MP was paid travel subsidy for board meetings she did not attend – minister

Wasteserv director Marthese Portelli, also president of the PN’s executive committee, was paid Gozo travel allowance even when absent from board meetings.

Newly-elected MP Marthese Portelli
Newly-elected MP Marthese Portelli

Nationalist MP Marthese Portelli attended just one meeting out of 11 board meetings of national waste agency Wasteserv in 2012, but was still paid her annual €3,494 honorarium, environment minister Leo Brincat has told the House.

Portelli was appointed to the board of directors of Wasteserv in 2008, where she earned an annual honorarium as well as a travelling allowance of €48.53 for every board sitting she should have attended.

But MaltaToday is informed that she was paid over €2,911 in travelling allowances by Wasteserv between 2008 and April 2013, despite having attended just one of her 11 board meetings in 2012 alone, and none of the two meetings in 2013.

This newspaper is not informed as to her attendance record in the preceding years.

Portelli, who is the president of the PN's executive committee, was appointed to the board of Wasteserv by the then minister George Pullicino.

Her €48.53 allowance for every board meeting attended was justified as being paid to Gozitan residents only, as a travel subsidy. Portelli however has her residential address in Birkirkara.

But replying to a parliamentary question tabled by government MP Anthony Agius Decelis, Environment Minister Leo Brincat this evening said that both the honoraria and benefits enjoyed by Portelli had not been regulated by a contract, but according to appointees' guidelines approved by the previous government.

"According to Wasteserv, the travelling allowance was granted in addition to the honoraria she received," Brincat said, adding that he had now been informed that the benefit was simply a 'travelling allowance' - and not because Portelli resided in Gozo.

According to the information given to the minister, "it is therefore understood to have been issued by the then CEO on the basis of the additional work that was expected by the said director."

Brincat added that at no point was this additional work defined.

"What we found out for sure is that, while we were led to believe that Portelli might have had additional work, information given by Wasteserv's chief financial officer showed that during 2011 she only attended one meeting out of 11," the minister said, adding that Portelli had been excused for all 10 meetings.

Out of the two board meetings held during the first four months of this year, Portelli did not attend any of them.

The minister also said that when Wasteserv's human resources office were asked about Portelli's attendance, the office described her presence at board meetings "as regular, except for when she was excused".

"This highly contrasts with what the CFO told us," Brincat pointed out.

Addressing the House, Brincat said such an attitude by high-ranking officials within the company was unacceptable. "This serves to justify why we have ordered an investigation into Wasteserv's operations," he said.



Emmanuel Mallia
No wonder she contested the last election- she now enjoys much much much more perks. No wonder both PN and Pl, want parliament to be autonomous, so they can get even more perks, behind everybodies back. PL never tackled this topic, because Joseph and the rest are enjoying a very luxurious life with the perks, topple their wages !
These hnizrijiet were endemic throughout the public sector. Ask anyone who was in any position of authority. And you could do nothing about it (except resign)! All grades gazed up to the ones above their position, and noted all these goings on. So they did likewise. It was soon the accepted modus operandi. Whoever did not participate was looked down on and treated as the worst traitor. If the one above would do it (and get away with it lock stock and barrel), why not I? And there lies the seed of destruction of the PN's administration! Labour look out!
Will legal action be taken? This is what the people want and that is why people voted for change. Do you remember how she threw mud against Toni Abela during the electoral campaign? People in glasshouses........
Its about time that she returns the money she stole from my childrens mouth and serve a jail sentnece.
Name and Shame ,will get no results.If there was a proven case of abuse she should be brought forward to face the music!!That is what people voted for a change and justice!!!!!
Fadal xi post jew kariga li kien hawn taht il PN , u taht Gonzi li issa kullhad irid jollih ma sema ( ghalija facolizmu jigi minnfejn jigi ) li ma kienx hemm xi hagga tinten ??? Dawn l-affarijiet ma naqrawhomx fuq it T.O.M .
Dawn ta Gonzipn lanqas qoxra m'ghandom f'wicchom. Kif lanqas jisthu jidru fil-pubbliku izjed u izjed fil-Parlament. Mela sewwa ghamel Joseph li l-MP's ghandom jithallsu skond l-attendza taghhom fil-Parlament. U mbaghad tara l-gonzipn jipprova jirredikola din il-proposta. Mhux ta b'xejn haduha bi kbira it-telfa li soffrew ghax issa spiccatilhom ic-cejca. Flus il=poplu kienu ghamluh qisu taghhom. U d-dejn tiela bis-sekondi, x'jitnellhu l-aqwa li huma lienu paxxuti.
I don't think it's such a big deal. Nevertheless I do not think her position as a Member of Parliament is now untenable. She should resign.
I fail to understand the heaps of praise on Gonzi when he announced his resignation. The level of corruption in the Government he led, known infamously as GONZIPN, has been the most corrupt in Malta's history and this new revelation about Marthese Portelli is yet another nail in his coffin. GOOD RIDDANCE and may those corrupt rot in hell. In the meantime is the new government going to insist that Ms Portelli refunds public money deceiptedly allegedly stolen?
If Nationalist MP Marthese Portelli attended just one meeting out of 11 board meetings , it would only be fair that she refunds back 10/11 of the €3,494 honorarium.... or at least give it to a local charity!
Tafu tisthu Nazzjonalisti ?
Allura issa nistaqsi... Ha ssir nkjesta kif saret gewwa l-habs ta kordin ghax xi haddiema telqu saghtejn qabel mix-xoghol??? Jew ghax din wahda mill-hut il-kbar, allura jintefa kollox taht it-tapit????
Is-sinjura Portelli setghet taghmel hekk u ma tattendix l-board meetings imma tithallas xorta wahda. Dik membru tal-PN u dawk ghandhom dritt sagrosant li jaghmlu kollox kif jaqblilhom. Il-problema kienet tkun kieku kien xi hadd tal-PL. Kieku holl xaharek u gib iz-zejt. Kemm hi sabiha l-bidla. Malta taghna lkoll u mela taghhom biss.
Tghid din biss ghamlet hekk? Min jaf kemm ghad iridu jinkixfu kazijiet ohra ta' hlasijiet ghal xejn.
Things like this have been going on for years and years but nobody brings these things up except before or after a General Election. Is that fair? No. Politicians and Government workers do this sort of thing all the time. Look for the needle in the stack and if you look hard enough you will find it for shure. "We are Maltese and we do as we please". Go figure!