Busuttil proposes new deputy leader for party affairs

Nationalist MPs convened for their first meeting under leadership of Simon Busuttil

Simon Busuttil (left) with PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier
Simon Busuttil (left) with PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier

The PN's executive committee today decided to create a new deputy leader's post who will be responsible for party affairs, on a similar model as that employed by the Labour Party.

The motion for the new post will be presented to an extraordinary General Council meeting to be held on Sunday. If approved the nominations for the two posts will open the day after on Monday, and elections held on 25 May, the day designated for the original deputy leader's election.

The decision may well accommodate leadership contender Mario de Marco, the former tourism minister who garnered 38% of the vote in the first round of voting for the PN leadership.

"Everyone is free to contest the posts," Busuttil told the press today when asked whether he had tried to convince other contenders not to run for the deputy leader's post, which he denied.

The posts are likely to be contested by Beppe Fenech Adami and newly-elected MP Claudette Buttigieg.

Nationalist MPs pledged their full confidence in new party leader Simon Busuttil and extended their gratitude to Mario de Marco, Francis Zammit Dimech and Ray Bugeja for their service after their unsuccessful run for the party leadership.

The parliamentary group, which met today for the first time under Busuttil's leadership, issued two resolutions: the first declaring its commitment to offer the country its service "in the national interest and the common good", and in the second resolution expressing gratitude to former leader Lawrence Gonzi.

"We pay tribute to Lawrence Gonzi, prime minister and PN leader for nine years between 23 March 2004 and 8 May 2013, for his service, commitment and total dedication, which he gave to the Maltese people in both the public and voluntary spheres.

"We are grateful that under his leadership he had the opportunity to serve the country in parliament and abroad, and we salute Lawrence Gonzi and his wife Kate and wish them all success in their work and enjoyment of their life and family."

Busuttil also met the administrative council as well as the party's executive. Former party leaders Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi.

Busuttil today was expected to hold an informal meeting with employees of the PN and its companies, after financial problems in the aftermath of the general elections left the administration with no cash to pay salaries.

"I won't be coming with a plan," Busuttil said. "I have appointed a commission to identify the party's financial problems. The main message I want to convey is that I am close to these employees and I will be touching base with them."

PN employees have not received their April salaries, the second consecutive month that workers have not been paid at the end of the month. Most employees had received their March salaries in mid-April. The party and its media companies are believed to employ around 150 people.


Emmanuel Mallia
Those on the photo are only the puppets. The real people running the PN are hidden, obscure, and no one withing PN has dared blamed them for the defeat, because they are very powerful and supporting them there is probably a secret, obscure, brotherhood society !
Emmanuel Mallia
Is it the visible master of ceremonies that will be running the PN, or an obscure force running at the background ?
Emmanuel Mallia
Will Simple Simon expose his advisers please !
Why is it that in Malta one has to follow what the other one is doing? I thought we have stopped being gullible and "Cwiec". Dr Busuttil this is a new assignment for you and the new PM and both of you are listening to the old geysers who got us in this mess in the first place. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Why are both of you leaders want to expand the government instead of reducing it? Are you running a country or are you both trying to accommodate and pay back your friends? This is not a game you play, this is serious business so why are you assigning two people to do the job of one person. This is the same picture that we saw this week where there was one person working and five watching. Very Funny. You consulted with the two EX PMs, the two that got the PN here where it is today. The last administration left Air Malta almost at the brink of bankruptcy and Enenmalta on the same route. They left the Public Transportation System in shambles and the PN Party totally broke, well at least that is what Dr Borg Olivier wants us to believe. Think Dr Busuttil. If you want to follow their lead then good luck, but I thought you were your own man and a leader and not a follower. Drop the old PN and also drop the old way of thinking, this is 2013 and Politics have changed and you must too, if you want to survive and be a winner. Let the old goats enjoy their retirement and be your own man. I think Joseph Muscat is making the same mistake by following the old goats and for this he will pay later, during the next election time. Not everybody agreed with what Franco Debono said and did, but he was right in a lot of ways, think Dr Busuttil. Being able to listen is a virtue but you must also listen to your own self because that is what counts at the end. We do not need a follower, we need a good leader and a decisive leader.
Emmanuel Mallia
Forced, frustrated laughs !
Emmanuel Mallia
One of the major role of a lawyer is to deceive, and distort the plain truth in order to obtain his objectives and goals. No wonder, PN always chooses lawyers for its top jobs !
Emmanuel Mallia
All the same clique, the same rhetorics, the same faces, the same obscure puppeteers at the background ! You have hardly impressed us ! You just mentioned that you need to be close to the people, something which you were already assigned by Gonzi, and you failed ! You did not condemn the old, obscure regime, working behind everybodies back at PN , because they are still part of your clique !!!
X'faqar ta' leader hu dan Busulloti (-111). Vera li l-pn qatt ma kien rock bottom bhal issa. What a waste of time, energy and money ???(lanqas pagi ghal haddiema m'hemm.) Vera decizzjoni li hadu (il-klikka) hi zbaljata kemm jista jkun ghax Buullotti (-111) qatt ma jista jsir prim ministru.
Qabel l-elezzjoni Busuttil accused the PL of copying "his" (sic) manifesto. Had it been a copy it would have resulted in a photofinish but the only photofinish was the recent election for the PN leadership. Now who is copying the PL in having two deputy leaders. Simon, any further accusations at the PL for copying your mind and having two deputy leaders at least 10 years before you announced it.
David Bongailas
Absolutely laughable. Is this Busutill's strategy ? Copy and paste the PL model and apply it to the PN ? There where times not so long ago when the PN was synonymous with everything cool,innovative and fresh in Maltese politics. Oh how the tables have turned and how the mighty have fallen.
Dawn x'BUSUtiLLOTTI huma ? Issa zgur "Taghna ILKOLL" ,Simon bil "COMMISSION" irrid jahdem Simon ! Din listrategija gdida tal-Kap gdid tal-PN li tikkopja ????? Lanqas din ma hi gdida ghax il-Whip tal PN ILU jikkopja ... u jinghabad ukoll! ;)
Idea ohra originali. Issa imiss li jaghmlu I'm in u wara is-slogan Malta Taghna Ikoll :)
The cut and paste exercise will continue notwithstanding Busutill's nine-year European exposure was supposed to be an investment into thinking outside the box.