Updated | Women’s confederation irked by Gozo bishop homily on abortion

Gozo bishop talks about abortion and "womens' pseudo-rights" during homily dedicated to women.

Bishop Mario Grech
Bishop Mario Grech

Abortion is murder, Gozo Bishop Mario Grech said in a reiteration of the staunch Catholic doctrine precept. But in the same breath he pointed out that while medical treatment for mothers which indirectly puts the unborn child's life at risk may be ethically permissible, the abortion of a foetus is not acceptable.

In a homily in Gozo dedicate to the celebration of the Catholic day for international women's organisations, Grech paid lip service to the progress on women's rights in the fight against domestic violence, but in the same breath expressed concern at attempts to "equate the protection of human life from conception, to a violation of women's rights."

He was referring to human rights advocated ICJ (International Commission of Jurists), which last year recommended the decriminalisation of abortion in Malta.

Grech pointed out that the UN declaration on the rights of the child says: "Whereas  the child, by reason of his physical and  mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and  care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth."

"Abortion is murder. Who carries out abortion, shoulders grave moral responsibility. When a pregnant mother is seriously ill and requires medical treatment which could indirectly put the unborn child's life at risk, the treatment is ethically permissible as long as all options to protect the mother and the child are explored. The direct killing of children in order to save the mother is never acceptable."

Grech also thanked the Labour Party and the PN for consistently opposing abortion and being pro-life.

MCWO reaction

In a reaction, the Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations hit out at the homily, expressing concern at Grech's statement that abortion to save a mum's life is never acceptable. "We believe that the life of the mother is at the very least as valuable as the life of the unborn child, but such statements suggest otherwise," spokesperson Kate Bonello Sullivan said.

"One should keep in mind that under such tragic circumstances the persons involved, especially the mother, need our full and unconditional  support. Such categorical statements can only bring added pressure and problems to those concerned.

"Much more emphasis should have been made on the fact that life-saving medical care to the mother is ethically acceptable, even if it indirectly harms the foetus. This gives a more humane face to the church and our society."

Bonello Sullivan said that the initiative by Catholic home Dar Guzeppa Debono to pray for babies at risk of abortion, should also include prayers for the life of mothers at risk.

ICJ report

In its report, the ICJ had recommended the decriminalisation of abortion and that Maltese women should have access to safe and legal abortions in situations where their life or health may be at risk "or where respect for the right to freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment so requires."

"Considerations of this kind are unacceptable because they focus on pseudo women rights and completely disregard the human right to exist from the moment of conception. Humans, born or unborn, have a right to life. The weaker the human being is the bigger the responsibility of society to protect the human being."

Malta's Criminal Code prohibits the termination of pregnancy, specifying that both women who procure miscarriages and medical professionals who perform or assist them may be held criminally responsible.

The terms of the law do not envisage any exception and as a result even abortion for therapeutic purposes, such as to save the life of a pregnant woman, is subject to this prohibition.

The ICJ had noted that these provisions undermine Malta's compliance with its obligations to ensure women's enjoyment of the rights to life and highest attainable standard of health, and freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, as enshrined  in the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the ICCPR,  the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the Convention against Torture.

In October last year, the death of Savita Halappanavar at University College hospital in Galway, Ireland become the focus of international debate and protests over Ireland's strict laws on abortion.

The 31-year-old died eight days after being admitted in hospital when she was 17 weeks pregnant. Her husband claimed that a doctor, named at the inquest in Galway as Dr Katherine Astbury, told him that a termination which could have saver the mother's life could not be performed because "this is a Catholic country."

Emmanuel Mallia
Maltesecross, I am sure that the French and Italian bishops do not agree with you ! They both spoke up and in France, the catholic church organized anti-gay marriages and anti gay adoptions public marches and protests. It is our bishops who are cowards, and I dare say they have to answer God for their silence !! The mentality of the Maltese has changed and the times of the Gonzi-Mintoff tug of war is well over !!
Emmanuel Mallia
Silence is also an answer !
Priscilla Darmenia
@ Giordano Bruno - On the way you put your argument, one can say that a doctor should not comment about any disease or illness because he has never experienced it on himself. – If you are a Christian I remind you when Peter told Jesus that his words were too heavy and people were leaving them, to which Jesus replied “Do you want to go too?” Peter was wise and chose to stay and follow the heavy rules imposed by Christ. – The bishop is doing his duty as a good shepherd of Christ’s sheep. – No one is stopping anyone from not accepting the teaching of the church and those who do not accept the church teaching can go. – In my opinion it is better to have quality then quantity in the church.
Emmanuel Mallia
This is what the Maltese bishop should be talking about , not MEPA ! We want our Maltese bishop to openly condemn Alternativa Demokratika on its stand on queer marriages, and child adoption. As Rev Bishop Sheen once said "Hopefully we will be in heaven and see people that we never expected to see there, and missing people whom we expected to see " Being a clergyman does not mean you have a pre-paid ticket to heaven, or that you hold the keys of St Peter and use it your own way !
Dear Bishop, You are not qualified to talk about women's rights becasue your organisation descriminates women and barrs them from the priesthood. Please get it through your head that nobobody but nobody has a right to decide about a woman's body but the woman concerned. Your church would make more sense if it concentrated on the millions of born children perishing of starving.
No need for anyone to be irked or hot under the collar. The Bishop of Gozo has as much right to proclaim his conservative values as we have to right to simply ignore them. This week has been an epiphany in stem cell research where for the first time a hiuman embryo has been developed to the blastocyst stage - around 150 cells - which is enough to provide a source of embryonic stem cells. The bishop and other conservatives can raise hell or appeal to high heaven but science will march on to open a new path to repairing the human body and in treating ailments and injuries
By the Gods, when one looks at the history of the catholic church- rich in murder- this dinosaur is naught but a total hypocrite.
Now that the bishop has lost the divorce issue he has to start a new witch hunt with pregnant mothers if he thinks we should kilk the mothers he is gravely mistaken. We need to defend all women right against the tyranny of the maltese church who is only interested in regaining its positions of importance but is failing rapidly.
"Catholic day for international women's organisations" is one heck of an oxymoron. It's time for our legislators to take action to protect women - by creating laws that are not based on the church's warped and anachronistic views on morality.
The Bishop has everyright to say what he believes is true. And so does everyone else.
Another foot in the mouth. should catch up with this century. its a pity the waste of time looking backward.
Who was the bishop preaching to? I wonder.