PN accuses Muscat of putting himself ‘above the rules’

Nationalist Party accuses Prime Minister of disrespecting the Code of Ethics, placing himself above the rules.

After the Prime Minister declared that none of his ministers and parliamentary secretaries were in breach of the code of ethics, the Nationalist Party accused Joseph Muscat of "putting himself above the rules".

The criticism follows comments given to the press in which Muscat denied that the government was disrespecting the code of ethics, justifying the statement by adding that the code of ethics was being revised.

The code of ethics is clear in that "as soon as a Minister is appointed, it is expected of him not to continue with his private work. He should devote his whole time to his official duties. The prohibition covers also consultancies, attendance at offices/clinics, to give professional advice etc; even if the work is not remunerated".

Yet, Muscat allowed parliamentary secretary Franco Mercica a 'limited waiver' to perform specialized eye surgery; while Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella last week admitted to still seeing patients on Saturday mornings although he was not charging them.

"When the Nationalist government made the code of ethics, it made it clear that ministers cannot carry out private work," the PN said.

"A minister is there to serve the country, dedicating it his full attention. Private practice places a minister in conflict of interest and the question arises: who is a minister going to serve? Those who truly deserve his attention or his private clients?"

Last month, MaltaToday attempted to acquire the list of ministers who by now should have informed the Prime Minister they have given up interests in private companies following their appointment to the Cabinet. No replies were forthcoming.

According to point 46 of the Code of Ethics, every minister must inform the Prime Minister in writing of the arrangements made.

"We are Maltese and we do as we please." Remember those days of the early seventies when the MLP was in Government? I think that Joseph Muscat is thinking and doing the same thing. He only believes in the Code of Ethics, if and when it suits him. Very convenient Dr Joseph Muscat. One cannot twist the Code of Ethics to his liking. The Code of Ethics is there to protect one's honour and should not be conveniently changed to suit one's needs. The good Doctor should know that too. He knew ahead of time what and where he was heading for before the election. Cannot have the cake and eat it too.
"We are Maltese and we do as we please." Remember those days of the early seventies when the MLP was in Government? I think that Joseph Muscat is thinking and doing the same thing. He only believes in the Code of Ethics, if and when it suits him. Very convenient Dr Joseph Muscat. One cannot twist the Code of Ethics to his liking. The Code of Ethics is there to protect one's honour and should not be conveniently changed to suit one's needs. The good Doctor should know that too. He knew ahead of time what and where he was heading for before the election. Cannot have the cake and eat it too.
Emmanuel Mallia
Much more serious was that Gonzi remained a DICTATOR in the last few months of his rule !
Skuzi ta! Mela l-kodici ta' etika ta' Eddie Fenech Adami huma l-kmandamenti t'Alla? Dawk ma jistax jibdilhom il-bniedem. Jew issa wara li lahhaqtuh President, tridu taghmluh alla wkoll?
Ahjar li l- Labour jara minn pogga lilu innifsu above the rules bid-tenders li hargu fl-ahhar sitt xhur ta l-elezzjoni; fejn minn ma ikunx ha kuntratti kbar qabel, awotmatikament jigi eleminat! Anqas titwemmen, anke issa illum f'Mejju 2013 it-tenders iggerjati ghal tal-klikka ghadhom! Above the rules? Tal-klikka!
Dear PN: What about your position on 4 million commission fees, engaging a contactor from the yellow pages and discriminating against Labourits for years on end?
Dear elwenzu using your own F verb. The previous Ministers also F the rules like the trip to watch Arsenal and the 5000 Euro Maltese clock. What is worse is that these people did not only F the rules but they FUCKED THE WHOLE BLOODY COUNTRY. The pot cannot call the kettle black. This kind of criticism is just pathetic.
Simon Busuttil ftit ilu qalilna li ma setghux jghaddu ligijiet mill-parlament ghax ma kellhomx maggoranza, imma xorta wahda komplew jiggvernaw ghal aktar minn sena. Ghidli daqsxejn minn kien "above the rules" issa? Dejjem l-istess storja tal-PN. Jaraw it-tibna f'ghajn haddiehor u ma jarawx it-travu f'ghajnejhom. Striehu izjed ghax ghandkom bzonn.
What does one expect from politicians? Once their feet are under the table it's "fuck all the rules, OK"? They're all the bloody same.