De Marco, Fenech Adami, Buttigieg to run for PN deputy posts [video - slideshow]

VIDEOS - Fenech Adami, Buttigieg to run for deputy leader for party affairs, Mario de Marco’s submits candidature for parliamentary affairs deputy leader.

Mario de Marco (left) will run for deputy leader for parliamentary affairs uncontested, while Beppe Fenech Adami and Claudette Buttigieg will slog it out for the party affairs post.
Mario de Marco (left) will run for deputy leader for parliamentary affairs uncontested, while Beppe Fenech Adami and Claudette Buttigieg will slog it out for the party affairs post.

Nationalist MPs Beppe Fenech Adami and Claudette Buttigieg will run for the post of deputy leader for party affairs, of the Nationalist Party.

Nominations will close at 2pm and the elections for the deputy leader for parliamentary affairs and party affairs will be held on 25 May. Secretary-General Paul Borg Olivier has assured the press that a nomination for the post of deputy leaders for parliamentary affairs is set to be submitted before the close of nominations.

At 1:47pm, leadership contender Mario de Marco arrived at the PN headquarters to submit his nomination after much speculation that he would not run for the post of parliamentary affairs. He said his last-minute submission was "somewhat of a tradition" for him.

De Marco, who garnered 38% of the PN's councillors' vote in the first round during the leadership contest, played down criticism that the deputy leadership post for party affairs was created by Simon Busuttil to accommodate him as an uncontested, deputy leader for parliamentary affairs. "This post was already mooted during the electoral campaign for party leaders," de Marco told the press.

Submitting his nomination, Fenech Adami said he will be meeting councillors whom he described as wanting the PN to be "a winner yet again".

"The councillors want to see their party back as the people's party, a party which is close to the people and understands and encapsulates their needs. But to do this, we have to operate in a different context, and understand that we are now a party in opposition," he said.

Fenech Adami said there was much enthusiasm among councillors for the party to win back the people's trust. "This is our biggest challenge," he said.

He denied having been pressured to contest the role for party affairs, instead of the one for parliamentary affairs. "My decision was informed by my history within the party's structures. I was involved at every level... starting from the lowest structures, I am still close to the councillors. I know how this party operates and I have strong contact with party activists," he said.

Outgoing secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier described Fenech Adami as having formed part of the party's grassroots and "a person always close to the people".

Borg Olivier, who will be terminating his post in the coming weeks, reiterated that the post for deputy leadership will not be in an way replacing the role of secretary-general.

On her part, Buttigieg said she was interested in the post of party affairs because it was a way of remaining closer to the people. The newly-elected MP, formerly a jazz singer who participated in the Eurovision Song Festival and a popular TV presenter, described as a peoples' person and a team-builder. "I don't want councillors to choose me for being a woman, but because I am good for this role."

MPs Beppe Fenech Adami and Claudette Buttigieg were the only candidates to publicly declare their intent to stand for the deputy leader for party affairs post, while Mario de Marco is being touted for the new deputy leader for Parliamentart affairs post.

Sources closed to the PN told MaltaToday on Monday evening that de Marco was unlikely to contest, something that would have caused irreparable damage to his standing within the party.

As revealed by MaltaToday last week, PN leader Simon Busuttil did his utmost to convince the runner-up in the leadership contest, Mario de Marco, to stand for the vacant deputy leadership post.

Busuttil has since met de Marco in an attempt to convince the latter to enter the fray; however the runner-up in the leadership race made it clear that he would only submit his candidature if he is uncontested.

Busuttil proposed the creation of a new deputy leader for party affairs post during the executive committee meeting on Thursday. The decision was seen as a move to accommodate leadership contender de Marco, the former tourism minister who garnered 38% of the vote in the first round of voting for the PN leadership, with Busuttil calling on de Marco to contest the deputy leader for Parliamentary affairs post.

Emmanuel Mallia
She is exploiting the fact that she wants to be the first female for the post. But she is still junior. From her few criticism she made during the election campaign, she has the same old style of Gonzipn, and indeed, possibly anointed by the same clique.
Kemm hi kbira id-desire,Illi għanda Claudette Pace, Biex flimkien ma Mario u Simon,Tmur toħroġ tfittex in-nagħaġ. Hekk tixtieq li tibda tagħmel, Sabiex tkabbar il-partit, tmur iddur fid-djar il-kċejjen U jekk henn bzonn fl'ibagħad irkejjen. Izda magħha ħareġ Beppe, Li jrid jagħmel l-istess xogħol, Għallhekk irid li jikkontesta, Għax qal jien kapaċi wkoll. Kemm inkunu qieghdin tajjeb, Qiesna slaten maġi kbar, B'hekk Beppe jkun jista joqgħod, Flok il-baqra jew il-ħmar. Izda il-kbir għad irid jasal, Biex inzommu fuq it-treck, U biex nagħaqqdu it-team kollu, Nistiedu lill-Zammit Dimech. Team komplut u formidabbli, li biħ zgur nagħmlu suċċess, F'qasir zmien fil-gvern inkunu, U X'aktarx dis-sena stess. Izda issa qed niftakar, kemm il-darba ħriġna b'telf, Aħseb w ara kemm hi iebsa, Meta hemm 36 elf. Jekk il-labour jimxi tajjeb Ma jkunx ardit u b'korruzzjoni, Naħseb twila tkun l-istennija, Li nagħmlu fl-oppozizzjoni.
Kemm hi kbira id-desire,Illi għanda Claudette Pace, Biex flimkien ma Mario u Simon,Tmur toħroġ tfittex in-nagħaġ. Hekk tixtieq li tibda tagħmel, Sabiex tkabbar il-partit, ztmur iddur fid-djar il-kċejjen U jekk henn bzonn fl'ibagħad irkejjen. Izda magħha ħareġ Beppe, Li jrid jagħmelxogħol, Għallhekk irid li jikkontesta, Għax qal jien kapaċi wkoll. Kemm inkunu qieghdin tajjeb, Qiesna slaten maġi kbar, B'hekk Beppe jkun jista joqgħod, Flok il-baqra jew il-ħmar. Izda il-kbir għad irid jasal, Biex inzommu fuq it-trrck, U biex nagħaqqdu it-team kollu, Nistiedu lill-Zammit Dimech. Team komplut u formidabbli, li biħ zgur nagħmlu suċċess, F'qasir zmien fil-gvern inkunu, U X'aktarx dis-sena stess. Izda issa qed niftakar, kemm il-darba ħriġna b'telf, Aħseb w ara kemm hi iebsa, Meta hemm 36 elf. Jekk il-labour jimxi tajjeb Ma jkunx ardit u b'korruzzjoni, Naħseb twila tkun l-istennija, Li nagħmlu fl-oppozizzjoni.
Dr. EFA u Il-mibki Dr. Guido de Marco ghadhom imexxu huma, jew ahjar ir-regoli li ghamlu meta kienu kap u vici kap tal-PN.Dawn huma reminissenti ta' l-omerta, gerarkija, u posts UNCONTESTED.Qed nara li ghad-dnub ta' min kien orkestra il-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima, u min kien heba l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi, dik li kixfet il-verita' qed jghamlu minn kollox biex ikomplu jostruh, imma quddiem Alla l-Imbierek kulhadd hu l-istess.Uncontested ha ha ha.
Good luck Claudette, lets have a woman at the helm to show the world that we too can contribute to the men domain.
John Mifsud
These neat too-clever-by-half arrangements in the best traditions of GonziPN will not produce the leadership team necessary to take the PN out of the woods.
Has the PN become a monarchy? Fenech Adami II and Demarco II will be anointed later on this month, with Simon serving as regent until the time is ripe for the Crown Prince to take over. Meanwhile the happy serfs(Councillors) will have to dance to the music. Will the new Secretay general combine his role with that of the Court jester? Plus ca change......
Emmanuel Mallia
Has she a degree in political science ? Can we expect a completely newcomer to contest a leadership post ? I would have expected Marthese Portelli instead !
Why not THREE deputy leaders go one better on Joseph Muscat?
De Marco waited for the last minute before submitting his nomination because he did not TRUST the agreement he made with the opposing PN factions of letting him run a one horse race. He could not risk submitting his nomination earlier in the day, taking the risk that some other candidate submits a nomination for the same position transforming a one horse race into an actual contest. Had this happened and De Marco lost the contest his political future would have been compromised. Although this is only speculation,  it is up to the reader to form his opinion.
Dr demarco paroli biss int, hallejt lil xmun jinqeda bik.
Kemm ahna sbieh min jaf jarana!!! Fhiex waqa l-PN!! Demarco johrog ghal deputy basta wahdu; spiccaw biex holqu post ghalih ta deputy li ma jaghmilx tikka sens imbaghad tfaccat il-politika gdida fjamanta il-kantanta Claudette Pace jew ahjar Buttigieg!! Halluna tridux!!
U-Turn min Demarco
Ma nafx, Pero jien ghandi principju jekk jien nitfa ismi ghal kariga gholja u ma nintazilx ma murx ghal kariga ohra kigredenti (ASSISTENT)
A pity to see a spiteful comment like that posted by Franco. I think that Demarco is to be admired, after all submitting his candidature means that he will no doubt have ten years in cushy job, company car or any other fringe benefits. However, both he and Beppe are loyal to the party. In Malta loyalty means a lot to the voter.....No one respects an opportunist! I am a floating voter with nationalist tendencies but voted PL in 2008, 2013 as it was obvious that a change was needed. If Dr Busuttil can convince people that the PN is a team effort and that they are capable of change e.g. being more positive and less negative about everything the PL do, making sure that NET News does not keep on attacking individuals/government etc....then the PN will rise to their feet again. Why? Because all they have to do is win back people who were once staunch supporters but were horrified at the corruption, arrogance, jobs for the boys attitude of the previous government. Franco - It is not about making it to the top but about being humble and serving the people.
Emmanuel Mallia
All pre-arranged, all anointed by the invisible leaders of PN !
Emmanuel Mallia
A newcomer for a leader ? What credentials does Ms Buttigieg has in politics and leadership ???? Being a popular presenter is a requisite for PN leadership ? To my knowledge she is well matured in the media, but not in politics !
It was inevitable for the Demarcos to serve as spigots to the PN. They, the DeMarcos will never have anyone making it to the top , they will always play second fiddle even those beneath their strata.Agian even as butlers they have to run on their own to make it, like father like son. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
Incerti meta kienu fil-gvern u mhawdin meta huma fl-oppozizjoni. Some things never change.
When the MLP started having 2 deputy leaders at first both were MPs but later on an amendment was moved to the statute by which the deputy leader for party affairs was barred from being an MP.