New PN leader promises councillors his ‘determination’

The PN’s ‘political project’ for the next five years is to regain the people’s trust, new leader Simon Busuttil says he’ll be ‘the first’ to start knocking on people’s doors.

New PN leader Simon Busuttil
New PN leader Simon Busuttil

Simon Busuttil, the new leader of the Nationalist Party, has pledged his determination in what he described to be the best quality he has.

"I never in my life thought that today I would be embarking this road and it is a privilege to lead this glorious party. I am going to give you the only thing I have: my full determination," Busuttil said.

Turning to the three leadership contenders - Mario de Marco, Francis Zammit Dimech and Ray Bugeja - Busuttil urged them for their contribution.

"To build a strong party I need your help. I need your ideas and I will be making use of the ideas you presented during the campaign," he said.

Laying out his vision for the party, Busuttil said the doors of the Nationalist Party will be wide open.

"We will once again be a united party, open to everyone. Let us knock on people's doors and invite them to join us. And I will be the first to start knocking on doors," he said, insisting that it was important that the PN regains the people's trust.

"We need to edge closer to the Nationalists because these cannot be taken for granted; we must earn the trust and respect of those who during the last election did not vote for us. We must show that we truly are there for everyone."

Busuttil said that as from tomorrow, he will start working for a united party, closer to the people. He announced that tomorrow he will be calling the first meeting of the parliamentary group, the executive council and that of the administrative council.

He will also kick start the process by which a commission will be set up to analyse the commercial and financial situation of the party.

A second committee to be set up is that for the revision of the party's statute and structures and another for the selection and vetting of candidates.

Busuttil said the party must also intensify its work in the Gozo and south regions of Malta.

Meeting journalists at the end of the general conference, Busuttil didn't want to express any preference to who should be elected deputy leaders. Asked whether Mario de Marco, who during the first round garnered 38% votes, should be elected deputy leader, Busuttil insisted that this all dependent on the deputy leadership race.

"He [Mario] has shown great loyalty towards the party when he contested the election. And the result he obtained merits respect. He would make a very good deputy leader, but this is a race and therefore there would be more candidates," he said.

Busuttil added that all other candidates - so far the only two confirmed are Claudette Buttigieg and Beppe Fenech Adami - enjoyed good qualities and were valid candidates.

Asked whether the Nationalist Party would now have two deputy leaders, Busuttil said the PN's statute provided for one.

Earlier this evening, the PL also congratulated him for his new post, adding that it hoped that the PN would now do away with the politics "of them and us".

But when questioned on this, Busuttil said it was the Labour government who was acting this way because it had appointed persons on board who had been on the PL's billboards or had given their testimonials during the election campaign.


Emmanuel Mallia
Is he the real leader, or someone else, ?
Emmanuel Mallia
The party is still obscure, and need absolute transparency to gain credibility.
Emmanuel Mallia
In his inaugural speech he said that he wants to be close to people. He already had that opportunity under Gonzi, and he made a mess out of it, as he confessed himself . It was only a cosmetic exercise, as expected from a diplomatic, deceiving, cunning, lawyer ! I would have expected him to condemn the electoral campaign manager and the advisers to Gonzi, instead ! But, he will never do, because he is part of the Gonzi clique !
Veru ghad irrid nara persuna daqshekk BLA MISTHIJA! Lill min bi hsiebu jmur ihabbat , lit tesserati , il-hard-core, lill min ghandhu WRAPPING Blue??? Lill min irrid jipprova joghgob? Dan jahseb li hawn xi Laburist li ha jafdah il-Dr. Simon Busuttil? Kemm huwa sincier Dr. Simon Busuttil?
Emmanuel Mallia
Which determination ? To get rid of the old clique, he is still in ?
When our dynamic PM offered the pipe of peace in Parliament by saying that he is ready to work even with Nationalist supporters, Busuttil did not only refuse, but accused Dr. Muscat of being astute to divide the PN. Is this what the nation expects from a possible future PM? Make up your mind Simon! You either continue in the same divisive, corrupt, arrogant and oligarchic GonziPN or unite to bring about a real and complete change in the PN. First and foremost you need to learn to put the needs of the country before your personal and party's needs.
When our dynamic PM offered the pipe of peace in Parliament by saying that he is ready to work even with Nationalist supporters, Busuttil did not only refuse, but accused Dr. Muscat of being astute to divide the PN. Is this what the nation expects from a possible future PM? Make up your mind Simon! You either continue in the same divisive, corrupt, arrogant and oligarchic GonziPN or unite to bring about a real and complete change in the PN. First and foremost you need to learn to put the needs of the country before your personal and party's needs.
I had the impression that "knocking on doors" was the job that Busuttil had been given by Gonzi last year.
Good Luck Dr. BUSUTTIL. Our party needs new fresh ideas full of support and enthusiasm. In the mean whole lot of moaner bloggers....please enjoy your govt. for the 5 years to come and go and have a loooooong snooze . You moaned when labour was in opposition for 25 years, you moan when you are in govt for 5 years. Get a life with it seems you all have nothing better to do except TEQIRDU BISSSS.....qazzistuna
Busuttil on TVAM also criticised Government for breaches of the code of ethics of Ministers because one or two medical officer specialists have been given permission to care for their patients. Busuttil conveniently forgot to mention Dr Antoine Mifsud Bonnici, Prof Guido DeMarco, Dr Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Prof Josef Bonnici and so many others who continued their practice and lecturing at University. And what about the code of ethics as regards AUST, The Minister, AG and Tonio Fenech who received ARLOGG TAL-LIRA (only this came to light) and received donations from the MONTEBELLOs, private jet flights and tickets to football matches in UK, and more. WHERE ARE YOUR ETHICS DR BUSUTTIL? You have just been born into the PN leadership with 50.3% of first count votes and you are already at par with your ex-leader for incitement of hate towards the PL. You promise MUCH MORE OF THE SAME FOR GONZIPN - OR SHOULD IT NOW BE BUSUPN.?
Emmanuel Mallia
What he should promise is that he will not be a puppet, like he was at the election . Those, two obscure,possibly with connection to an obscure, brotherhood society, at the back helm, so called advisors, who were the real cause of the defeat, should be publicly declared fully detached from the PN
I heard Simon Busuttil on TVAM this morning and he promises to be as bad with blatant lies and incitement as his predecessor. NOTHING HAS CHANGED in the PN. He attacked the PL for placing PL supporters on boards when everyone knows how many PN diehards have been so placed. Dr Frank Portelli, Perit Michael Falzon, to mention a few. I totally agree with these appointments for they are valid persons, but to have this rebel rouser claim otherwise is an insult to the people who so vociferously threw him and his lot out into the streets.
First of all dear Busullotti dont even dare come anywhere near my door. You must have some cheek I dare say. After stating all those cucati during the General election campaign and you were instrumental in the crushing defeat that gonzipn suffered, you have ended up to be the leader of this party.Indeed the klikka or oligarchy has deep strong roots. But gonzipn was supposed to have sent you in the kitchens of the people. Mela you did not go ? And now you are projecting to come knocking at the people's doors !!!!
How lucky for Joseph
L-ahhar paragrafu ghaxxaq kollox . Awguru sabih biex terga tigbor in naghag il mitlufa .