Buttigieg sees Eurovision experience as platform to gay community

Claudette Buttigieg, candidate for the PN deputy leadership post for party affairs, interviewed by Sunday newspaper Illum.

Claudette Buttigieg
Claudette Buttigieg

In an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, PN deputy leader candidate Claudette Buttigieg speaks about her decision to contest the election.

Buttigieg speaks about her humble past in farming and growing up being active in different committees at University as Secretary of the University Students Council (KSU) and as an Equal Rights Officer.

Buttigieg explains how the 2000 Eurovision experience will help her get closer to the public, also giving her a platform amongst the gay community considering that this festival is highly followed by the LGBT community.

She also treats her relationship with ONE TV in the past. The ex-jazz singer explains her plans for the PN as she basis her campaign on principles, energy and communication.

Buttigieg also highlights the importance of diversity in the Nationalist Party, considered a domain for male lawyers and doctors.  

Read the full interview in Illum


Emmanuel Mallia
Queers need medical research The rights of Marriage and adoption of children is reserved for normal people !!! Queers have been lobbying tyring to convince us that is is something normal, well nature tells us it is not !!!! Yes I am catholic and proud. But being catholic does not mean the liturgy, chants, never ending functions etc, but a way of life.
@Serracin: You are a pathetic douche bag. Being gay is not a medical condition but a genetic diversity as having blue eyes, brow eyes, etc. It cannot be reversed and above all this stupid crap that you dish out as a bigot loser, championing to be a Catholic (obviously fake), gay people are above all HUMAN BEINGS. People should not be judged on their sexuality but on their behaviour. Bigots like you are a plague to society which should be eliminated fromt he face of the Earth.
@serracin F*ck your catholic values, they should be kept out of politics in the first place. If you weren't so stupid, you would know that being "queer" is not a medical condition, that's a fact and denying it just proves how ignorant you are.
She becomes more beautiful as she ages, could it be the Botox effect.
Emmanuel Mallia
Ah , Her PN campaign issue ! Our politicians put their personal interests ahead of our catholic values. Now. queers are turning to the entertainment industry for lobbying, instead of turning to medical research to reverse their medical condition !
Priscilla Darmenia
In the printed article in the newspaper Ms Buttigieg is quoted to say that the PN while concentrating on governing the country abandoned the party. – Ms Buttigieg is living in Kuku land it seems or she must have a very, very short memory. – The GonziPN abandoned the governing of the country to continually try to mend the pieces of the party that continuously was being broken.