us 1 euro 16 cent and made your oligarchy the richest people on the land , dearest gonzipn. No wonder the people wiped you out of power. By the way dont forget to tell Busullotti that your stamperija staff have not been paid their wages since March. But then who cares, certainly not you gonzipn.
To have a loyal team one should not do things behind their back like takind a hefty payrise and telling the Maltese to make sagrifices as Gonzi did. O rlike giving a hidden pay rise to Gonzi`s Chief of Staff, behid parliaments back. "without asking for anything in return" well they asked to be elected ie a 5 year dictatorship. And no one took anything forthemselves ! I would believe him if I lived on Mars ! He after all only won one election, and how about the micro cameras during the voting for the PN leaderSHIP, and the lives she ruined ?
Emmanuel Mallia
A big applause for Gonzi from the crowd- for what ? He claimed he created jobs, where ?, at the bankrupt PN printing press ?, with workers still waiting for their pay ? Simple Simon, with the now familiar, frustrated look ! Both of them, with the same, rhetoric artificial, unconvincing, theoretical speeches !
Gonzi said he got nothing in return!!! € 500 per week INCREASE for 3 years is nothing in return. All the perks, cars, payments, corruption and arrogance is received and nothing has been given in return to the People. Simon Busuttil, a member of the Clique will only be yet another puppet in the hands of those who really control the PN - and they will NEVER relinquish power.