Balzan accuses Muscat of repeating Fenech Adami’s mistakes
From his years at Alternattiva Demokratika to his relationship with John Dalli, MediaToday's Managing Editor Saviour Balzan bares all in an interview with Andrew Azzopardi.
In a frank interview with Andrew Azzopardi on Radju Malta, MediaToday's managing director Saviour Balzan spoke about his recently published book 'Saying it as it is' and his career spanning over four decades.
Turning to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat's address in Parliament earlier this week in which he heaped praise on his predecessor and former adversary Lawrence Gonzi, Balzan said that while political maturity demands that politicians respect each other, Muscat's speech reminded him of Eddie Fenech Adami's conscious decision to ignore the scandals that happened in the seventies and eighties.
"Fenech Adami was harshly criticised upon taking office in 1987 for forgetting everything, so much so that a number of police officers who tortured people in the eighties ended up being promoted within the corps or ended up directing our prisons," Balzan said.
He also said that the Nationalist Party should take a step back in criticising the Labour government's appointments which smacked of nepotism.
"The Labour government needs to apply meritocracy, and I will be the first to point it out if it does not happen. The PN are not in a position to criticise the government. Us journalists are. All appointments by the PN administration, with the notable exception of the Presidency, were made according to people's political beliefs."
Speaking on the judiciary, Balzan said this was marred by subjectivity based on who the person present before the court was.
"Everyone should be treated the same... but in this country the tendency is to look at a person and base your decision according to who you, where you come from and which political party do you side with."