Recruitment calls take on average 71 weeks in three ministries – NAO report
Auditor General conducts audit into management of public service reruitmenbt
The Auditor General has conducted a performance audit addressing the management of public service recruitment by the Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Public Administration HR Office (PAHRO).
Equally important in the findings, which will be published on the NAO website, is the role played by the various ministries involved in public service recruitment.
The NAO has explored good practices and challenges faced by three particular ministries - the former health, education, and rural affairs ministries - which were chosen on the basis of their considerable number of employees, and the subsequent implication of replenishing such staff levels through recruitment.
The NAO's main concerns include the overall duration of the recruitment process, as calls for non-general service grades issued in the period 2008 to 2010 took an average of 38 weeks from commencement to completion.
"This lengthy period of time to complete a standard call for recruitment is one that leaves ample scope for improvement. NAO's concern regarding the excessive time taken to complete calls for recruitment further intensifies with respect to the resourcing of staff in general service grades. The reported average of 71 weeks is, in NAO's opinion, a highly unacceptable duration of what in effect are straightforward standardised calls," the NAO says in its report.
The NAO put forward a number of recommendations intended at addressing efficiency and measures to recrtify the inadequate information management infrastructure, particularly apparent in the case of PAHRO, as well as the PSC and the ministries.