More than 24,000 meters to be introduced in households and businesses

In a massive effort to significantly improve payments of electricity bills and combat energy theft, Government will be introducing 24,000 new smart meters in the coming weeks

In apparent effort to allow the state's utility company Enemalta to improve its cash flow position, 24,000 new smart meters will be installed in households and businesses and radically improve readings of energy consumption.

The government has also reorganized ARMS Ltd. to issue electricity and water bills on a regular basis, something which seems to be have been curtailed by the previous government before and during the long electoral campaign.

According to a government spokesperson, the installation of smart meters will facilitate government's efforts to limit energy theft and fraud.

"It will mean that families and businesses will be able to budget their energy consumption payments and at the same time facilitate Government's efforts to further limit energy theft and fraud," a government spokesman told MaltaToday.

This decision is deemed crucial and forms part of government's strategy for the financial viability of Enemalta. Also, one of the first decisions taken by the new Arms Ltd board was to ask for the resignation of Arms Ltd CEO Wilfred Borg over allegations of crass mismanagement. 

Arms Ltd's original plans to introduce smart meters nationwide by the previous government was hampered by serious bureaucratic issues and political interference.  There are approximately 40,000 Smart Metres already in operation. The new meters to be installed will bring the total number of meters up to 64,000.

The same spokesman told MaltaToday: "Since the second week of March we have been working day and night to conclude the ARMS Operations Review. With the review now finalised, teams within ARMS Ltd have already been mobilised with the goal of improving the existing meter-to-cash cycle."

What for a smart meter when the meter reader still comes to read it!
Xifajk, I do pay on account and ignore completely the estimates submitted by Arms. The Arms site does provide for "on account" payments. (1) I take my own readings, (2) calculate the charge via the calculator on their website and (3) pay via internet on account, what the charge amounted to. That way I am always "prepaid". No hassles.
Remeber when gonzi complained on lack of talent in his parliamentary group. Can't be the same for Joseph who has two of the youngest and most energetic ministers, that are Konrad and Ian who are keeping everyone with their tongues hanging out. It is time this smart meter business got off the ground properly. Congrats Konrad.
ARMS is grossly inefficient. Its business processes are outdated. ARMS keep sending me bills with the same readings so I am just being charged for the meter rental. When I sent photos of my metre readings, I was repeatedly informed that for these readings to be taken into consideration I have to pay a 4 euro charge even if ARMS will benefit by issuing a higher bill! Is it sane to be charged an additional 4 euro to be issued with a higher bill? Hawadni ha nifhem.
Taking citizens for a ride – I was one of the first whose meter was changed and started paying the bills re the new meter. Suddenly bills stopped coming. Before and even when the meter was changed they used to come regularly. I phoned several times to ask them to send me the bill but to no avail. I was told that I had to pay four cents to be issued with a bill. I even asked whether I can pay on account through internet banking. I was told I can’t since the system doesn’t cater for payment on account, and I had to have a bill nunber if I wanted to pay. I ask the New minister to provide us with a system that we can pay on account, this will be beneficial both to Arms and the people themselves since the queue line will surely be shorter and people won’t waste their leave in queues. Secondly bills should start coming regularly and not when ARMS feel like sending bills. When I complained about this I received the bill together with a letter claiming that no bills were sent because my meter was changed. This is all bull shit since as I said before bills never stopped coming except when ARMS felt it had to do so before the election. If someone is interested in facts I have them all available. Minister Konrad Mizzi don’t let these things happen again while you’re managing this department. Thanks for your efforts and wish you success in your undertakings.
Ghal dan il-pass biss niehu pjacir li tela Dr. Muscat ghax nahseb li ahna, il-komuni konna qed inhalsu ghal hela tal-hziena. Bil-mod irid iz-zejt jitla fil-wicc, iktar u iktar issa li min kien responsabbli telaq il-vapur u sab job iehor.
Another smart move by the new minister of energy Konrad Mizzi. It made no sense to introduce smart meters at a phenomenal cost and then use them as dumb meters. A job needs to be fully completed to then take advantage of the potential added value it makes possible. It is just scandalous that utility bills were not sent on a regular basis to allow households to budget accurately for one of their major outgoings. It is worse still if bills were not sent in the election year to perhaps gain a few votes by temporary stopping people grumbling about high utility charges.