National literacy strategy up for consultation, tablets to form part of framework
70% of students’ education success depends on factors outside school – experts.
Education Minister Evarist Bartolo has launched the National Literacy Strategy for All framework for consultation. The strategy is expected to come into force in the next scholastic year.
Labour's electoral pledge on the introduction of tablets in primary schools will form part of the strategy, Bartolo confirmed adding that the strategy focused on both traditional and digital literacy.
"Digital literacy is an intrinsic part of students' learning and tablets will be introduced in this regard," he said.
The rollout of tablets will be discussed during the consultation period and more details as to how and when tablets will be distributed to students. It is being suggested that the first to receive the tablets should be the teachers. Another suggestion is to start off with a number of schools to see how the use of tablets will impact the students.
"We want to do our utmost to ensure that every one in Malta is provided with the best opportunities to acquire the required literacy skills. This goal will be achieved through the strategy and a complementary National Literacy Campaign which will target different sectors of society," Bartolo said.
To help push students to read more, the ministry will be appointing Reading Ambassadors. These ambassadors will be VIPs, sportsman and individuals which children look up to as their role models.
The minister also highlighted the importance of the strategy to be implemented as a government plan, endorsed by ministries, social partners and civil society.
"70% of the students' educational success depends on factors outside school. Only 15% depends on the teachers and another 15% depends on the school environment. It is therefore important that educational strategies go beyond the school walls."
Bartolo also revealed that the ministry will be the seeking help of Finnish education expert Pasi Sahlberg to help out with education strategies in Malta.
The National Literacy Strategy for All will propose a number of measures, for implementation with diverse groups of Maltese society, which should have long-lasting effects.
The strategy will also focus on the range of literacy skills required to ensure competence in Maltese and English. It will support dual literacy and seek to ensure that it is fully embedded within the education system in Malta.
Next week, the government will also launch a strategy on services to be given to disadvantaged students and a policy to address early school leavers who do not have the necessary skills to advance.
The public can submit its recommendations on the strategy at [email protected] .