Energy giants among Delimara bidders

19 bids submitted for new Delimara gas power plant, giants Shell, Gazprom among bidders.

A number of multinational energy giants have submitted a bid to construct the new gas power plant in Delimara.

Anglo-Dutch multinational oil and gas company Shell, Italian company Edison, CPECC, the largest corporation for electric power planning and engineering in China and Russian giant Gazprom, the largest extractor of natural gas and one of the largest companies in the world, are among the 19 bids submitted.

The expressions of interest for the power-purchase and gas supply agreement closed yesterday

Companies were invited to register their interest and submit outline proposals for the supply of natural gas and electricity to Enemalta under a long-term gas supply and power purchase agreement.

Energy minister Konrad Mizzi said he was satisfied with high level of interst shown in the project, noting "the document was very professional and therefore we have managed to attract so much interest from internationally renowned companies."

The government will now be evaluating the submissions and by 10 June an unknown number of companies will be shortlisted. These will than be asked to submit detailed plans and the winning bid will be announced in September.  

He added that the submissions of so many international companies confirmed the project's feasibility.

The gas supply agreement will be required to operate current Enemalta plant which will be converted to run on natural gas.

Pre-qualified candidates will be invited to bid for the power purchase and gas supply agreement and commence supply by 2015.

Labour was elected to government with a pledge to lower energy bills by 2015 using the supply of natural gas to a new 200MW power station built at Delimara. The successful tenderer will have to build the power station, and sell the electricity generated to Enemalta using a 10-year power purchase agreement for gas that will be supplied to a new terminal.

The companies, joint ventures and consortia are: Electro Gas Malta Consortium; Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co. Limited; Edison Spa; GMR Energy Limited; Bumi Armada; Abener Energia SA; Vitol SA; Endevour Energy Holdings LLC and Exodus Crossing LLC; Yildirim Energy Investments Inc; Energy World International Limited; Soffimat- Gestamp; Med- Gas AS; Gasfin Development SA; CPECC China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation; Independent Power Corporation plc; Mag Air Energy LLC; Devco International LLC; Shell Gas and Power Developments BV and Gazprom Marketing and Trading Limited.

Emmanuel Mallia
The yellow pages may indicate Gazprom !!!!
we were told by the nationalists party and even by fifth columnists like dr ann fenech that what labour was proposing on energy was an unattainable dream. even dr busuttil then deputy head and now leader of the np and the opposition joked that the proposal was the joke of the millennium. and now we have such giants as shell and Gazprom among others bidding for this project.......the labour party had it right from the start......
@ dscerri Your arrogance is still every bit with you and your party. It is true politicians are elected to serve but you don't call them servants. How about being called a 'PN stooge'? You certainly sound like one. I see BWSC is not one of the bidders but as I remember well it wasn't a bidder even when we commissioned the last power first.
@ dscerri Your arrogance is still every bit with you and your party. It is true politicians are elected to serve but you don't call them servants. How about being called a 'PN stooge'? You certainly sound like one. I see BWSC is not one of the bidders but as I remember well it wasn't a bidder even when we commissioned the last power first.
dscerri would you kindly hand over your copy of the Yellow pages? Might prove illuminating!
@dscerri, what the muck are you all about? What honeymoon? Get a life man
@dscerri, what the muck are you all about? What honeymoon? Get a life man
Dan l-interess kollu f'din il-power station huwa prova bizzejjed biex Tonio Fenech u l-avukat Anne Fenech ma jidhrux quddiem in-nies. Kif tista tghid li int espert, u ggib elf skuza li hadd mhu daqshekk iblah li se jaghmlilna pjacir ghax dan il-progett ma jistax isir? Allura dawn kollha boloh? Le mhumiex, imma dawn huma negozjanti, u jafu li hemm bicca hobz tajba. U lil Fenech's ma ahniex se nemmnuhom izjed, jghidu x'jghidu. Veru li ghad fadal iz-zmien biex issir il-power station, u ghad jinholqu ntoppi, imma zgur li Konrad Mizzi beda fuq sieq tajba. Dan jawgura tajjeb hafna ghalina l-Maltin kemm jekk PL u kemm PN ghax kullhadd se jgawdi.
Mr Thorny..... if Shell, Gazprom, CPECC, Daewoo are not energy giants, then who is? .... maybe!!!!
@D Scerri, how apt of you to call our minister a servant and referring to him as 'sunshine'. "Get on with it and stop the waffle" - I think that is exactly what he is doing. May I remind you that any member of the civil service is certainly not a servant. There are a lot of people employed in the civil service and no, they are not servants, they are there to provide a service and it is only good manners to treat them as such, as people providing a service and not as servants.
No honeymoon period, sunshine. You are our servants, therefore you are here to serve. Get on with it and stop the waffle.
And these "GIANTS" do not even advertise in the YELLOW PAGES! What have we missed out....