Buttigieg sees Eurovision experience as platform to gay community
Claudette Buttigieg, candidate for the PN deputy leadership post for party affairs, interviewed by Sunday newspaper Illum.
In an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, PN deputy leader candidate Claudette Buttigieg speaks about her decision to contest the election.
Buttigieg speaks about her humble past in farming and growing up being active in different committees at University as Secretary of the University Students Council (KSU) and as an Equal Rights Officer.
Buttigieg explains how the 2000 Eurovision experience will help her get closer to the public, also giving her a platform amongst the gay community considering that this festival is highly followed by the LGBT community.
She also treats her relationship with ONE TV in the past. The ex-jazz singer explains her plans for the PN as she basis her campaign on principles, energy and communication.
Buttigieg also highlights the importance of diversity in the Nationalist Party, considered a domain for male lawyers and doctors.
Read the full interview in Illum