Gonzi confirms intention to step down as MP

Former PN leader says he will renounce his Parliamentary seat, as both sides of the House sing his praises.

Lawrence Gonzi
Lawrence Gonzi

In what could be his last speech in Parliament, former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that despite his imminent resignation from Parliament, he would be supporting the PN during its current transition process.

Confirming his intention to stand down from Parliament, Gonzi said that he had yet to decide which role he would occupy once he resigns his seat and he would be making an announcement on his next  endeavor in the next few days.

Wishing his successor Simon Busuttil the best he said "The Opposition must keep the government on its toes and must be constructive, propose ideas and offer an alternative."

Gonzi's address followed brief speeches by the Speaker Anglu Farrugia, his successor at the helm of the PN Simon Busuttil and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat who crossed the aisle to shake hands with his former rival at the end of Gonzi's speech.

Admitting his embarrassment in what could well be his last address in Parliament, Gonzi said he was proud of having sat on all sides of the Parliament, refering to his experience as Speaker of the House, Prime Minister and leader of the Opposition in his career which span over 25 years.

Gonzi said that he was drew pride in leading a country that "created great wealth and one of the best welfare systems in the world despite its size and its limitations."

Pointing out the country's great potential he praised the people's generosity and resilience which was exposed during the Libyan crisis.

In his concluding remarks, Gonzi offered a few words of advise to Speaker Anglu Farrugia, telling him that his rulings should not be given to please one or all sides of the House, but he must make sure that his rulings were correct.

Turning to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, the former PN leader said: "The Prime Minister's job is not easy...I wish him the best because he shoulders the great responsibility of taking the best decisions in the interest of our families and our country."

PN leader Simon Busuttil described Gonzi as "a statesman who put the national interest above anything else."

"I thank Lawrence Gonzi for leaving behind him a modern and developed country with a bright future ahead of it," Busuttil said. 

Busuttil said his predecessor was the architect of the country's modernisation and had left the country in a better state than the one he took over.

"Post EU accession, Lawrence Gonzi took a number of important decisions and the introduction of the Euro in 2008 and joining the Schengen Agreement are among his greatest achievements," Busuttil said.

Citing pension reform, Air Malta's restructuring and other landmarks achievements in Goinzi's nine years in office, Busuttil said that despite paying a political price for some of these decisions, Gonzi went ahead with them in the national interest.

"Above all Lawrence Gonzi built an economic model based on three pillars; work, health and education," the new PN leader sent. 

Busuttil also sang Gonzi's praises for achieving €1.1 billion in EU funds and for his central role in the Libyan crisis in 2010.

On his part, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said: "In my opinion, Gonzi joins the list of the great Prime Ministers this country had, which forged the country's fortunes throughout the years."

"I feel a little bit awkward in trying to predict Lawrence Gonzi's decision whether to he will remain an MP or not and I hope he does stay on because he has a lot to offer," Muscat said to great applause from the Opposition benches.

Praising Gonzi's abilities, Muscat said: "It was not an easy task to face you everyday for five years but I must say it was a great honour."

He expressed hope that he would have the same loyal and frirendly relationship with Gonzi's successor Simon Busuttil.

Saying he would stray away from mentioning Gonzi decisions which he did not agree with, Muscat thanked Gonzi for placing the rights of disabled persons on the national agenda as the first chairman of the Commission for Persons with Disability in the eighties.

He added that Gonzi's wife, Kate should also take credit for the important role she played

Muscat also thanked former Labour Prime Minister Alfred Sant for his service to the country and his crucial role in fostering healthy Parliamentary debates in his years on the Opposition benches.

Speaker Anglu Farrugia thanked Gonzi and praised the former Prime Minister for the sterling work he carried out in his long political career, including his eight-year stint as Speaker of the House.

Emmanuel Mallia
Oh yes, I am sure he is supervising the transition process from one clique to the other, under the same hidden Grandmaster !
Emmanuel Mallia
It worth noting some (we citizens, who elect them, do know them all )perks enjoyed by MPs and top government officials, CEO and Chairpersons. Free life insurance for them, and their family, all their utility bills paid by parliament, all their phone and tv fees paid by parliament, monthly petrol allowance, a pension, equal to their salary, if they serve two terms in parliament, annual extra entertainment money for guests, clothing allowance, reserved parking at Materdei. These are just those well known, perhaps others are kept low profile, otherwise we may get very angry ! Keep on voting gente, keep on voting.
Emmanuel Mallia
And, after a so called career in politics, he will still be enjoying perks ! As soon as he reaches his retirement age, he will be enjoying a pension equal to his current salary !!! The two thirds, or current maximum of 900 euro pension, works only for us , miserable man in the street who vote for them. No wonder people turn to politics !
Dear all, this is not really praise, this is the Maltese diplomatic way of burying somebody. Everybody knows that when someone dies all chant out how splendid that person was through his lifetime even though deep down they know it is not the truth. Of course the hypocritical diplomatic threshold varies from person to person and some will not succumb to praise a person who does not deserve it.
Grazzi Dr. Gonzi ta kull ma ghamilt ghal dan il pajjiz !! To all you hopeless bloggers....jekk tafu x, jigifieri bloggers....kemm tparlaw fil vojt. Ipokriti huma dawk li gawdew taht iz zmien kollu li ghamel il PN fil gvern u jibqaw juru l injoranza grassa li ghandhom f mohhom. Kollha professuri u kollha tidhru kemm tifmu fil politika. Il hdura li tohrog minn dawn in nies hija inkredibbli. Impossibbli li hawn daqhekk mhuh bhal qara baghli ghax meta nitkellem ma nies gewwini laburisti ukoll jghidu li Gonzi kien mexxej tajjeb. Bhal kull Prim ministru kellu it tajjeb u il hazin....mux bhal bloggers li jiktbu li jidhru li jifhmu f kollox u imbghad lanqas fil hass ma jifhmu. Xi dwejjaq ta nies .... QAZZISTUNA U QALLAJTUNA !!!!
My fellow citizens and tax payers. Stand by for a major shock. As per decrees enacted by GONZIPN when Gonzi steps down the present Government will have to pay him 2 years salary as PM to get him back on his feet (sic.) - the salary he gave to himself and not that which Joseph Muscat is now receiving. And he might even be appointed your (certainly not mine) President, to boot. No wonder Nostradamus in one of his quatrains stated that he "weeps for Malta".
So finally he goes (with who knows what amount package he has made up over the years with his eu 500 per week, although he said that it was returned ) Believe him?????
Emmanuel Mallia
This is politics and diplomacy ! And PN knows it very well, because they always choose, cunning, deceiving, false truth lawyers, as their leaders ! Unfortunately, he stood by a lawyer, as his adviser and was very obedient !
ma jridx xi raggiera hux issa wara il hmieg kollu li ghaddiena minnu ......qed jilghaba ta qaddis issa .... I P O K R I T A.
I fail to understand the heaps of praise on Gonzi when he announced his resignation. The level of corruption in the Government he led, known infamously as GONZIPN, has been the most corrupt in Malta's history. I agree with Xifajk that all of a sudden Dimensja has fallen on the new Government. Where are the promises that Justice will be done on those who have been so corrupt and those who were politically responsible for this corruption. GOD FORBID THAT THE NEW GOVERNMENT WOULD EVEN REMOTELY CONSIDER GONZI FOR THE NEXT PRESIDENT. I WOULD NOT ACCEPT TO BE CALLED MALTESE IF THEY DID.
Please close the door on your way out. Thank you for resigning and no thank you for your successor.
Sing his praises? I am singing his praises , singing HALELULIAH Go Gonzi Go! No big loss and certainly will GIVE him as much RESPECT AS he and his Predecessor THE Emeri. Eddie gave PL supporters , those that did not have a BLUE WRAPPING! N
Gonzi will run for an MEP.
IPOKRITI. Insejna kollox f'daqqa wahda. DIMENSIJA ASSOLUTA. Sewwa jghidu l il-POLITIKA MAHMUGA