MEP Metsola signs EP declaration against online child sex abuse content
European Parliament written declaration calls for need of closer cooperation between law enforcement agencies in investigating online child sex abuse content
Roberta Metsola, Member of the European Parliament, has joined calls for increased global efforts to combat online child sexual abuse content.
After signing a European Parliament Written Declaration that calls for the need for closer cooperation between law enforcement agencies, in investigating the production and distribution of sexually abusive images and videos of children, Dr Metsola said she fully agrees with the Declaration and emphasised that behind every image of child sexual abuse lies an actual victim.
"The continued cooperation between authorities in Malta, other countries and international bodies is crucial in preventing the production, possession and distribution of such content. Adequate reporting and take-down mechanisms are needed on a global level and every European citizen must be provided with the necessary means to report child sex abuse content to a relevant national body or organisation," Metsola said.
Further highlighting the global effort needed to tackle the problem, the Declaration calls upon the Commission to also focus efforts on developing countries to establish take-down mechanisms that are transparent and meet required global standards.
"This is a global problem that calls for a global solution. We need to ensure that we need to always remain one step ahead of the offenders and the networks that support them and that at the same time we keep raising awareness to ensure that we are all better protected from this type of crime," Metsola said.
The Declaration enjoys the support of MEPs hailing from different political groups.