Maltese spring hunting ‘an offence for Europe’ – Italian MEP

Andrea Zanoni MEP says only sanctions can strike fear in the Maltese if spring hunting is to end [VIDEO]

MEP Andrea Zanoni.
MEP Andrea Zanoni.

Spring hunting is "an offence for Europe" and the only Malta can learn is if it is taken to the European Court of Justice and sanctions are imposed, Italian liberal MEP Andrea Zanoni (ALDE) said today.

"Europe must have a 'flash of pride'... for Malta, the only language that appears to provoke fear is the imposition of sanctions. It is therefore imperative that the European Commission and the European Court of Justice take immediate action," Zanoni insisted.

In a heated intervention on the Maltese spring hunting derogation, Zanoni said that hunters are authorised to kill 16,000 birds during Spring, when the migrating birds are nesting.

"This represents an offence to the whole of the EU," he reiterated.

Referring to petitions submitted to the European Parliament for other types of hunting, with numerous emails sent by various EU citizens, Zanoni said that Malta shouldn't be treated any differently.

"The law must be equal for all," Zanoni said "We now open infringement procedure against Malta."

Zanoni said Europe must take immediate action against Malta in light of the various illegalities reported, including the shooting down of protected species during the spring hunting season.

Ban this pathetic waste of time somebody please
Ban this pathetic waste of time somebody please
Where was this Zanoni during the last 10 years? Does he know that the current government has barely been two months in power and did not change a thing from the policies adopted by the previous GonziPN government? Is this Zanoni insane to come up with these conclusions and this kind of proposal?
Signor Zanoni you know what is offensive to Europe, the killing of innocent babies by abortion like you "Chatolic" country exercises. The killings and murders by the Mafia, Indragetta and other gangs. If you value a bird's life more than a human one then you are "Gran figlio di ........."