Minister orders inquiry on Gozo yacht incident
Transport minister Joe Mizzi orders preliminary inquiry into the incident which led to death of five French tourists off the coast of Gozo.
The minister for transport and infrastructure, Joe Mizzi, has ordered a preliminary inquiry into the incident in which five French tourists lost thiei lives off the coast of Gozo.
Captain Mario Grech, a Master Mariner, was appointed inquiry officer in terms of the Merchant Shipping Act.
Upon the conclusion of the Preliminary Inquiry the Inquiring Officer shall submit a report to the Minister.
Meanwhile, the Marine Safety Investigation Unit (MSIU) within Transport Malta, is also conducting a separate safety investigation in terms of the relevant national legislation with the objective of identifying causes and safety issues, and where possible or necessary, make recommendations with the scope of improving safety.
The AFM's search for a missing group of French tourists continues, after three bodies were recovered.
The corpse of a man was found in the south Comino channel yesterday morning by an army helicopter and is in the process of being identified.
The discovery followed that of two female bodies found in the sea off Fomm ir-Rih Tuesday afternoon,.
The bodies were found wearing life jackets. The five tourists- Marie Grimaud, 38, Sandrine Gaudet, 36, Philippe Grimaud, 41, Elias Chnouni, 49 and his son Eli, 14 - were last seen on a small boat as they departed from Xlendi at about midnight on Sunday night.